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matt Matt
Posts 1
Comments 238
Is there any closed source android app that you wish had a good open source alternative?
  • Isn't this literally what Waistline is for Android? You create your own local food database (which you can automatically fetch info from Open Food Facts or USDA if desired, but not required) which lets you put in as many nutriments to track as you wish, all with graphs and information with different timelines.

    No clue if there's anything like this for desktop.

  • What are your favorite Dreamcast games?
  • Definitely Phantasy Star Online - even today I still play and work on it because it's just the perfect type of game for myself.

  • Workers united!
  • Everyone's commenting about how it's obviously the wage increase that made the prices go up but also it's March 29th to 1st April, which is usually when prices go up anyway because the next financial year is about to start.

  • X is becoming a 'ghost town' of bots as AI-generated spam content floods the internet — A sign of the scale is the thriving industry in bot-making
  • You can have links open in NewPipe by setting it in Android's settings:

    Settings -> Apps -> All apps -> NewPipe -> Open by default

    And then set things up in there

  • Xbox Is Not Your Friend
  • There was definitely a lot of support for this merger - people see it as ABK's "redemption arc", and there was a lot of excitement around ABK games coming to GamePass / other platforms like Steam because of this.

    Ultimately this is how people think: What is in the merger for them? And they don't think macro, but just simple things like "now I can finally get this game on [platform]"

  • Freedom of religion. Just -- you know -- not your religion.
  • This is true but we're talking about holidays, not Sundays.

    Personally I think having a day where you can't do anything except chill is quite good honestly, would rather everything just be shut on Sunday.

  • Freedom of religion. Just -- you know -- not your religion.
  • It is not legally required for places to close for any of these holidays, and a large amount simply do not (whether it's the majority or not I cannot say). I have worked in many places where I don't get these days off.

    On these holidays... most people go out and go places which need people working, so businesses choosing to close on these holidays is their own decision, which they should do in my opinion, it's nice to know that you and everyone you know is off. I don't really care why we're having the holiday.

  • PSOBB vanilla installer?
  • This is a super old thread, but I might as well provide an answer! is the best place to get these installers:

    Please note that the actual vanilla install of the game is useless unless you know how to uncompress the client and patch out GameGuard. This is why Tethealla is so popular - it's an unmodified version of the final JP client that comes with English localisation files and GameGuard patched out, along with being uncompressed for easy hex editing.

  • Brave appears to install VPN Services without user consent

    Firefox fork with features like the sidebar, vertical tabs, and more. It's a vivaldi-like gecko browser, give it a shot.

  • Israel 'has a right' to withhold power and water from citizens in Gaza - Starmer
  • While this is true, politics is unfortunately about feelings and optics, not actual facts.

    People believe that Labour is antisemitic, and therefore that impression is going to stick with people even if it might wholly be false.

    I'm not a fan of Starmer either but politics is a stupid game and I'm not so sure a different response would be a good idea to the public, as much as he should have said literally anything else.

  • Firefox will have a built-in ‘fake reviews detector’ — Amazon is in trouble
  • In this case, I would check out the Floorp browser. It is a Firefox fork that plans to be more like Vivaldi and have lots of features, including vertical tabs.

  • An EXTREMELY Simple Guide to Mastodon (for when someone says it's too complicated to catch on)
  • Yes, because I want my friends (who aren't tech orientated) and interest groups (which aren't tech orientated) to be on the Fediverse.

    They're always complaining about this, that, and the other about the big platforms but they have so many hang ups regarding Fedi software, so they don't use them.

    A lot of it is perception, but you have to try and make it so people don't have those perceptions or break them.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Right, the point of the 4 day work week is that it will become the new standard for full time work, rather than the current 5 days.

    So all your points are kind of moot, as they will ideally be addressed through cultural changes, employee expectations, or regulation.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I have worked in service/retail, and this argument doesn't make a lot of sense. Most service/retail is actually 7-day weeks, but the workers average out to 5-day weeks with rotating shifts etc.

    All that would have to happen is the workers now average out to 4-day weeks, with a similar level of pay (which is what the 4-day week advocates are asking for).

    The 4-day week isn't about office workers, it's about everyone.

  • Westminster Voting Intention: 🌹 LAB: 50% (+4) 🌳 CON: 25% (-4) 🔶 LDM: 9% (-3) 🌍 GRN: 7% (+2) ➡️ RFM: 4% (=) 🎗️ SNP: 3% (+1) Via @Deltapoll
  • I'd really love to see the conservatives completely collapse like this, although I suspect it isn't going to happen. One can dream though.

  • The Phoronix forms, where AMD and NVIDIA engineers can effectively communicate
  • Debian doesn't push the responsibility to the user to finish setting things up though, it is designed to be complete out of the box, especially since Debian 12.

    For what it's worth on my computer with a GTX 1650 and Debian 12, I am unable to use Wayland at all as the drivers simply do not work (yes, this is the nvidia-driver package, not nouveau). On Plasma, everything seems to move at a snail's pace, and on GNOME the desktop is constantly flickering and showing old portions of the screen. X11 is perfectly fine though.

    On my cheap laptop with integrated AMD graphics though? Debian 12 with Wayland works like a charm and has no issues.

    So, I'm going with nvidia being the problem here.

  • Elon Musk admits X 'may fail, as so many have predicted'
  • I don't get this take - because if this was the plan, why not just shut Twitter down straight away instead of whatever is going on right now?

    The actions of the platform don't indicate they're trying to kill it, just that they have really bad ideas trying to make money off it.

  • Debian turns 30 – and important to Linux world as ever
  • Sorry, but your logic doesn't follow. The installation is as easy as it possibly can be... which is incredibly easy, you just keep clicking next, put in your username / password, choose what drive you want to install on, and voilà, it is done!

    ...just like it is for Windows.

  • Debian turns 30 – and important to Linux world as ever
  • I'm not entirely sure how you expect Linux distributions to start coming pre installed on computers from major retailers.

    It would be great to see, but it can't just happen without those retailers having a reason to sell them.

    While there are systems that some companies sell with Linux on them, those companies are not where "normal people" are buying computers.

  • Are you aware that [email protected] exists?

    As title - this is the main community that OSRS players gather on the Fediverse, so this community may be redundant unless there's a reason you're making this one, in which case carry on!

    [email protected]
