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laenurd laenurd
Posts 54
Comments 153
  • Bin glaub ich etwas aus der Schlaufe, wer ist das und warum ist das witzig?

  • Most arrogant/back-handed feedback I've seen posted
  • reduz handled that very classily, I don't think I would have found such rational words.

  • Question about Proton
  • Strange, I've had little problems with Space Engineers and protondb mostly seems to agree.

  • Being flashbanged by my fingerprint sensor
  • *most pixels

    The 4XL had the best face detection in the industry, employing an additional infrared camera with its own invisible light.

  • Question about Proton
  • Apex works flawlessly, without having to do any manual tweaking.

    Afaik there is a patched wine version that still lets you play LoL, but with Fortnite you're sol.

  • Help setting up a minimal fast QEMU KVM Tool
  • If your guest OS is Linux, you can use Virgl to get much better OpenGL performance in the VM.

  • What are some small minor things that annoy you in movies ?
  • You clearly haven't met a real alcoholic yet.

  • DaVinci Resolve Support
  • Afaik the free version has no support for h264 whatsoever on Linux. I think you will have to transcode.

  • ‘It’s the same daily misery’: Germany’s terrible trains are no joke for a nation built on efficiency
  • So tired of this uninformed bashing honestly.

    But while we're at it: There are some coal-powered trains still in service in Germany, though mostly as attractions. Example:

  • ‘It’s the same daily misery’: Germany’s terrible trains are no joke for a nation built on efficiency
  • Slowly and with lots of unplanned breaks in between.

    I've never understood why people think that anyways - if you've ever had the pleasure of interacting with German bureaucracy, you would have lost that view instantly.

  • PipeWire 1.0 RC2 Released With Fixes, Improved Rate Switching
  • There's an open issue somewhere on GitHub (Valve's CS2 repo), it seems to be an issue with SDL, which Counter Strike uses to interface with pipewire. Afaik no one is quite sure why the delay builds up, but it doesn't seem like an issue with pipewire itself.

  • PipeWire 1.0 RC2 Released With Fixes, Improved Rate Switching
  • I wonder if the rate switching will change anything for those of us who like to have their sample rate at 48k and currently suffer from gradually growing audio delay in CS2.

  • What do you do when you're hungover?
  • My go-to is vegetable broth in addition to regular water. And ibuprofen if the headache is unbearable.

  • Egypt warned Israel days before Hamas struck, US committee chairman says
  • If you're not joking:

    Pretty sure that comment was in relation to Israel and the US, not Hamas and Egypt.

  • Eine Nacht im „Tierwohl“-Stall
  • Schuld, würde ich sagen, ist der Betreiber des Stalls und die Angestellten, die diese Zustände verursachen und mittragen.

  • Will the world ever stop being anti-intellectual?
  • While I don't agree with OP's view that the world as a whole is anti-intellectual, I also wouldn't assume that these people don't exist at all. I've personally had interactions with people who thought less of me or others for having a higher level of education, and (at least overtly) not in the sense that they were jealous. It was more of a general antipathy against people who know things / enjoy to learn, because they saw them as arrogant etc.

    But this is probably more an example of tribalism.

  • Running python scripts in Godot?
  • That's what I meant by bundling an environment. You would have to set up a complete (virtual) python environment for the target platform, probably ARM64. Ship all these files with your application and unpack them to a temporary directory when you run it, execute them from there.

    But honestly, it's probably easier to A) just write the whole thing in Python or B) interface with the relevant APIs directly from Godot, dropping the middle man.

  • Running python scripts in Godot?
  • The easiest way would probably be to just bundle your python scripts, including a proper environment, and running them via this:

    There ist also godot-python, but doesn't seem to be working with Godot 4 yet.

    If you want to get more involved, you could also use c++ as an intermediate and combine Cython and GDExtenstion, but I have no experience with that.

  • Österreicher überfährt deutschen Rentner mehrfach mit Tretboot Beim Baden in Tiroler See: Österreicher überfährt deutschen Rentner mehrfach mit Tretboot

    Ein Tretbootfahrer und dessen Begleiter haben sich offenbar einen Spaß daraus gemacht, einen deutschen Rentner im Tiroler Rheintaler See zu attackieren. Der konnte sich nur mit letzter Kraft ans Ufer retten.

    Beim Baden in Tiroler See: Österreicher überfährt deutschen Rentner mehrfach mit Tretboot