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megane_kun megane-kun

Just an ordinary myopic internet enjoyer.

Can also be found at, lemmy.dbzer0, and

Posts 8
Comments 433

How This Folder Took Over the World

From the video description:

> The Manila folder is a staple of the office environment, but it's also a titan of media - it appears in detective thrillers, crime dramas, spy comedies and mundane slice of life office sitcoms. But why? How did it become so prominent? Well it all starts in the Philippines.

While file folders, as well as file envelopes, are no longer solely made from abaca fibers (aka Manila hemp), the color it lent to its products still is used as a default in file folders.

Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • My oldest account is at 9 years 10 months at the moment. Was a lurker for a time before that too. I haven't deleted my accounts out of concern of my comments reappearing, but I've kept any interaction with that site at a minimum.

    Most of the time, I just check to see if any comments resurfaced, or if I've got a love letter from the admins. Neither has happened so far, but I'm not sure it won't happen. Until then, I will keep scrubbing my accounts.

    I don't see myself returning there. I've lost any desire to do so, and my old, yet scrubbed accounts will serve as a reminder never to interact with that site ever again. Peek, if I must, but never interact.

  • [Commute] How to get to Ayala Manila Bay from LRT/Buendia?
  • Sorry for a response after a long time. I finally managed to find out a way to commute from LRT/Buendia to Ayala Manila Bay (and back).

    There are buses going to PITX passing by LRT/Buendia (and vice versa). You are dropped off near the commuter terminal area of the mall, and when going back, just cross the street at the intersection to catch a bus going the other way.

    I hope this helps any other commuter with a similar problem.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 26, 2023
  • Low salary, with great state of mental well-being. So long as my finances can still maintain that "great state of mental well-being."

    But you know, there's a case to be made for enduring that high-salary, low-happiness lifestyle just for enough time to save up, and then switch to the low-salary, high-happiness life. I am not sure I can endure that though.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 26, 2023
  • Ah, kaya pala di ko rin siya makita kahit na mag-search ako by post sa

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 26, 2023
  • I was unaware of the flooding that Ondoy caused during its peak. Electricity wasn't cut off in our area either, internet connection was doing fine as well. It was only when I attempted to go out of the house to buy some food that I realized the damage it caused. No floods in our area, thankfully, but we're almost literally an island that day.

    I should have been aware of the near-constant torrential rain all night and all throughout that morning though.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 25, 2023
  • On a more practical sense, someone once told me that discipline and habit is far more important than motivation once things are properly rolling. Motivation might be the spark that gotten things rolling, but it's discipline and habit that keeps it going. (And that I ought to listen to that advice myself.)

    However, in a more philosophical sense, I think accepting that you've lost your own spark and facing that very question “how does one be alive?” with the intent of reigniting that lost spark is pretty much facing the absurd. That facing that question every waking day of one's life, answering that question for every moment, is pretty much the point. Whether or not the answer makes sense (in the moment or otherwise) or not is irrelevant, because the value is not in the answer, but in the way we face it.

    It could be that for today, I could face it by making a slight detour in my daily commute and allowing myself to get lost on the way home, for example. It could be that for some other day, just as an example, I could choose to face it by not wearing any underwear during a work zoom meeting, relishing on that danger of being exposed. Or it could be as trivial as making pancit by using spaghetti. Or making spaghetti by using pancit bihon. All trivial things in the big picture, but if it makes my day any little more tolerable, then so be it.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 15, 2023
  • And is that a bad thing? The womb is a dark, warm, and comforting place. A place for us to get ready for the bright wide world outside.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 15, 2023
  • seems to be down right now.

  • About half of the stuff on Reddit is just "Best of Twitter"
  • That's my Subscriptions feed, sorted by hot. This is the only post that's about that orangered site.

    PS: Oh, if you're wondering, yeah, that's from I am using my account right now to make this comment though.

  • [Commute] How to get to Ayala Manila Bay from LRT/Buendia?

    Title basically says it all. As much as possible, I don't want to take a taxi/Grab/Uber going there.

    I'm somewhat aware that there are are buses from EDSA Pasay Rotonda passing nearby, thus, the route LRT/Buendia to EDSA Pasay Rotonda to Ayala Manila Bay might work, but if there are more direct routes, I'd love to know.

    Anyone using Anki here?
  • Personally, I find Anki reviews to be torturous and has always been the worst part of my routine, to the point of putting me off learning entirely.

    I do agree that it is not for everyone, and is, frankly, an acquired taste. In my own experience, however, once you've made it a habit, it becomes a lot lighter, eventually becoming routine.

