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michael michael

Fighting my own demons.

You can also find me as [email protected]

Posts 1
Comments 5
Milk Yea or Milk Nay?
  • I’m a big fan of milk in most black teas and in my matcha.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yes, I was a distro hopper up until I tried Tumbleweed for the first time. Been using it for two years now, hopped around for a year prior.

  • Why did people used to hate Fortnite so much?
  • Personally, I wasn’t a fan of the art style or the building aspect. I know a lot of people didn’t like the building, and now there is a no build mode for us. As for the art style, I still don’t like it, but whatever.

  • For iOS users looking for an app, there is a quick and easy solution
  • For me, yeah, it’s more about Reddit/spez’s behavior. While I was frustrated about losing 3rd party apps, I would’ve likely continued to use Reddit in some capacity. But then Reddit/spez went absolutely crazy and I decided I was completely done with it. I don’t want to be part of a platform run like that by that kind of person.

  • /kbin meta michael

    For iOS users looking for an app, there is a quick and easy solution

    I apologize if this has already been covered, but I’ve seen a lot of people talking about a need for a kbin app. While I agree that a native app would be nice to have eventually, I figured that quite a few people probably aren’t aware of how web apps work. I don’t use Android, so I have no idea if there is an equivalent way to do this on Android phones.

    If you are looking at kbin in Safari, simply click the share button (looks like a square with an arrow pointing up) and scroll down to the option “Add to Home Screen.” Click this, set the name to whatever you want, and voila.

    You should have a kbin “app” on your Home Screen that opens in its own, closable window separate from Safari.

    You can also do this with Lemmy if you miss the functions that Mlem is lacking. I’m using web apps for both, kbin and Lemmy, myself.

    The major downside of a web app is that it isn’t as fast as a native app could be. However, a major upside of web apps is that they don’t have nearly as many permissions and hidden functionality as native apps. So, for example, you could replace the native Facebook app with the web app if you’re concerned about data on your phone.

    Do your part, try not to lurk!
  • I really wish I could edit my profile from Mlem, I hope that’s coming up on their roadmap!