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Programmer and free/libre software enthusiast. This is my primary account on the Fediverse. See my website for an authoritative list of accounts.

Posts 13
Comments 25
USB Floppy Drive
  • Maybe worth looking into. I wonder how much shipping to Canada would cost me.

  • USB Floppy Drive

    Came across an old USB floppy drive. I plugged it into my machine and it shows up, but I can't tell it it's actually working or not. When plugged in, it sounds like it's continuously reading, so I kind of want to test it. Can you even buy floppy disks any more?

    That said, if I don't have any disks, I guess the question of whether or not it works is moot anyways.

    Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • So, after a little more digging, I found that what is displayed by finger can be changed with SDF's maint command.

    I may or may not have done this. I can't remember for certain. It's also possible that the default settings were different 10 years ago.

    Have you tried emailing [email protected]?

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • @murph It was argued that you need to have a ~/.plan file, but I do not have one.

    I do not recall having had to do anything to enable it.

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • @siipale For current accounts, yes. I can't answer definitively for legacy ones. I've only been on SDF a couple years now.

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • This is not true. I do not have a ~/.plan file. I just double checked in case I set one up and forgot about it.

    finger still pulls some basic information without one.

  • Could my 10 year old SDF account still exist?
  • You can run the command finger [email protected] to see if an account with that name exists.

  • "Thought-Terminating Cliches"
  • Considering what group this is, I'm surprised I've not seen anyone mention "not essential to your salvation".

  • 8-Bit Homebrew Processor
  • Yeah, I found his videos by jumping down a 6502 rabbit hole.

  • 8-Bit Homebrew Processor
  • Oh yeah, I can't see any practical use outside of educational, but for that purpose, it's a fantastic resource.

  • 8-Bit Homebrew Processor

    So, this isn't exactly retrocomputing and it looks like it's from four years ago, but I just found it and thought that many here may find it interesting.

    This guy built a simple 8-bit CPU out of essentially discrete logic circuits (from what I've see so far, nothing more complex than a 4-bit adder chip) and explained the entire process.…

    I'm so interested in SDF
  • @secret300 bboard and com both take some getting used to, but they're both pretty great once you do.

  • Does Mormonism Encourage Shunning?
  • I'm certain that's by design.

  • Does Mormonism Encourage Shunning?
  • I love this one:

    The fall appears hard. I'm sorry for you, your family, but agency got you here.

    You mean the same agency that was supposedly A Gift from God? Classic Mormon doublespeak.

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • @shellsharks I'm working on ironing out some bugs in the code of my virtual sushi bar in #LambdaMOO.

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • @shellsharks It's very different from what I'm used to, but I kind of like it. It feels like a solution in search of a problem at the moment.

  • What are You Working on Wednesday
  • @shellsharks I've been participating in @SDF's Plan9 bootcamp, but since I've finished the current challenges I was just reading random documentation and tweaking my account today.

  • RFM Reports on Ongoing Tim Ballard Fiasco
  • I have edited the post to include a sixth part that recently came out.

  • RFM Reports on Ongoing Tim Ballard Fiasco


    Retro Computing Mastodon Apps

    An Interesting Perspective on Callings and "Worthiness"
  • ...and I'm a level 40 paladin. What's your point?

  • An Interesting Perspective on Callings and "Worthiness"

    They're not People...They're numbers...
  • Wow. I guess I've got to give him credit for the hinesty, if nothing else.

  • HyperCard Platformer


    Mormon Excuses for Zero Financial Transparency


    ♲ (


    Bible Returning to Shelves of Utah Schools


    Watching YouTube on a Commodore Pet

    I was reminded this by another post that I just saw. Was told that it deserved its own top-level post.


    3D Printer Controlled by a KayPro


    Greetings Fellow Apostates

    Because of the nature of the fediverse, posts that were made prior to my subscribing here haven't federated to my instance but I wanted to say hi. I'm really happy to see this comminity starting to migrate here. I was /u/jlamothe on #Reddit. #ExMormon #LDS


    Increasing System Memory With The Flick Of A Switch
