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mcoorlim mcoorlim

Novelist, podcast producer, game writer, narrative designer. Posting about comics and old video games.

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Comments 7
What's your current project?
  • Yeah, you can find my work over at and I post devlogs and gameplay videos to my youtube channel

  • What's your current project?
  • I'm working on developing my portfolio, so I'm making week-long game projects alternating with month-long game projects.

  • Do you work alone or in a team?
  • Solo currently. I do some freelance narrative design consultancy on the side, and I'd rather find something full-time and long term.

  • What game got you into adventure games?
  • Well, a graphical port of the OG adventure game. The guy who made Adventure would go on to use the same engine to create Rocky's Boots and Robot Odyssey.

  • Self-promo thread for content creators!
  • I've recently started doing deeper dive playthroughs of older games, starting with Hi-Res Adventures #0: Mission: Asteroid and the first Ultima. You can find those videos on my youTube channel. I've also got some devlogs, including some concerning the development of adventure games I've written.

    I've done a blog entry that's a narrative analysis of Mission: Asteroid and you can find that here. I plan on doing more of this sort of thing.

  • Self-promo thread for adventure devs!
  • I'm a solo dev and I've got two adventure games out there for people to play.

    In Rascal and the Boxer you're sent to stay with your older cousin over the holidays and he gets you mixed up in strange delivery for some unsavory people. Inspired by 1980's action comedy movies Smokey and the Bandit II and Any Which Way You Can, it has you driving an 18-wheeler cross-country. It's a choice-based game coded in godot using the Ink markup language, and was intended to be the first in a series of games inspired by 80s movies, but the kickstarter fell short so this is all there is for now. Features music and pixel art.

    Repeat : Return : Reprise is a game about time loops, regret, and good enough being good enough. I hesitate to reveal anything more. It was developed in a week in godot with ink markup, though there's a pure ink-build that runs right in the browser if you don't want to download anything.

  • Self-promo thread for adventure devs!
  • Nothing embarrassing about getting things done.