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kizu Roma Komarov

Frontend engineer working on Datadog's design system.

CSS is love.

Ask me about: #CSS, #Frontend, #DesignSystems

Located in France. He/him.

Posts 1
Comments 2
Fixing Obsidian’s Markdown Display with CSS
  • @vasilis @obsidianmd Yep, I did mention it in the post — I want to see both the markdown formatting, _and_ the embeds, with links working as usual, etc.

    In the “Source Mode” I have to press cmd when going through links, and I cannot see any images and other embeds.

  • Fixing Obsidian’s Markdown Display with CSS
  • @dja @obsidianmd @obsidian Thanks!

    I wish this was available as a built-in option, as it does not work for all the cases like nested _**strong inside em**_, but better than nothing I guess.

    I did not yet look into if there would be something additional possible through the plugin API — if it will allow altering how the formatted markdown tags look with the access to their source code (like, access to the markdown AST or something), a plugin fixing this properly could be also be possible.

  • Fixing Obsidian’s Markdown Display with CSS

    Fixing Obsidian’s Markdown Display with CSS

    A new blog post in my blog: I am sharing a #CSS snippet I wrote for #Obsidian, which makes the default Markdown display better for me by always showing the corresponding formatting symbols.

    @obsidianmd @obsidian
