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larsbrinkhoff larsbrinkhoff
Posts 12
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Display hack
  • Explanation. The program starts at GO and attempts to use the .IOTLSR system call to enable the job to use I/O instructions. Running under ITS, this succeeds and goes on to the CONO instruction which resets the display.

    Out of timesharing, there is no operating system UUO handler for the .IOTLSR call, so the program will jump to the UUO handler at location 41 which just jumps back to the main program.

  • Display hack

    A good way to start a display hack. It will run both on ITS and out of timesharing equally well.


    Lisp-related xkcd the other day


    TX-0 in Verilog, with console panel

    This is a project by Angelo Papenhoff.


    Installing Essex BCPL and MUD


    Angelo Papenhoff overview of the 36bit DEC PDP-6 computer


    Happy birthmonth, ITS!

    According to Project MAC Progress Report IV, ITS first become operational July 1967.


    You really ought to know why most of the PDP-10's on the ARPA network are running TENEX.

    A proper smartwatch
  • I think you had it right, let's bring ARPANET back.

  • A proper smartwatch
  • The size of that floppy does seem a decent match to a microSD card.

  • A proper smartwatch


    Focus on computing stability

    I.T.S. for LUSERS
  • The what now, Maclisp?

  • I.T.S. for LUSERS


    The best way to accelerate a VAX


    First demo of PiDP-10 at VCF SW, Dallas

