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where else in the fediverse do you hang/lurk/reside?
  • I post on Mastodon at … relevant to here I do a kind of daily music blog there, in the form of a single enormous thread where I post a new track from YouTube every day. Most of it is electronic/synth jam stuff…

    The other Lemmy instance I follow besides this one is Beehaw, but so far it seems to be letting me post with my Waveform account there, so I haven't signed up for a Beehaw account proper.

  • Pipewire 0.3.76 released!
  • This is new to me, I'm interested to learn about it. Can it handle many-IO sound cards? (Like, 16in/16out)

  • Junteenth: Join Bandcamp to Support Racial Justice, Equality, and Change
  • So, if I may link, I maintain a running list of Bandcamp Friday recommendations on another site you might find of interest!

    A synth-specific excerpt for Waveform users:

    • Elaine Radigue: Not a well known artist but one who should definitely be on your radar, Radigue was a contemporary of Delia Derbyshire and Wendy Carlos who made strange, enigmatic experimental electronic that still feels shocking and alien today even if you're well-versed in modern "Drone". She excels at long, slow hypnotic soundscapes that often consisting of just one single sound building and receding. Her bandcamp stretches from 1969 to 2000(!).

    • Plastikman / Richie Hawtin: You may know Plastikman already, but his Bandcamp is huge, it seems to actually contain his entire discography including a bunch of singles, the early FUSE / Artificial Intelligence Warp releases and a super rare album named "Concept 1" I'd never even heard of but which turns out to be absolutely incredible. If you're not familiar definitely check out the Plastikman quartet (Sheet One / Musik / Artifakts (bc) / Consumed, of which I think Consumed— a hyper-minimal unintentional coda to what was originally going to be a trilogy of interconnected albums, recorded in a state of turmoil when the plan to record the third album was blocked by the US ejecting him from the country in a fit of post-OKC-bombing weirdness— is the most interesting).

    • Chance McDaniel: I found this dude through the YouTube synths community (actually I thought he was an r/synthesizers member, but searching I can't find anything?) and this album's super inspirational to me, I especially link "With Ink"

    • R Beny: This guy is a giant in the YouTube synth jam community and he's got entire albums worth of material not on his YouTube on Bandcamp. The Bandcamp stuff is a little more ambient flavored but it's super good.

    • Eryngi / Nyarluu: I know this person through the indie games community but they also recorded some electronic music; link goes to a album of super spaced out FM jams with some amazing timbres

    • Laurie Spiegel is another early electronic composer; she did a bunch of cool influential synth work in the 70s and one of her songs is on the Voyager "golden record" (as of this second 15 billion miles from earth, so I guess she's the most widely-distributed electronic musician alive). They've got her magnum opus collection "The Expanding Universe" on Bandcamp but also there's a couple new pieces, link goes to a really cool track from 2018.

    • Oval / Markus Popp: Oval in the 90s made what is still some of the strangest, most alien music I've ever heard, beginning with a suite of albums made by hand-scratching CDs and playing them back in old players with bad error correction to sample the noises for ambient. His whole discography's on there including the absolutely essential extended Japanese version Ovalprocess, the height of his wierdness, and the bizarre trip-hop/noise fusion album he released as "So" in collaboration with a Japanese folksinger.

    Also notably on Bandcamp / in that post: Liz Ryerson, Fahmi Mursyid, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Tim Hecker, Boards of Canada, Bjork

    An observation: Bandcamp lets you pay extra on a purchase, so if you add 20% to your purchases today this is basically the same as a Bandcamp Friday plus you helped fund the NAACP LDF.

  • Should we move to KBIN?
  • It does, and a lot of Fediverse servers shut down after about two months once the admins realize how much data storage they're committing to!

    It's not like every server backs up everything, though. A server only backs up activities performed by actors that are least one actor on the server is subscribed to.

  • Should we move to KBIN?
  • Not completely true, I think :( I think you're right posts work that way, but not as far as I know users, and anyhow the point of a user is the ability to post. Your domain still holds all the accounts, so if you shut down the domains, all the users become unusable. I would very much like to see this problem fixed…!

  • Looking for: creative coders, algorithm designers, generative musicians
  • Yeah, although they're approachable so asking for an invite might work if you mesh with their Idiom. You don't need to join to read their feeds, no. I think you won't be able to get the combined feed is all. I just follow a bunch of Mervilles people normal type.

