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lynny lynny
Posts 13
Comments 351
Star Labs reveal their new StarLite, a Surface-like Linux tablet
  • kmonad

    Didn't know about this. I'd still like QMK since I like having hardware level control, but this looks like something I'd use in conjunction with QMK. I should try setting it up this weekend. Thanks!

  • Recommendations for a Linux system backup tool
  • Technically you are able to to do with any live environment and backup data, so the answer would be "yes".

  • Recommendations for a Linux system backup tool
  • Restic is my favorite, but you really would need to be familiar with the terminal, cron tasks, etc. to consider it a viable option.

  • Star Labs reveal their new StarLite, a Surface-like Linux tablet
  • Okay but the real question is does the keyboard use QMK? Mnt Reform has set the standard for open source laptops imo, if I can't program my keyboard then that is a massive downside.

  • Is there a arch linux installation guide that teaches all aspects of the system during the guided installation?
  • I unironically suggest you try installing Gentoo some time. You'll be forced to learn a lot about how modern Linux works, and can even go with a non-systemd install if you want to learn a more "traditional" install.

  • What's the difference between and ???
  • is run by Mastodon, while is run by unapologetic socialists/communists.

    One doesn't really have a political focus while the other one has at least officially associated itself with such beliefs.

    Thanks to the federated nature of lemmy, if you don't like the way an instance is run you are free to go to another instance. If you want to be in an instance that will align with your beliefs, then you have that option as well. Isn't it wonderful?

  • Is it possible for a human being to attain lasting happiness (without drugs)?
  • You don't win people over by getting upset at them. I can only hope you find peace in your life eventually. I remember being in my militant atheist phase.

    Good luck.

  • performance by distro
  • That's how you turn the boys and girls into proper Linux using men and women.

  • Is it possible for a human being to attain lasting happiness (without drugs)?
  • This isn't a a debate. I gave someone a suggestion on how to be happier that has scientific basis showing it works in doing that. I even gave other suggestions.

    I hope you can find peace in life if you're this hostile to someone bringing in something you dislike. Good day.

  • Why so many people get triggered about ads nowadays?
  • Even in European countries there are two dominant parties that work with others on their side of the aisle. In fact the concept of a left and right comes from France.

    Polarization is universal in politics at the scales or democracy.

  • Why so many people get triggered about ads nowadays?
  • I feel many people are so privileged on both sides of politics that they have nothing better to do than to create their own problems.

  • Gnome is Rethinking Window Management
  • Gnome devs have a nasty habit of "rethinking" things while ignoring tons of usability issues. I'd like them to stop rethinking things until they addressed those first...

  • Is it possible for a human being to attain lasting happiness (without drugs)?
  • Most people believe in God, so you're arguing most people are being swindled, implying they are not intelligent enough to come to their own conclusions on the existence of a higher power. That is a very pessimistic view of reality I think, especially when people such as Galileo, Darwin, and Newton were very religious themselves.

  • Wisconsin lawsuit asks new liberal-controlled Supreme Court to toss Republican-drawn maps
  • I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish by using such a wide brush to paint such an inaccurate, broad picture. This really isn't much better than saying "democrats are communists".

  • Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately?
  • Yes. Politically militant people are becoming more common. This time last month people seemed to have been much more agreeable even if they didn't agree with you.

  • “AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers -- and Isn’t Intelligent
  • You can't regulate automation to stop it. You need to learn to adapt just like everyone else who has been automated out of a job.

  • Is it possible for a human being to attain lasting happiness (without drugs)?
  • Where did I say religion works for everyone? I gave it as one example of something that worked for me and clearly works for billions of others.

    I've had awful experiences with the mental health system, but I think getting triggered by someone saying therapy worked for them makes sense. Sorry to hear you suffered.

  • There is no First Amendment right to overturn an election
  • My grievances? I do not have any, I voted Joe Biden in 2020. I'm simply telling you how people you clearly don't understand see this situation.

    The fact Trump was willing to do that is proof to many of his supporters that he "has their back".

  • Colorado lawmakers will pursue constitutional amendment to let survivors of child sex abuse from decades past file lawsuits
  • Why only sexual abuse? This is a problem for survivors of child abuse in general. By the time we realize we have legal recourse it's usually too late. You get like 2-5 years after the incident depending on your state.

    My abusers will never face justice simply because I was too young and poor to file charges. I would like to see these extensions given to all child abuse victims, not just sexual.

  • Wisconsin lawsuit asks new liberal-controlled Supreme Court to toss Republican-drawn maps
  • Good. I'm a conservative Wisconsinite myself, but the state senate acts like they're royalty, continually ignoring they will of the people and saying that's what we actually want.

    See: Marijuana reform. We have millions, possibly billions in taxes going to other states and state republicans claim the people aren't ready for it, even though something like 70%+ of the states population is in favor of legalization.

    Meanwhile we have almost all of the top 50 counties in the US for alcoholism. But ignore that, weed crime is the real issue apparently.

    We need the state congress to accurately represent the people, not this corrupt bs we have now.

  • Why can I still see new posts from Beehaw if we've been de-federated?

    I can't see any comments from beehaw users, but the new posts from beehaw subs still show up when I sort the frontpage by "All" communities.

    Am I miss understanding something here?

    CPTSD lynny

    What have been your experiences with social isolation and learning to socialize

    Given how common isolation is with CPTSD, what have been your experiences with socialization?

    Do you find it difficult? Do you even try? Did you have to work out of isolation? Were you never isolated?

    I personally have isolated myself over the past decade, but am slowly building relationships on and offline that have forced me to change. I'm not sure I want to stop, but that would require me to hurt the people who care about me, which I refuse to do.

    Also since this is the first post, welcome to the fediverse.


    How common is it to fly your country's flag, and how is it seen by others?

    My ex from Norway mentioned how unusual it was that so many places and people here fly our flag (USA), so I was curious to hear what it's like for others here on the fediverse.


    What are the hardware requirements to host your own instance?

    I have a modest home server that has a fiber connection. I'm worried about how much space it will take to a host an instance when I will literally be one of the only people using it.


    Edit: found a very relevant discussion on this.


    iOS App?

    Is there an iOS app that is actually on the app store yet? I know matrix has element, and mastodon has its own app.
