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kawa Kawawete
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Comments 91
Manifestement il se passait quelque chose ce soir...
  • Par contre quand y'a 2 chaines tv qui sont plutot a droite la ca devient inadmissible...

  • Simulateur d'Impôts du Nouveau Front Populaire - NFP
  • Nan mais la macronie c'est bien naze mais ce site c'est juste une blague, le smic a 1600 aussi hein

  • Luc Rouban, politiste : « La généralisation du vote RN traduit un malaise social qui dépasse la question du racisme »
  • Au lieu de fustiger ceux qui votent RN, il vaudrait mieux se pencher sur POURQUOI il y a eu autant de votes RN nan ? Il me semble que la gauche n'a rien a dire quand tout ce qu'ils font c'est "faire barrage au RN".... Ah. Cimer, donc c'est à MOI de faire leur taff ? La gauche devrait essayer de se mettre à la place du français moyen, le banlieusard, le campagnard, le classe moyenne (qui paye le plus d'impôts) au lieu de se lier uniquement aux marginaux qui représentent quasi personne... Je suis pour des gens plus modérés limite centristes perso mais force de constater que le RN réussit à séduire car ils reprennent des points peu abordés ou mal abordés par les divers gauche (et droite).

  • How bad is Microsoft?
  • I consider their new push for webapps in stead of traditional client as bad practice, its buggier and runs like absolute shit

  • Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects
  • Wtf is Agile ? I can't get my head around that.

  • U.K. forces Google to remove websites selling gender-affirming medications
  • Not a controlled substance doesnt mean I should be allowed to purchase it without at least having a doctor opinion first. It has such a severe effect on your body that it should really be prescribed by a competent medical professionnal. If you think otherwise, you're delusionnal.

  • What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like? [video]
  • Huh ? Not aware of this one, which distro and package ?

  • 4K Chromecast with Google TV sequel is coming with new remote
  • Its extremly buggy on the Chromecast 4k, I can almost never finish a video without some random error or some unexpected buffering.

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • Breaking the bootloader, uninstalling nvidia drivers ton install mesa without removing mesa/nouveau from the blacklist

  • Meet QDEL, the backlight-less display tech that could replace OLED in premium TVs
  • Well, it makes sense in French where DEL means : Diodes Electro Luminescentes, which is LED in english.

  • Can you tell excel sheets which were created using a pirated version of MS Office?
  • Yeah I must admit that once you have used Excel, it's hard to use anything else... But Writer is honestly less finnicky to use than Word imo.

  • Mass Effect 5 is in good hands, as its director confirms the long-awaited RPG sequel is being led by four BioWare veterans
  • I think of it a bit like Fast and furious Tokyo Drift which is a spin-off but is consideresd as Fast 3

  • When do you consider a system to be bloated?
  • When there's ads in my terminal