    What I use it for is a bit different though: I don't use it for drilling. I find that learning stuff through Anki to be terrible, even though it is certainly possible. Rather, once I've already learned stuff, Anki would then come in to keep that information fresh, and refresh it if I happen to forget it. It doesn't mean that I won't forget what's in my cards--that's up to me to make sure that I do my reviews honestly, and even that's no guarantee. However, I think that with all that, I'd be able to retain most of what I've learned.

    Anyways, yeah~ Thanks!

  • Anyone using Anki here?
  • No problem. I'm also glad I am able to clear that up.

  • Anyone using Anki here?
  • Yeah, that's also an option--and that's what I'm going to do by default. This thread is just me trying to ask around if anyone's interested.

    Reddit has /r/Anki and /r/medicalschoolanki, the former of which has more general questions, and the latter is more specific to those who use Anki for their medical studies. I was thinking of at least replicating /r/Anki here but I'd love it for there to be a community here for those who use Anki for language-learning purposes. That community would form as a means to exchange information about best practices on how to use Anki for the purposes of language learning, sharing decks, etc.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 4, 2023
  • I can’t reply to users pero para kay megane kun yung reply ko kay decadentrebel is not lost naisingit ko lang yung about kay kasi mukhang maraming nagkakaproblema, mabilis naman mag comment sakin d2, di lang tlga ako maka reply sa mga users,

    Ah, got it~ ‌Thanks!!

    yung sa pangalawa naman is just a personal rant I didn’t reveal the details of what my exact problem since it’s just to lessen the burden of my problem I’m not suicidal btw I’m just extremely anxious right now and panicking since that required document will have a huge impact in the direction of my life

    Ah, don't worry about it. I hope that whatever it is, it'd eventually be alright.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 4, 2023
  • One thing that I think has catapulted the amount of people flocking to is the reputation of the instance as being run by competent people as well as having a very decent uptime especially compared to other large instances at the time of the Reddit blackouts.

    People just want to be on an instance that's trustworthy and reliable. Thus, I kind of understand why people just piled onto Besides, a lot of them just got redirected to by well-meaning people who just wanted to keep things simple--simple for the refugees who just wanted simple instructions (without having to choose an instance with everything that entails).

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 4, 2023
  • Wala pa ako mobile internet a long time ago so I’d have to send my tweets to a dedicated Globe number and they will post it. Parang old school telegram, lmao.

    I did this for Plurk back in the late 2000's, but not that often since the amount of lag is just incredible (but defensively so). It's a really nifty service back then though, posting through SMS, even if limited to just text.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 4, 2023
  • I didn't even think about the possibility of government censorship, tbh. I was just thinking that creating a PH-centric instance might not be viable, but perhaps an instance to serve South-east Asia might be. I also briefly entertained the mental image of a very salty SEA-centric instance (like the infamous amount of salt present in SEA gaming servers), but that just intensifies the pun in my head.

    On a more serious note, yeah. It doesn't have to be hosted here in the Philippines, maybe perhaps Singapore? That still faces the issues of skilled admins (to handle all the technical stuff associated in hosting an instance), as well as the associated expenses (and managing donations).

  • The death of Sync for Reddit is what has made me join Lemmy
  • There's also lemmynsfw for that kind of thing.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 4, 2023
  • French fries for me. Though recently I've started appreciating kamote fries.

  • Daily random discussion - Jul 4, 2023
  • I was talking to a friend about the recent issues Lemmy, and in particular is facing.

    I suggested that while the scaling issues on the Lemmy software itself is being worked upon, maybe more "bland" country/region instances where people can join is a viable solution....

    That I'd love to make an account on lemmy.sea (a Southeast Asian Lemmy instance)

    Edited typo(s)

  • Spez really is one of the humans of all time
  • Wouldn't that end up as porn?

  • Dutch court rules sultan's heirs cannot seize Malaysian assets

    A Dutch court of appeal dismissed on Tuesday a bid by eight descendants of a former sultanate to enforce a $15-billion arbitration award against the Malaysian government, which hailed the decision as a "landmark victory".

