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kevin3kon kevin3kon

39yo, he/him/his. I like #blender, #Linux, and other #FOSS. Ally of the #furry fandom ❤, but #furrydeath happened 😓. My former fursona's name is 3kon; name kept in tribute. #ProChoice, #TransRights, #BLM, 🏳️‍🌈, #Atheist. May contain toxic CW cringe depression vent posts.

Posts 0
Comments 2
The Future of C# in Godot –
  • @mac @Smorty 😨 Well that's not good! Microsquish (still) can't be trusted! 😰

  • The Future of C# in Godot –
  • @Smorty @mac I have been wondering this non-stop since I found out #godot uses C#!

    I know the idea that C++ is the end-all-be-all is an oversimplification at best, but It's still a decision I'd like to know more about.