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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 21
Comments 22

I lolled seeing the random stickies


At least lemmy is in the news again.

Where Do Defeds Even Discuss Politics?
  • I dont feel like its worth it to reach out. Curious people banished from other places will peak here and join in anyway.

    This place feels like your local bar, while the others pretend to be schools. No fun allowed, 0% tolerance policy.

    about discussing them... (rant not aimed at you Lovstuhagen) Im tired of jumping around the fact I think immigrants dont belong in europe, I'm tired of pretending trannies are normal, I'm tired of pretending politics arent a rigged game..

    A hardworking white man can only take so much "its because you are privileged" before they call it a quits. Its not MY fault you dont want to wake up at 6. Its not my fault your parents refuse to speak my native language so you end up with a fat accent and dont feel like you belong. Its not my fault my culture punishes those that are easy to use violence. Its not my fault your family is so dysfunctional you cant study.

    They think life is so easy while all we do is struggle while we work towards a house, family and good work/life balance.

    Hell, Ive lived in a small studio apartment for years like a rat between the junkies while I studied my ass off. That is white privilege?

    I frankly think im actually quite mild in my opinion compared to most americans as we get the most attacks from poverty stricken countries.

    Not to mention the fact most people think with their heart and not their mind. I cant change how people feel. Thats a job for some psyop with a bunch of millions from a social inclusive investment firm.

    Its literally a lost battle and as such I remind myself we can always find eachother in a different more based country in the end.

  • Wholesome ♥️


    How the tides have turned.


    High def harold


    Spicy meme




    I dont trust people fucking in animal suits


    Beverage of choice?

    What is your favorite beverage?

    Im a full on coffee fiend myself.


    10/10 movie btw they should burn the original


    Recommend me based shows in the comments please.

    max consumerism markeuzu

    Consoom Soy Oil


    Bruh 😭😭 every time

    max consumerism markeuzu

    embrace nature

    Did we not vote to defederate exploding heads several days ago?
  • If I wasnt clear I have nothing against the trans community.

    Only dislike I have is the memes because I cant relate to them. 😝

    But you wont find me entering their safe spaces to start arguing on what is or isnt genocide, im only doing that here because its a public space and I didnt find it reasonable to be set apart as "neonazi" or genocide instigator for joining a centrist community with a bunch of weirdos.

    I just think edgy memes can be funny

  • Did we not vote to defederate exploding heads several days ago?
  • No person is perfect, its important to know what triggers you. They can manage fine deciding what content they dont want to see.

    If they cant they should find a closed server run by admins that protect them from literally everything. Reddit for example.

  • Did we not vote to defederate exploding heads several days ago?
  • Transgender people are not disabled. They know exactly what their personal shortcomings are.

    There are a plethora of fediverses that are locked down tight and remove everything that would even mildly trigger people.

    Im all for banning nazis and trolls but I think its healthy to keep discussions.

    I know this fediverse will defederate and I explained in another comment that im completely fine with it. If people dont want to hear centrist opinions thats up to them. Not me.

    I personally use the block button if I feel I dont want to see someones opinion and I encourage everyone to do the same with me they dont want to see my comments.

    Everyone always thinks allowing a bunch of opinions will make everything dissolve in a right wing nightmarish shithole. You can still set boundaries which the EH admins did.

    And lets not forget that the admins of EH always were upfront and honest they would ban nazis or extreme views. This has been confirmed multiple times. Point it out to them and they will ban them.

  • Did we not vote to defederate exploding heads several days ago?
  • Moving the goalposts. You call this a genocide, its a far cry from it. About half the states respect, and provide support.

    Whatever they do in red states isnt nice, but you arent being genocided by a bunch of boomers.

    In fact, I think you are vulgar for comparing your strugglings with people like the jewish, ughurs, black africans who got and get genocided on a daily basis.

    You dont know what struggle is and this makes your comment very tasteless.

    I also notice a weird concidence where most transgender people I meet in real life have zero of the struggles outlined by people online. They a job, partner and get sufficient healthcare. They are respected, except by people of certain religions.

    Again, I will respectfully ask you to stop comparing your struggle to a genocide, as it is not.

    You are a marginalized group that is bullied and pushed around by boomers in suits.

  • max consumerism markeuzu

    Addicted to weed doode give me karma dood

    max consumerism markeuzu

    must consoome landfill

    How the og sub started

    max consumerism markeuzu

    Grown neet man begging his wife to buy obesity


    Did we not vote to defederate exploding heads several days ago?
  • WHY are vulnerable people joining a decentralized system? Isnt this why you want a closed, not for public eyes community?

    Also genocide? What? Acceptance is extremely high and on the up thanks to a plethora of institutions working HARD to improve the image of trans people. You dismiss all their hard work by calling trans people ripe for genocide.

    You have some extreme views and I recommend you touch some grass, not even ironically. Nobody is planning a genocide on trans people.

  • Did we not vote to defederate exploding heads several days ago?
  • I checked the link. Its basically two guys. Just block them and u wont see any more of their posts.

    Honestly I think you should go to Beehaw if you dont want to get triggered by some dumb boomer jokes.

    Same for the cis joke. Its just a silly joke. And you took the bait hook line and sinker to push your personal agenda.

    Whatever happens is fine with me, people can always make a back up on EH to follow the drama and meme subs.

    I think most EH members also have alts on various other federations. I know I do.

  • Unable to see comments in my community
  • Dont you need to connect your fediverse by interacting with other communities to get it started to sync? I am likely completely wrong but I vaguely remember something like that had to happen, and some patience after the initial actions.

  • Is Lemmy more likely to succeed than Voat? Why or why not?
  • I think a lot of folks are missing the critical flaw with Voat, you had to be voated up to be able to participate or create communities.

    Thus, as right wing nuttos joined the platform as first they decided who could make a lot of comments, communities and posts.

    So you as Reddit user, tired of Reddit moderation or TOS decide to open a community on Voat but you cant.

    To open your community you would have to participate and dance with the nutties that couldnt stop dropping hard n words left and right.

    Im all for free speech but I dont want to have to actively participe in their crapshow to be able to get rights to be able to do basic user actions. Worst of all is that you had to pander as downvoats would ruin your chance at opening your own place that wasnt just a nazi summercamp for regards.

    Also with nazi speech being the main attraction every normal person would nope the fuck out of there. I did as well, no need to fill my mind with toxicity.

  • Snoop Dog Strain (But grown outdoors)

    Lovely nugs that have a sweet, tangy taste. Also smells like catpiss. I normally get indoor weed or dabs but sometimes a man gotta appreciate some good old hippie weed. I loved the clash of a new strain with outdoor grown so I HAD to pick it up.


    Do the worm 🪱


    You just need to eat three pounds of peas each day for the proteins bro its easy
