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magnor Magnor
Posts 6
Comments 351
In Snap Election, French Left Forms Alliance To Counter Far Right and Neoliberals
  • We're trying real hard not to let them do this shit again. But god is it tiring...

  • LPT Do it.
  • I do too, by embedding a pdf :p.

    Oh, maybe I should try mathjax...

  • I'm really annoyed by how much Brave Search is pushing AI
  • Yeah that's the issue with them, their products are not that bad at first glance and they have a lot of evangelists online (it was particularly egregious on reddit but it is still the case here). I wasn't throwing any shade at you.

    Search engines pretty much all suck nowadays. I've stuck with DDG lately, but they also have their issues apparently.

  • I'm really annoyed by how much Brave Search is pushing AI
  • Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated and have a great day.

    On topic, I have no opinion on Vivaldi, never used it. But then again I've been on Firefox for the last 15 years so... I'm a bit of a lost cause!

  • I'm really annoyed by how much Brave Search is pushing AI
  • Vivaldi slipped my mind, my bad. No need for that tone though.

  • I'm really annoyed by how much Brave Search is pushing AI
  • I don't think you're replying to my comment though, I never mentioned nor used Vivaldi.

    Edit: brainfart, my bad.

  • LPT Do it.
  • Wait there are other ways to write a resume?

  • Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Gagagoogoo Gagaga

  • Pro-trans protests erupt across France as legislators consider ban on care
  • Pretty sure the OP was a troll, actually.

    Anyhow, if you want specifics, we currently have 90 far right MPs in Congress and even our "centrist" government and the "classic right" seem to have decided muslims are to blame for everything. This includes and is not limited to :

    • banning "muslim adjacent" wear like abbayas from schools ;
    • a broad offensive to remove pork free meals from school lunches in some cities ;
    • à brutal crackdown on any pro Palestinian action, including summons from anti terrorism units that have targeted union leaders, students and leftwing MPs ;
    • targeting of muslim private schools for closure whereas radical catholic schools are absolutely fine even when they teach gay people are all rapists (see Lycée Stanislas for a very striking example) ;
    • repeated incidents of police disproportionately targeting muslims ;
    • a general attitude of paranoia regarding anything muslim : last year our Home Office equivalent actually asked primary schools to provide a list of pupils that missed class because of specifically muslim religious holidays.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of things. But also, I can see everyday around me how hard muslim people, but also any arab looking person, have it in the public eye. The far right is on the rise politically but also socially. Anything that "does not belong", be it LGBTQ, non white people, etc is increasingly targeted by pressure groups of "concerned citizens ", "protector of the peace,", "defender of children" and so on. It worries me. A lot.

  • Pro-trans protests erupt across France as legislators consider ban on care
  • Because Muslims are increasingly marginalised, disenfranchised and used as a scapegoat for everything that goes bad?

  • Pro-trans protests erupt across France as legislators consider ban on care
  • So much this. Our rightwing is hellbent on importing every single moral panic from the US to detract from their blunders and authoritarianism.

  • Just How Dangerous Is Europe’s Rising Far Right?
  • Yeah you're right, as long as they only victimise and kill their own people it's JUST FINE.

    God, the shit people write sometimes...

  • The Immich core team goes full-time | Immich
  • Same thing here. What the fuck is this?

  • In response to a flat earther...
  • I think I just found my new favourite insult. Quite the delicacy.

  • Breaking bad lemmy edition
  • Fuck off bigot.

  • YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked
  • The issue was opened 14 days ago on github Here.

  • YouTube puts third-party clients on notice: Show ads or get blocked
  • This. It has been broken without this option for a couple weeks now.

  • Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference - Lemmy.World

    When he complained, rightwingers sent him homophobic taunts online. Black gay Republican podcaster Rob Smith has claimed that “white supremacist” members of his political party called him “fa**ot” and the n-word during his Sunday night attendance of Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest event in Phoenix, ...

    Black, gay Trump supporter brutally taunted with slurs at rightwing conference - Lemmy.World

    [Bug] Spoilers not working

    Spoilers are not being hidden in boost whereas they are in the basic UI. See this example .

    Edit: markdown seems to be broken as a whole but only for my own posts.


    Sleep has been broken for months on my device.

    Any time I put the device to sleep, the top bar disappears on resume and I cannot get back to or launch any game. They do launch, but the menu window keeps focus and prevents me from accessing them.

    I've gone through several stable updates and the issue remains.

    Has anyone had the same issue ? Is there any fix short of reimaging ?

    Edit: workaround thanks to [email protected]:

    >"Found a temporary work-around - it's somehow related to the "Wake Movie." In the Steam menu on the left, go to "Settings," down to "Customization," then turn off "Use as wake movie." Should work the next time you "Sleep" "


    Madison Reeves on why she left LMG Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App

    @suuuoppp: To stop the speculation and DM's I am receiving. I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health. The number of daily items...…

    Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App

    Madison Reeves on why she left LMG Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App

    @suuuoppp: To stop the speculation and DM's I am receiving. I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health. The number of daily items...…

    Thread by @suuuoppp on Thread Reader App