    Some Mastodon servers have a special "show only server local" visibility type, but it's very rare, since usually the point of Mastodon is the interconnectivity.

  • So, now that r/synthesizers is still dark, do we expect more influx here?
  • The only reason I was able to find this server is there was a discussion about it in the 24 hours before /r/synthesizers went down. So, if /r/synthesizers remains completely offline, I'm not sure how former /r/synthesizers users who weren't online in the window this weekend would find this place… hm.

  • Looking for: creative coders, algorithm designers, generative musicians
  • In short: Yes :)

    I spent years composing music generated by simple C programs and then some years more making algorithmic A/V toys disguised as video games, and I am currently making a commercial video game where all the music is generated in realtime by PureData.

    I got interested in eurorack primarily because I thought I could control everything DAWless by algorithmic voltage control from an Arduino or something. That project's actually been a total failure LOL

    I think the places I'd recommend for this sort of thing RN are the forum and the various members of the highly inspirational Mastodon server , though the best discussions there require you to join so you can be a member of the local feed.

  • Anyone else using Reaper?
  • Oh, Bitwig is very interesting

  • Anyone else using Reaper?
  • I started trying to use it and I found it really difficult. I know there are many many hours of tutorial videos I can watch but that will take many hours… I put some time into it this winter and got stuck on trying to understand how to use the routing matrix. I have a many-channel I/O DC sound card (ES-9) which presents itself to the OS as a 16-channel sound card where only some of the channels are used and all the channels have surprising numbers, and trying to set it up with Silent Way I needed to map channel 8 to channel 1. I spent a bunch of time trying to follow the directions and I just wound up making Autechre album covers.

    So I guess this is kind of negative but what I'm saying is I'm still interested in using Reaper, and I'd be super interested in Reaper resources, communities etc so I could claw my way up into proficiency. I'd like a DAW I can use after I switch to Linux, I'd like to make full use of my audio interface and I need to learn how to use a "compressor" so my tracks can sound good :)

  • Automatic upvotes?
  • "Yeah, I wrote this, but I'm only like "50-50" hand gesture ehhhh on it"

  • Joining other unlisted communities with an account registered here?
  • There is something called KBin which has a similar interface to Lemmy but seems to be more focused on cross-fediverse interop. That might also be worth looking at if you're going to be doing big drastic changes. I do like how Lemmy's interface is streamlined though.

  • Bug report: accounts not visible from Mastodon
  • It's about 4 hours later which unless you set a weird TTL should be enough time for DNS… I just tried @[email protected] and @[email protected] from the search. Neither went through. So whatever the problem is maybe it wasn't the CDN. Honestly I would suggest turning your CDN back on that could get bad real quick if you don't!! LOL

    I am sorry to have set off a wild goose chase, I guess at this point what I'd recommend is escalating to either the Lemmy or Mastodon devs to ask if they know why it's not working.

  • Bug report: accounts not visible from Mastodon

    Hi. I am excited about

    I already use have an account at, which is another ActivityPub application. In theory, Lemmy and Mastodon should be able to "see" each other. It should be possible to look up a Lemmy user or community from Mastodon, see the posts, and reply to them. This will be ugly in the interfaces but it is expected to work.

    If I go to, and I type @[email protected] into the search box, it does not recognize @[email protected] as a Fediverse address.

    This is not a problem I have with other Lemmy servers. Other Lemmy servers I can at minimum look up the users and see their profiles (sometimes I cannot see the posts without following first). This makes me believe it is not a problem with the Lemmy software. Also, the problem is not limited to Users on other Mastodon servers see the same problem. So this makes me believe it is not a problem with's moderation setup.

    In a discussion on, we came to the conclusion this problem may be (1) on's end, and (2) due to your frontend caching/CDN/WAF setup. Of course edge caching is a good idea. But it appears you need to configure it a certain way to be compatible with Fediverse servers. As is, might not even be fully compatible with other Lemmy servers.

    Explanation thread:

    Thread related to particularly:[email protected]/110527420111615988 (link goes to end)

    The one sentence explanation is "The webfinger URL for a user needs to know how to accept the Accept: application/activity+json header."

    I do not fully understand all of these issues (my Mastodon development has been in mobile clients only) and I don't know what your server-side setup looks like. If I am describing this wrong I apologize. All I know for sure is it does not work. If you can identify that the "no visibility" problem is happening at the side of or the Mastodon software, I can go raise the issue at that end. I am good at pestering the Mastodon devs :)

