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Can someone tell me the reason why these people don't want to leave Reddit?
  • I think the reason most people don't flee Florida is the cost of relocation. They have jobs, houses, family, etc. that may be difficult, if not impossible, to relocate.

    Moving from Reddit to Lemmy is free, but does require a bit of effort in learning the local-speak (instance, Fediverse, federation/defederation, etc.) and sorting through choosing an instance and creating an account, then wondering if you created your account on an instance that fits you best, then figuring out how to find groups of interest, and so on. It isn't like opening Twitter and poof, you have all of Twitter ready to read. It's a bit more complicated, requiring mental effort and a bit of time, so most people won't bother.

  • Can someone tell me the reason why these people don't want to leave Reddit?
  • I'm having lag on Sometimes just spins for 5+ minutes just to upvote. Sometimes posts won't create at all, just spins and spins.

  • YSK: In addition to Reddit, StackOverflow is on Strike
  • OMG these responses drive me bananas. I'm searching for a code solution and I keep landing on "Duplicated" dead ends with dead end links posted as the solution. Why do they leave it just sitting there?? WHY????

  • Poison Ivy sucks
  • I have the worst time identifying poison ivy. I also don't think I'm allergic to it, which would be amazing, in that I've had several people point at vines in my yard with that panic look in their eyes. I just pull them up with bare hands as I've been doing for years.

    Is there a trick to identifying it? I live in the south (zone 7b) so it is everywhere and I feel stupid that I still can't see it when I'm right in front of it.

  • Titan sub CEO dismissed safety warnings as 'baseless cries', emails show
  • Whereas yesterday it looked fine...😶

  • Titan sub CEO dismissed safety warnings as 'baseless cries', emails show
  • 13,000 feet into the ocean. Being under the ocean requires some digging, I think.

  • ‘No future’: Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns: decision follows government report that found many whales suffer immensely after being harpooned
  • I think further testing and study needs to occur to confirm this hypothesis. Step over here under my shiny testing instrument and I'll record the results.