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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Do you believe in Aliens?
  • I'm dubious of faster than life travel being for reasons beyond our understanding of physics. If there were a reasonable way to do so 1 race anywhere in the galaxy could have colonized the entire galaxy or at least a substantial portion thereof in only a few million years. If it is possible it seems to suggest that life is so rare that there are very few forms of higher intelligent life in the galaxy at any given time and probably relatively few ever.

  • Computer RAM gets biggest upgrade in 25 years but it may be too little, too late — LPCAMM2 won't stop Apple, Intel and AMD from integrating memory directly on the CPU
  • Why would you think soldering would increase performance vs socketed at all much less provide "much higher performance"

    If soldered was the only option ans 6 skud was enough for everyone everyone would have to buy very expensive hardware to increase one spec instead of smart people getting to mix match and upgrade.

  • What's the difference between package manager and why are there so many?
  • Are they so different that it’s justified to have so many different distributions?

    Linux isn't a project its a source compatible ecosystem. A parts bin out of which different people assemble different things. The parts being open source means you don't need anyone's permission or justification to make something different out of them.

    From these many and varied efforts comes life, vitality, interest, intellectual investment. You can't just take the current things you like best and say well what if we all worked on THOSE when many of them wouldn't even have existed save for the existence of a vital ecosystem that supported experimentation and differentiation.

    If we really believed in only pulling together maybe you would be developing in cobol on your dos workstation.

  • If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.
  • Hamas isn't resisting they snuck uo on civilians to murder women, children, the old, and the crippled and took over a hundred hostage to slowly slaughter on video live before the world.

    Where are the Palestinians resisting this behavior. No society would tolerate a neighbor doing that.

    A good time line would have Israelis and Palestinians working together against monsters instead of killing each other but the honest truth is that the majority of Palestinians support terror like the majority of Israelis support displacement of the Palestinians.

    What do you propose Israel does? Shall we begin an era of endless terror by proving it works?

  • [Discussion] How do you feel about citizenship, immigrants (and emigrants) and voting / political representation?
  • Go far enough back and there were no passports but you were near certain to be killed if you wandered into another tribes space. Horrific violence is incredibly common. Go further and you might be able to wander in to trade but not welcome to settle and only if a handful of assholes who run everything hadn't personally decided they had a dispute you ordinary folks ought to die over with zero recourse to pick new assholes.

    Looking backwards is almost always a mistake because most of history is pretty awful.

  • Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded.
  • Most bugs aren't unconditionally experienced by all comers or they would have been fixed. It's entirely possible there are 17 horrible game breaking experience ruining bugs every single one triggered by a very specific combination of factors in a given work and out of millions of players one person to hit 5 and hate their life and many hit zero.

    If you had bothered to read you would note they mention concrete defects that effected their playing not nits they were picking based on depth of experience.

    Given extremely misery return policies if your game's profitability is actually materially harmed let alone destroyed by returns you might have released a broken piece of shit and need to blame yourself rather than customers who believed in you enough to at least initially put their money where their mouth is.

    You see what others don’t and this doesn’t help you feel positive about products.

    Its a fucking game. If it doesn't make you forget about it being a "product" and divert your attention from the reality for a few hours its developers have wholly and completely failed.

    your professional mind deformation

    Did this sound like how humans talk when you said it?

    I ask QAs questions like your fantasy to find out whether the person is able to perceive different work aspects from a business perspective

    You try to hire people who are literal soulless robots who think about the money that can be made from convincing people to pay you to shovel shit into their brain instead of having fun.

    . This is very important to discover in an interview to filter the red flag attitude

    Holy shit you might actually eventually hire someone who gives a fuck

    I wish you the best, OP.

    I just said you were a piece of shit nobody should hire but I totally "wish you the best". If its a person you ought to avoid hiring its a person who walks into a legit conversation, shits all over it, insults people, and talks like a fucking robot.

    Can you possibly keep your negativity to yourself if you have nothing useful to contribute next time?

  • Visualizing the World’s Most Widely Spoken Languages in 2023
  • If you teleport to a random location there is a pretty good chance of sinking immediately into the ocean never to return so hope you speak fish? Following that are the inhospitable locations like deserts, deep in some forest or other, frozen mountains and other slightly slower routes to your eventual demise. Then all the places where you will be regarded as some sort of invader or trespasser.

    Looks like about 70% is later and only about 10% of the remainder is inhabited so about 3% chance of landing somewhere with land and people.

  • Stereotypes are wrong and bad
  • I don’t know what kind of relationships you’ve had with men

    I'm a straight man. If you think I'm being unfair to men I'm not. I'm just capable of looking at myself and others critically and fairly and not bullshitting myself by pretending to cold and saintly virtue. To be without passion or drive is neither virtuous or desirable. I don't need to research men to understand what it is to be a man especially a young man. I'm sorry you are so confused that you can't even have this conversation maturely.

  • Stereotypes are wrong and bad
  • You’re talking as if women didn’t have sexual desires and...

    I didn't say they didn't . I'm not sure why you would think that.

    What about asexuals?

    The overwhelming majority of men are neither gay nor asexual. My statement is generally correct.

    What about men that have respect for their SO and don’t see sex as the final goal?

    It's either the final goal or its on the way there. Young men want sex. Sexual tension is a factor even if neither he nor she sees it as a likely thing. Failing to understand that is liable to lead to failing to apprehend human behavior which often makes no sense if we remove such tension. Men don't just do things for love they do things for imaginary hypothetical love neither party believes will ever happen. Watch people interact sometime.

  • Stereotypes are wrong and bad
  • I don't think the person was saying they would really say that they are saying that they are pointlessly calling out the elephant in the room. As a teenage girl if you aren't a gargoyle literally every teenage boy is thinking about you sexually because that is the level of hormonal reality. It's like saying stop talking to me you just have 2 eyes and 2 arms.

  • What UI design trend do you hate the most?
  • Present wisdom is to design something that would work well on mobile first so single column and then make it work on larger screens the easiest way being to keep everything the same except for replacing ☰ with the actual nav menu at a certain width and setting a max width that keeps it looking like stretched out crap.