    Article text:

    > THE HAGUE/KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 (Reuters) - A Dutch court of appeal dismissed on Tuesday a bid by eight descendants of a former sultanate to enforce a $15-billion arbitration award against the Malaysian government, which hailed the decision as a "landmark victory". > > Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said the government was confident it was "closer than ever to completely nullifying" the award after the decision. > > "Malaysia trusts that today’s decision ... will put an end to the frivolous attempts of the claimants to enforce the purported final award in other jurisdictions," Anwar said in a statement. > > Last year, a Paris arbitration court awarded $14.9 billion to the Filipino heirs of the last sultan of Sulu, in a long-running dispute with Malaysia over a colonial-era land deal. > > They have since sought to seize Malaysian government assets in France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, in a bid to enforce the award. > > Malaysia, which did not participate in the arbitration, says the process is illegal. It secured a stay on the award in France but the ruling remains enforceable overseas under a U.N. treaty on arbitration. > > In September, the heirs sought permission from a Dutch court to enforce the award in the Netherlands, Reuters reported. > > However, Dutch judges sided with Malaysia, saying the original pact lacked a clause binding parties to arbitration and the French stay meant the claim was not enforceable in the Netherlands, the court said on its website on Tuesday. > > Lawyer Paul Cohen, acting for the Sulu heirs, said they were disappointed with the court decision. He would not say if they would lodge an appeal against the ruling. > > The dispute stems from an 1878 deal between European colonists and the Sultan of Sulu for use of his territory, which spanned parts of the southern Philippines and present-day Malaysia on the island of Borneo. > > Independent Malaysia paid a token sum annually to the sultan's heirs to honour the agreement but stopped in 2013, after supporters of the former sultanate launched a bloody incursion to reclaim land from Malaysia. > > The heirs say they were not involved in the incursion and sought arbitration over the suspension of payments. > > This month, a Paris court upheld the Malaysian government's challenge against enforcing a partial award to the heirs. Malaysia said the decision implied the final arbitration award would be annulled. > > -------------------- > > Reporting by Stephanie van den Berg and Rozanna Latiff in Kuala Lumpur; Editing by Robert Birsel, Clarence Fernandez and Mark Potter

    ---------- Related post:

    Malaysia wins Dutch case over Sulu heirs’ US$15 billion award on [email protected]

    --------- Edited title to reflect the linked article's title.


    Youtuber Mutahar Reacts to Being Mentioned in Philippine TV, Further Comments on Quiboloy

    From the video description:

    > This time we take a look at a situation involving one of the more powerful figures in the Philippines, Pastor Quiboloy. With a man who has such a checkered history especially with the United States it's no wonder YouTube stepped in to remove the channel. This incident had me end up on the national news of the Philippines. Wild stuff.

    languagelearning megane-kun

    Anyone using Anki here?

    Just as the post title says, is there anyone using Anki here? Would there be enough interest in making a separate Language Learning Anki community?


    How are you guys accessing and interacting with this community?

    I'm interested in knowing what you guys are using to access this community, whether or not it's via mobile phone or via laptop or desktop.

    If accessing via a laptop or a desktop, what is your OS? Windows, MacOS, or Linux? And if Linux, what distro are you using?

    If accessing via a mobile device, you can add in some details about the app you are using or if you're using it via a mobile browser.

    Of course, you guys can add more details.


    Just to provide a bit of a background behind the question: I've had this preconception that the ones here are among the more technologically-inclined (whatever that means), and thus, I'm curious about the make-up of devices and software used to access and interact with this community.

    -------------------- UPDATE:

    As promised, here's a link to the compiled data (with some rudimentary stats). I will be adding more onto them this weekend (if more replies come in).

    First of all, thank you to all who've responded. While my preconceptions haven't been shattered, I'm also pleasantly surprised to find out non-techies, refugees from Reddit, who have jumped in to the Threadiverse despite it all. I dunno if that's indicative of the dumpster fire that is Reddit right now, or the tenacity of those who've sought refuge here. Maybe both.

    I will be expanding on my thoughts, and others, on a separate reply.

    SNOOcalypse - document, discuss, and promote the downfall of Reddit. megane-kun

    Banned from /r/polandball for deleting my comments

    I've received this message on my inbox just a few hours after deleting my posts (all of them) last night.

    I'm just glad to know where they stand.

    And yes, I know that a lot of people have unsavory views about that subreddit, but I guess there's just no accounting for taste.


    Blank-ish frontpage on the desktop

    Update. I asked a friend of mine to take a look at the front page via his browser (vanilla Firefox) and it works as expected.


    I also did an earlier test on a chromium browser and it also works as expected.

    It might just be that my browser is breaking stuff, which I need to investigate deeper.


    When trying to access from the desktop, I see this blank-ish page (see attached screenshot). And whenever I try to click Subscribed, Local, or All, the same error message pops up on the lower-left-hand side of my screen:

    SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

    I wonder if it's connected to the work our admins have been doing recently.


    For disclosure, I am using LibreWolf and a userscript to make Lemmy pages look like old.reddit. I've turned off the userscript to check if the error disappears, but to no avail.

    I may have missed more details that might be helpful, but I'm willing to give such details.
