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lukem lukem

Building web stuff for fun and living since 2000s. Blogger, sometimes translator, book author in hiatus, former teacher, overly curious mind.

This is my account on Kbin, a link aggregating service similar to Lemmy. I use it to post links I find interesting for various reasons. Not always endorsing things I post here.

I'm also there:

Posts 12
Comments 2
What is your favorite insult in your native language that doesn't exist or cant be directly translated in English?
  • Greetings from Poland.

    "bambaryła" - someone who is very silly. Also: someone who is very fat. A little old-fashioned.

  • /kbin - a few quick announcements
  • Take care of yourself, eat your veggies and don't skip leg days. Once again - great job, thanks!

  • Gaming lukem

    Why Konami Pushed Hideo Kojima Out of The Company (2020)

    This video game documentary about Hideo Kojima details the whole story of why Konami pushed Hideo Kojima out of the company after he was employed there for nearly three decades.


    Domain Knowledge or a lack thereof (2013)

    I believe that a lack of domain knowledge is the root cause of a lot of very bad software that gets developed and I think that it is up to computer programmers and their managers to deal with this. Acquiring domain knowledge is an essential component in the development of software that really works well for its users.


    "Where have all the hackers gone?" + a way to discuss programming languages 🤠 "Where have all the hackers gone?" + a way to discuss programming languages 👨‍🎤

    A way to talk about programming languages, and a plea to Think Different™
