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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 19
Comments 131
I can't stop help
  • I did it. Fortunatelly only with one eye and also blocking the view of everything but the sun with my hands. So now I have a second blind spot in centre of my eye, but the brain fills it and I dont even notice.

  • What are the cultural regions of USA?

    How did they form? What are their specific traits? Stereotypes (even untrue, if marked as such)? If cultural differences coincide with geography, please mention in, too.

    In the questions about weird things people from different continents do somebody pointed out, that Europeans have little knowledge of this, so please fix my ignorance.

    What is the most beautiful place you've ever been to, and what made it so special to you?
  • Certain mountain in Central Bohemian Uplands. After short-but-intensive hike upwards, you get to wide park-like (the trees naturarilly grow such that they left good pasatges between themselves) mountain-top, with view-points from where you can see half of Bohemia. Then I slept here, and the night was bright, and even though I usually don't like the lights of cities, that time it looked like the stars were on the sky and also on the land.

  • Fellow Latin Americans/Africans/Asians/Oceanians, what is something that Americans and/or Europeans have/do that makes no sense to you?
  • Could you elaborate on the lost sense of traditions?

    Also I don't agree with you about the 'nationality not ethnicity' thing, but that really may vary, and I don't think it would be possible to debate that, as we'd first have to define the difference between nat. and eth., they seem to be ~the same thing to me.

  • How would the world be different if horses were carnivores?
  • Watch LotR to see ridden carnivores.
    I don't know, how would the world be different, but to spark your fantasy, imagine horses being herbivores, but turn carnivorous at every conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (~ every 20 years).

  • For non-English folks, what are some books and other media in your native language you'd recommend to others?
  • (Czech)
    Ludvík Vaculík: Morčata/The Guinea Pigs. It's about a man, who rears and mistreats guinea pigs to compensate for his own bridled life.
    Any play by Václav Havel, if you're into absurd drama.
    From newer authors, Anna Cima: Probudím se na Šibuji/I Wake Up in Shibuya, magic-realistic story of czech japanist, who left her soul (literally) in Japan.

    Oh, I've just read you want untranslated works, I cannot find such a book I'd find recomendable enough, but try watching some Cimrmans, you'll find them at YouTube.

  • What hobby of yours do you wish more people were into?
  • I'm from Europe, so there are only apes, and I don't want to keep theses, as the area aound me is heavilly overbeed. However, I consider keeping/supporting nonsocial bees (or bumblebees), but I haven't started yet.

  • Hey Lemmings, What's Your Fantasy?
  • Will you still accept the flying ability, if the flying is really exhausting? (I don't know what does it mean, but let's say for flying chosen velocity, you need the same ?performance? (please help my English) as if you were riding a bike (or even running).)

  • Free eBooks kozel

    Standard ebooks

    Publisher of public domain ebooks, volunteer driven.


    POLL: Where are you from?

    Don't downvote options that don't apply to you. Feel free to add new options, I did what I could to make it descriptive enough.


    How to dispose of dirty polyethylene?

    I have a bunch of a polyethylene net interwoven with a hay, which would be impossible to separate. What is the best way to ecologically dispose of it? Should I give it to separated plastic (so it would be burned in an incineration plant), or put it to the communal waste?


    What is so great about Reddit/Lemmy apps?

    I'm desktop-only user and never had any experience with Reddit/Lemmy apps, and the sentiment towards them confuzes me. I can imagine that the third-party apps for Reddit were better (?not bugged?) than the official one. But what made you to love them? Was the experience even better than desktop use?

    Feel free to write about both Reddit and Lemmy apps in your responses.


    toki pi kute tu

    opensinpinanpatu open sinpin anpa tu open sin pi nanpa tu

    ni li musi tawa mi.

    sina sona e ijo sama la o sitelen e ona.


    poka pi tomo mi la ma telo li lon.

    telo suli wan en telo lili mute li lon. kasi telo mute en kasi suli mute li lon. waso mute li lon. mi tawa waso suli la ona li weka. ni li ike tawa ona. ni li ike tawa mi. tenpo wan la mi lukin e akesi pi selo tomo.

    Paganism kozel

    Who are yours numinous animals?

    I know that the correct answer is 'all of them', but some of them are closer to our hearts...

    For me, it's the hare. They live everywhere, both in nature and human settlement, but still it's quite uncommon to see one. They are not predators. And one of them is pictured on the Moon (even though this one is often clasified as a rabbit).





    Community for The Game

    microthoughts kozel

    The storm is chasing me

    I'm on a train and the storm goes in the same direction. I'd like to get home sooner than the storm (I have no raincover), but I cannot do anything to speed up the things, which is quite frustrating.


    Traintickets in France

    Hi, I'm going to travel through France at the end of July (cca. from Strasbourg to Perpignan) and I wonder if it's possible to get a lower price than what is calculated by Would going by lower-category trains pay of? (In such case, could you recommend me some points-in-middle, as the site wouldn't find a connection from Str. to Per. without TGV.) Is it possible to buy regional tickets?

    Thank you for any advice.

    PS: Congratulations to your flourishing community!

    Paganism kozel

    Introduction od myslef

    (Another time I would just lurk around, but Lemmy needs content so I participe actively.)

    Hi, while adhering naturalistic worldview, I've been finding my way to paganism last year. I'm still figuring it out, I only know I have to venerate Earth, Water and the others. I also find attractive to follow some parts of graeco-roman religion, but this is (for me) even more difficult task.

    I hope this place would become a pleasant living community.


    jan ma en jan telo

    jan ma li pilin ike tan ni: tenpo pimeja ale la jan telo li kama li pakala e kasi. tenpo pimeja sin la jan ma li lon poka kasi. jan telo li kama li lukin ala e jan ma. jan telo li pakala e kasi. jan ma li pana utala e kiwen tawa jan telo. jan telo li lukin ala e jan ma li toki tawa mun e ni: mi mun la mi suno tawa mi li pana ala e kiwen tawa mi!
