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mayoaddict mayoaddict

Hello am rat

Posts 18
Comments 17
Brands Are Beginning to Turn Against AI
  • One recent case of ai pushback is a video by Procreate's CEO on X (formerly known as Twitter), where he affirmed his hate for gen ai + reassured the procreate customers that no Gen ai features will ever be added on Procreate

  • Furry Programmers mayoaddict
    Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    Vim/Nvim users: what are some plugins everyone should know?

    Title: what are some plugins everyone should use in their configs?

    Personally i think that Telescope + nvim-dap are a must know, to quickly navigate around a codebase and get a good debugging experience out of the box

    Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    What are some algorithm challenges sites you would suggest?

    I'm trying to use neovim as my full-time editor, and to get more comfortable i'd like to avoid working on my side projects and instead work on smaller coding challenges, since they're often doable in one single source file.

    What are some sites you guys would suggest? (e.g adventofcode)

  • i've been getting into slipknot music lately and that's exactly how i feel

  • Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    I Love Neovim But I WONT Use It | Prime Reacts


    Quali sono i corsi che consigliereste per imparare il francese?

    Title, per svariate motivazioni (mercato del lavoro migliore/bilancio stipendio-costo della vita migliore, cosa confermata da vari connazionali che ho conosciuto a Parigi), vorrei trasferirmi in Francia per lavoro, la prima barriera da superare è quella linguistica: siete a conoscenza di corsi validi (possibilmente online, dato che per lavoro sto in un paesello sperduto in cima al niente) che mi permettano di raggiungere almeno il livello B1?

    ways to close vim
  • you can close vim?

  • Furry mayoaddict

    My rat boy! (Art by Lulu Kaju on telegram)

    Original artist:

    I asked her to redraw my rat and make it badass and well, she did the job perfectly 😌

    Edit: also please follow her on telegram if you can, she deserves all the support of this world!

    Furry Programmers mayoaddict
    Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    Rust macros are magic

    Tantan (one of the fews rust game develoeprs i know) shows us how he implemented a data-driven architecture for a tower-defense game he made using rust macros to implement the automate stuff

    UPBGE -- Blender 3.6 Powered Game Engine
  • UPBGE has always been an interesting project to me, a lot of people I know that work with blender didn't even know it used to have an integrated game engine until not-so-long ago, so it's nice seeing that BGE is still alive in the form of UPBGE

  • Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    Raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming GitHub - raysan5/raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming

    A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming - GitHub - raysan5/raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming

    GitHub - raysan5/raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming

    I found this one on top of hackernews: Raylib is a simple library for creating videogames: i've only heard good things about it so far, and it seems like the perfect lib for learning game programming: has anyone ever used it?

    Zig Plans on Removing LLVM Libraries.
  • It's stated in the issue that it's just a proposal for now. Personally I never considered zig because I didn't know that it could act as a c/c++ compiler, knowing about this I'm a little bit more interested in checking zig out (as a game dev a lot of my libraries are c/c++ only). I'm pretty sure having this feature stripped off could be a major blocker for a wider adoption of tbe language

  • Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    How do you name your projects?

    Title: after pouring lots and lots of hours into your project, how do you decide the name for it?

    Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    cross-posted from:

    > Yes, who haven't had a glass of red wine, relaxing music and some inline assembly....

    Tiny game studio?
  • Feel free to come by [email protected] if you need any programmers, i created that community for these kinds of announcements too

  • Guys, what’s your go-to bar of soap?
  • Lush's Honey I washed the kids. The caramel scent makes it very hard to not bite the entire bar

  • Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    Is the COST of JavaScript’s GC REALLY that high?

    Welcome to Furry Programmers!
  • I'll start by introducing myself: I'm Crax, and i work as a graphics programmer at a game development company located in Italy. I have been using C++ for the past 10 years, and i have been a huge Rust aficionado since 2018. Right now i'm studying the Vulkan API by implementing a smallish 3D renderer (which i hopefully plan to turn into my goto framework for studying graphics programming).

    You can see my personal projects on my Github

  • Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    Welcome to Furry Programmers!

    I noticed this Lemmy instance didn't have a general programmers community, so i decided to create one aimed at discussing programming more in general.

    Wether you're a senior or junior dev, C user or Javascript user, everyone into programming is welcome here, the only rules to follow (so far) are the same ones used by this instance.

    Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    All Rust features explained

    Neat video for those interested in getting into Rust

    The tools and resources thread
  • For those into the Rust ecosystem, there's the Bevy Engine, which is an in-development 3D engine written entirely in Rust

  • cross-posted from:

    > This seems like a good rundown of most rendering algorithms used in graphics programming, so i thought i'd share it

    Furry Programmers mayoaddict

    This seems like a good rundown of most rendering algorithms used in graphics programming, so i thought i'd share it

    My fursona
  • I have a trade offer: for each pat you give me i give you two pats in return

  • what distro to start?
  • After booting up fedora for the first time, i simply can't stop recommending it enough, it just works. Everything is so well integrated and thought that it became my go-to distro

  • Especially true when you're in a rush
  • Just got a drip coffe machine, guess this is my life now

  • I've been learning Blender! Here's my attempt to make my fursona.
  • That's a very good attempt, she came out very nice!

  • Margherita pizza, midwest USA
  • That's a very italian-looking pizza, as an italian myself i approve

    Also i just woke up and i'm hungry now ty

  • Caffè: quali sono i migliori siti italiani per acquistare chicchi/etc...?

    Salve, ho da poco acquistato una macchina per il caffè americano, e vorrei iniziare a macinarmi il caffè in casa partendo dai chicchi, ma non ho la più pallida idea di dove acquistarli/dove prendere l'attrezzatura necessaria, avete consigli?


    Coffee: Unbelached vs Bleached?

    I just became interested in pour-over coffee, after a lifetime of only drinking mokas. While shopping for my first coffee machine, i noticed that there are two kinds of coffee filters: bleached and unbleached, apparently the only difference between them is just the color, but i'm sure there's something i'm missing.

    What should i grab, and why?

    Data Shows Most Switch Owners Are Women, Gamers React Poorly
  • My girlfriend has been literally using my PS5 more than me since I got it, gamer girls do exist and we should cherish them, not alienate them

  • Whats the latest personal project youre working on?
  • I started studying vulkan recently, so i started building a toy renderer with (hopefully) a functional render graph and multi-threading command buffer encoding support

  • What's your favorite IDE for rust?
  • VScode. It works mostly fine for me, using rust-analyzer and CodeLLDB