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kairos kairos
Posts 4
Comments 22

I don't care, I love all this snow!

Winter is generally so bleak in Iowa anymore. Brown, grey, and cold. I wouldn't be heartbroken to see this snow hang around a good while longer. Could do without the slippery roads, though. Doesn't seem like they're salting/sanding the major roads, though. I was slipping up and down Fleur the other day. Never have mostly clear roads been so slippery.

World Food Festival
  • Did anyone go? I didn't manage to make it this year; was wondering if there was anything new and interesting food-wise. Had one of those Korean hotdogs at Celebrasian for the first time. That was pretty good. Would love to see more street food I've never tried before.

  • I watch Crow Tow pull cars out of this lot almost daily. Today they thought they could get a two-fer but looks like some people aren't having it.


    Art Festival this weekend

    I hope the weather turns out tolerable. Forecast looks like rain the whole weekend but hopefully that brings the pollen down a bit and it's not so hot. Some years its like walking around in a furnace. I don't know how the artists deal with it inside those tents.

    Some Spaceships for a game of OPR's Warfleets
  • I would actually suggest getting models from one of these dudes; more variety in ships and better value for the price (at least in EC's case) Design

    OPRs ships are fine but it's much easier to discern which ships are which when you have more models to choose from; OPR's fleets only have the one model for each class.

  • FYI sort by "Top Day" if you're tired of seeing the same top posts from 2-3 days ago
  • Mine ended up being that someone already took my username. They aren't using it by the looks of it, though. :\

  • Does really have 26000 users already?
  • Yeah, I've seen that suggestion. Haven't seen anything in my inbox nor spam across 2 email accounts now, so who knows. Searching up the username right now and one does pop up with a creation date that might be mine; no comments or posts lends credence to it being mine, maybe...

  • Does really have 26000 users already?
  • I'd be one of those users too if I could actually register here. the button just spins forever. Been like that for days now. :\

  • FYI sort by "Top Day" if you're tired of seeing the same top posts from 2-3 days ago
  • Switching to Top Day just gave me a slew of 1 upvote no comment posts, as if I has switched to New.

  • Some Spaceships for a game of OPR's Warfleets
  • airbrush, otherwise I'd have lost my sanity lol

  • Some Spaceships for a game of OPR's Warfleets
  • I reuploaded it. I think something happened to uploaded stuff on the server the other day while the admin was trying to do a backup.

  • improvements and issues
  • I see a couple other comments about sign up issues and I’m having the same. Don’t see anything in my spam folder, though. Both submit buttons on the sign up/login pages just spin endlessly the last couple days. Someone said they managed to fix it by using "forgot password" on the login page but clicking that button does nothing. name’s same here as on

  • The fact that Lemmy/Kbin is weird and inaccessible to most normal people actually makes it perfect for Redditors.
  • I see a couple other comments about sign up issues and I'm having the same. Don't see anything in my spam folder, though. Both submit buttons on the sign up/login pages just spin endlessly the last couple days. name's same here as on

  • Some Spaceships for a game of OPR's Warfleets
  • Most people say homeworld; I guess the ships look like it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Don't remember if he's a mod at all, but he's notorious for the sheer amount of submissions across a lot of popular subs, I think.

  • Some Spaceships for a game of OPR's Warfleets
  • We need a wargaming community in general. I might go open one; haven't decided on a server though. Would be nice to find a server that's primarily game oriented.

  • Some Spaceships for a game of OPR's Warfleets

    This is my 5th painted fleet. One more to go and I'll have painted all the "original" factions for the game. So much varnishing...

    Thoughts on communities refusing to "go dark?"
  • "discount Steven Spielberg"

    Why do I think I immediately know who you are talking about, lol. I barely visit WPT either. The guy is just that prolific.

  • What's the Best Fast Food Chain Based in the Midwest?
  • I like Taco Johns but I fully admit its about the whitest fast food Mexican I've experienced :P

  • Password crackdown is working: Netflix signups crossed the 100k daily mark for the first time in the US
  • When I get hit with this new policy I'm not going to re-sub. Their offerings have gotten worse over time and the only reason I still even use Netflix is because the account is shared.

  • Microsoft will end support for Cortana on Windows later this year.....
  • TBH I forgot it even existed; that's how little I used it. Bing AI has been fun to mess around with a bit, though. It's been more helpful than ChatGPT as of late which doesn't seem to want to follow any directions I give it no matter how basic.

  • Mildly Anxiety inducing.
  • For those mornings when it wants to come out in two streams.