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littlebluespark littleblue✨
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Do your parents help you financially?
  • Because, as I've already stated above: Heaven's existence is inherently predicated on the knowledge of "sin", and therefore a soul-themed credit score. Rhymes with "karma", maybe. Who knows? Any way you spice it, credit makes heaven — that is, if innumerable denominations, et al, are any proof of. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • TIL about Wabi-sabi, the Japanese aesthetic worldview of accepting the simple, imperfect, and transient things in the world. Similar to kintsugi (repairing broken pottery with golden paste), it's abou
  • Not to mention that those tryhards going full weeboo on gatekeeping are ignoring various other "heretical" facts of sushi's founding people, like: it's fine to add just about anything you feel like to it. Oh, is krab™ in poor taste? What about ice cream? Snack chips? I mean, FFS, the Japanese have built a global reputation for taking a concept and improving on its efficiency or efficacy or both, all the while these scrote-bearded trogs are pinching their puds to dreams of katanas and isekai redemption. 🤪

  • Do your parents help you financially?
  • You know it does. Where do you think "virginity" was invented? Hell is where the parties're at and there's no inherent need for a currency system in that dynamic. Heaven, on the other hand, is founded on an imaginary and largely arbitrary credit system. Ergo, money exists there.

  • Gender-affirming surgeries are mostly performed on cisgender people: 'Bitter irony'
  • Please, don't call it that. It was, yes, technically "the president" at the time, but we don't have to call it that anymore, or ever again — even when referring to that (not brief enough) period in history.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • Poor plants.

  • it's a big deal jack
  • "Both", "plenty", "guarantee", etc.

    I'm getting the impression you have barely a passing understanding of what these words actually mean.

  • Deepfake Creators Are Revictimizing GirlsDoPorn Sex Trafficking Survivors
  • because I refuse to subscribe to the world that needs them.

    Can't see that biting you in the ass, down the way.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • No, numeracy is when you goin' around in public and ain't got no clothes on.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • In Louisiana, they think numeracy is what gets you run outta town or burned alive, and they're not entirely wrong there either, historically speaking.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • fixed coveting to close loophole inv. neighbors' wives, daughters, and all other livestock

    (for clarity: "holy" books are largely penned by bigoted pedos. full stop.)

  • The United States will need 7 million migrants to cover old age support programs for baby boomers
  • You know the ones who, at the same time, want to pay people to "support boomers" a non-livable wage are many of the same ones who need the boomers' vote to stay in power... Something tells me the solution to both problems is in there... 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Dr. Cox/Dr. T'Ana: A Mathematically Perfect Physician
  • Where can I register to receive your newsletter, fellow citizen?

  • Low effort but it had to be done...
  • So many thoughts, so many guesses, one question.

  • The Swipes – Atomic Stomp – YouTube

    New album drops on March 15th, 2024!
