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largess Bargearse

I am here to learn and face the truth, not avoid it and sometimes this can alas lead to confrontation when others prefer the latter to the former.

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Google disrupted YouTube video playback on Firefox, again - gHacks Tech News
  • @FlashMobOfOne
    Sort of, Chromium is maintained by Google, Brave and its users just sit atop the Goggle shitpile and help enable it to contine.


  • Are Flight Offsets Worth It? A lot of them don’t work and some might even be harmful. But there are things you can do if you really have to fly.
  • @silence7
    No one has to fly. Luckily 7 billion people don't, or the ecological and climate mess would be even worse. Flying is the new climate denial. Know it's bad and do it anyway, impactoary denial.

    A good first step would be recognising the difference between needs and wants

    >Hour for hour, there’s no better way to warm the planet than to fly in a plane.


    >It turns out planes are even worse for the climate than we thought

    >Taking a long-haul flight generates more carbon emissions than the average person in dozens of countries around the world produces in a whole year,

  • New documents show oil executives promoted natural gas as green — but knew it wasn’t | It's the first evidence of an oil company acknowledging that gas wasn't as climate-friendly as promised.
  • @silence7
    The Austrain Government just announced that gas is an important part of our emissions reduction framework.

    I shit you not, Australian climate policy is literally

    1. speak some bullshit
    2. move on to the next issue
    3. Goto 1.
  • All Australians will foot the bill after climate disasters leave insurance industry on the brink
  • @silence7
    Insurance industry on the brink ? They made record profits last year and flooding in northern Australia is now stupidly underwritten by the federal government.


    Australia's QBE Insurance annual profit more than doubles


    The industry itself is hugly profitable, the real question is, how much longer can this ponzi insurance last ?

    Australins are some of the biggest climate deniers on the planet, with zero moves to making a sustainable continent. As an Australian my empathy lies with the impoverished in other parts of the world, which our emsisions are destroying.

  • Daily discussion thread: 🤕 Monday, April 22, 2024
  • @Seagoon_
    I have no idea why the lady in question thought it was ok to take an 8 month old to a comedy night. Surley the other patrons are their to listen to Arj''s sthick not the baby. Same if someone is on the phone.

  • Up to a Trillion Cicadas Are About to Emerge in the U.S.
  • @silence7
    The question here is will their call be drowned out by the incessant braying of Trump?

  • Sydney has opened up consultation on a strategy to reduce car traffic and make the city more walkable
  • @ajsadauskas

    >But Nicolaou said it was difficult to see how making Sydney a predominantly walking city would benefit businesses such as retailers."


    It's bemusing to me to see people articulate thier own stupidity so willingly in public. A lack of imagination to easily see how things could be much better by those who hold some sway seems to be the real impedient to making the changes needed.

    @fuck_cars @kim_harding

  • Are microplastics from car tyres contributing to heart disease?
  • @ajsadauskas
    An estimated 11,000 die from exhaust pollution and 20,000 hospitilisaed from cars now , that's ignoring 1000's of direct deaths and injuries.

    I doubt most people really give a shit about micro plastics from tyres and participates from brakes, they'd ratier 10s of thousands die then ride a bicycle and catch a train.

    >Traffic pollution likely causes more than 11,000 premature deaths in Australia a year, new modelling by climate researchers has revealed

    >The grave estimate from the study means that death from air pollution in Australia is 10 times more likely than a fatal road accident.

    @fuck_cars @jgkoomey

  • Study Finds More Americans Commuting To Work Splattered On Grill Of F-150
  • @heatofignition
    But it's impossible to put really good infrastructure in place while cars consume so much space, all that happens is endless complaining from car owners about removal of car parks or one more lane is needed etc

    We have all the infrastructure we need to start, we can close many roads to cars and uses buses and bicycles in cities while simultaneously building out even better PT and medium density dwellings to stop toxic urban sprawl add green spaces, business etc on land previously allocated to car parks but that can't happen becase we get endless complaints from car owners.

    Will it be disruptive ? Of course, for a decade or more but then if we don't, in a decade we'll still be arguing we should have started a decade ago .

    @mondoman712 @ajsadauskas

  • Victoria warned against ‘very inefficient’ hydrogen buses after trial announced
  • @ajsadauskas
    >Burning methane ("natural") gas to make hydrogen to run a bus really isn't much of a step forward, if your aim is to reduce emissions


    But this is the same reasoning ecar advocates use and most say is a good thing ? because they can switch to Green hydrogen as that ramps up (calling billshit on that but anyway).

