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kittyjynx Kitty Jynx
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US soldier charged in Okinawa for rape of minor
  • I was stationed at MCAS Futenma on Okinawa. The US shows no mercy when it comes to crimes against the local residents. Usually the Japanese legal system gets them first then after they spend time in Japanese prison they face the military legal system. We get a whole week of classes when we first get to the island about Japanese culture and they make sure to impress upon how fucked you will be if you cause an international incident. Even minor offenses such as underage drinking are dealt with very harshly. There were two Marines from my squadron sent to Corrective Custody Unit for drinking underage at an off limits bar.

  • Hunter Biden convicted of three felony counts in federal gun trial
  • I don't think your examples work. Hillary Clinton was also previously a Senator and Secretary of State, so she had experience in national politics. Joe Biden was Vice President and a Senator so he also had decades of experience.

  • US Army officer resigns over 'unqualified support' for Israel
  • He's a Major with 13 years of service so he has already completed his obligated term of service long ago. Unlike enlisted personnel officers are not on a strict contract and can request to resign their commission at any time after their initial obligation. He requested to resign his commission late last year and the Army accepted his resignation in January so he will be honorably discharged in June. He will miss out on the pension that kicks in after 20 years of service however.

  • recruiting theocracy
  • I saw a Navy chaplain when I was going through some tough times in the Marines. I told him right off the bat that I was an atheist and he didn't push any religious shit on me. He just talked to me and worked with my command to get me seen by a trained therapist. Other Marines I knew had similar experiences. Chaplains are officers outside the normal command structure and are trained to provide services to everyone regardless of their faith or lack there of. Also a lot of military members are at least nominally religious so it makes sense to have someone to coordinate religious activity, especially overseas where there aren't local religious institutions.

  • Vietnam Veterans Throw Medals Back (1971) On this day in 1971, more than 800 veterans collectively tossed their medals, ribbons, discharge papers, and other war mementos on the steps of the U.S....
  • Or they are 18 year old kids trying to get out of a bad situation and gain a chance at class mobility who were raised in a culture that whitewashed and glorified war. The ones I knew who joined for patriotic reasons were few and far between and those guys enlisted just after 9/11. Unfortunately public schools don't tend to teach much about the US's role in destabilizing much of the global south and the middle east. Because of that the propaganda being put out during the start of the Global War on Terror was taken as read by most of my fellow recruits and a lot of them literally thought that Al Qaeda was trying to take over the world. This was also before the modern internet so just being exposed to anything but the news channel propaganda, unless you were already plugged into leftest circles, was very improbable for the high school demographic that military recruiters target.

  • TRIGGER WARNING: We have people self immolating because of genocides happening and because people are losing housing.
  • The article stated it was an assisted care home. The wife had Parkinsons and the 82 year old man may have had medical conditions that needed care. A lot of those facilities charge medicare and take a portion of Social Security so it may not have cost them anything out of pocket. I don't know the full story but it doesn't sound like they were going to a shelter.

  • People say they're leaving religion due to anti-LGBTQ teachings and sexual abuse
  • Matthew 17:24-27

    24 After Jesus and his disciples arrived in Capernaum, the collectors of the two-drachma temple tax came to Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your teacher pay the temple tax?”

    25 “Yes, he does,” he replied.

    When Peter came into the house, Jesus was the first to speak. “What do you think, Simon?” he asked. “From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes—from their own children or from others?”

    26 “From others,” Peter answered.

    “Then the children are exempt,” Jesus said to him.

    27 “But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.”

    That is the closest I found.

  • Helldivers 2 director turns to community for advice on how to get meta-enthusiasts to stop kicking other players
  • They might want to level gate higher difficulty missions. You can pull your own weight not playing meta, I personally don't play meta and do fine even on 8 and 9 difficulty. It is frustrating when a low level player uses inappropriate orbital/eagle strikes on targets which wastes time or does not know the general size of a strike causing friendly fire. I don't mind that on lower levels, people got to learn somehow but it sucks when a level 13 eats up all your reinforcement budget then causes an extraction failure because they decided to throw out a danger close 120mm barrage causing the loss of that missions super samples.

  • MAGA freaks out after Fox News reports Obama in top 10 presidents — and Trump in dead last
  • I took to calling a well done steak with ketchup "Presidential".

  • [News] Alabama Supreme court rules in-vitro embryos are children
  • Or the other guy in the tube behind you

  • Many believe the founders wanted a Christian America. Some want the government to declare one now
  • The Treaty of Tripoli signed in 1796 by President John Adams:

    Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

  • Team MAGA hurls vicious slurs at Caitlin Jenner for backing Trump’s call to end Bud Light boycott
  • The rule of thumb is for every grunt there is 3 - 10 people doing technical or administrative work. That is also true for the air component of each branch but even more so were each air group needs an entire squadron of technicians to do the technical work that is out of scope for the technicians in a flying squadron.

  • Fox News to Taylor Swift: ‘Don’t Get Involved in Politics!’
  • Who also failed to sell red meat and alcohol to Americans.

  • Trump Calls on 'All Willing States' to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas
  • The instant they become federalized they fall under the Army, for National Guardsmen, and the Air Force, for Air National Guardsmen. If they refuse a direct order from the president they will be charged with disobeying a direct order and will get at minimum an general OTH discharge and any rogue officers would probably face a general court martial and be looking at a significant amount of time in Leavenworth followed by a bad conduct or dishonorable discharge.

  • Sovereign citizen changed their gas and electricity meters, that didn't go over so well.
  • Put a dollar bill with the next pack of fruit and nuts and see if they will start bringing you cash.

  • I'm a California restaurant operator preparing for the $20-an-hour fast-food wage by trimming hours, eliminating employee vacation, and raising menu prices
  • In N Out in California pays $20 or more an hour starting wages, their burgers are (IIRC) less than $5, and they still make a shit ton of money.

  • Maybe if there's DLC
  • Neverwinter Nights 2 and BG2 had 9th level spells in a real time with pause game and it worked fine. So it is totally doable, especially since BG3 is turn based.

  • “What Trump said was so damaging to him”: Experts say NY AG “struck gold” with Trump court rant
  • I'm a former Marine and the Corps is really bad at preparing a person for life after serving, especially if they are in combat arms. Also some of the dumbest people I've met were Marines and they usually made rank because promotions are heavily based on physical fitness and rifle score, and not on technical expertise or leadership skills.

  • Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over
  • The guys we supported let the practice of bacha bazi happen. So with our guys we get the systematic rape of boys and with the Taliban we get what is happening now. There is no good side or lesser evil in this situation.