    Doesn't seem to bother people that in the meantime gigatonnes of emissions from charging ecars will occur and giga tonnes of emissons occur in the mining and manufacturing process.

    The only real issue for most people seems to be at the tail pipe, very few think about much else and natural gas supplied H meets that.

    Emissions are the issue as you point out and we just ...ignore them.

    @Baku @Railison

  • Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
  • @ajsadauskas
    These are excuse trotted out by deniers in order to keep emitting and/ comes from entitlment. Not saying that's you bit thats essentially the sane arguments they use

    As to the toast allegory, it's a nonsense argument because even then poorest Africans have emissions, a duck has emsisions, the debate needs to be around sustainable emsisions.

    Apparently BP holds a gun to peoples heads and tells them not to vote Green, to fly to Bali for holidays and to buy a car and not cycle. It's not their fault Chevron hasn't invented a zero emsisions plane and zero emissions hovercraft.

    You will AlWAYS have emsisions, the trick is we need get them to about 2-3t per annum (living like the average Cuban, not the average Australian) so do your bit to get your personal emisisons down to where they need to be AND vote Green to move the Overton Window and start allowing structural reform.

    If it all sounds too hard just wait a few decades until Climate Changes destruction really hits home to even the developed world.

    Everyone has to eat, no one has to fly or drive a car. Everyone can Vote Green (not to get them into power but to show all polticans it's time to take this seriously) and to allow the rise if the really radical politcans we need.

    Voters don't, not becase of BP, Chevron or Shell but becase of greed, entitlement and apathy.


    >"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." -Edmund Burke


  • fuck cars, rural edition
  • @feck_it
    Electric MTBs are even better. I used to to live down a 7km rural dirt road with no neighbors. 7km was to our village of 50homes. It's how I got about.

    If the village has regular bus services running through to the city, it's all I would have needed.

    @Trekman10 @fuck_cars

  • Young climate activist tells Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance
  • @bric
    Bad ? No but it distracts from what needs to be done becase it ignores two of the most important issues in regards usefulness for climate change, scale and timeliness.

    It can't satisfy either of those even if you ignire the myriad of other genuine serious concerns.

    So the real question is why so many bad faith arguments from proponents offering it as a solution when it obviously isn't ?

    My hypothesis on this is; addiction to technohopium. "Tech will save us, this is tech, therefore this will save us" and just ignores reality.

    It may even make sense to build a few nuc plants in places with access to little renewables eg North Korea for example.

    @veganpizza69 @MattMastodon

  • 85% Of Car Drivers Break 20mph Speed Limits, Reveals U.K.’s Department For Transport
  • @lightnsfw
    25years ago, driving in Florida, firstntime, am from Australia. Wathing my speed like a hawk, staying in the left lane getting abused and gesticulated at ... 30 mins later....ohhh now I see why !!!!

    Australia...keep left unless overtaking :)

    @the_sisko @fuck_cars

  • “Climate criminal Woodside gets value for money from its political donations
  • @ApaulD
    Somebody votes for these shitstains, why aren't the voting Green ?


  • It's not just Adobe. Now Logitech wants me to go to a random website in order to add peripherals to my computer, and I'm met with this when I go to the page they tell me to
  • @TheCopiedCovenant
    This is true the issue for me here was using a BT KB and Mouse I couldn't choose the OS via GRUB.

    AFAIK the BT stack hasn't been loaded until an OS has done it.. .catch 22

    I solved the issie by giving up and defaulting to Mint at boot :) 21.1 solved many of my issues with my screen resolution that saw me back to Windows and 22.2 seems sweet.

    @RagingNerdoholic @firefox

  • 4chan gets it
  • @Blamemeta
    As someone who uses the bus, I have to say I have never stabbed anyone or pissed on anyone on a bus (or off a bus for that matter) and I've never seen it occur. I have had friends and acquaintances killed and maimed in car accidents though.

    @pontata @fuck_cars

  • Hi, we're a tech startup run by libertarian Silicon Valley tech bros.
  • @ajsadauskas

    We're totally not just an old school ad delivery those old school newspapers and commercial television stations delivering ads

    Google, Meta, Twitter...

    @technology @AnarchoNinaWrites