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Tour de France 2024 stage 6 - Can Mark Cavendish go for victory number 36?
  • Honestly I'm still baffled as what he was able to produce yesterday. I don't know how expectations went from serious doubts whether he could win at all to suggestions he's a favourite for all sprint stages, but her we are.

    I will always wish he got 35 on the champs elysees in '21 and rode off into the sunset, and will never forgive lefevre for the snub in '22. This time line is mad. How can a 39yo do that?

  • Tour de France 2024 Stage 2
  • I wasn't feeling this one. Pretty much to script although surprising Jonas had top tier snap. Deserved break winner, but foregone conclusion once he went solo. Maybe I was delusional but I was hoping for more interest from classics guys from the peloton.

  • Anon is a test subject
  • This. One of the dangerous things about chronical pain that I think might be underappreciated is that it blinds you to signals that in a healthy person would cause them to seek medical help. When doctors ask now I always caveat that I'm a poor witness of my own wellness because there have been times when I felt like I was doing fine but in fact needed surgery. I don't know how doctors (or occupational health, or social workers, or carers) do it, there's basically no reliable information in talking to an ill person but that's like 90% of what you have to go on.

  • “Are we the baddies?”
  • In fairness. "net zero" has a precise but pimited meaning. If anything using "net zero" as shorthand for "zero net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide" is deficient in the first place. It's snappy and (reasonably) clear but very easy to twist or repurpose or reframe.

  • in what shape is Jonas?
  • It will be miraculous if Jonas can go toe to toe with pog. There's way more talent in the tour though, I'm holding out hope it won't be pog's playground even with his strength of team. CRod or remco or rog on a good day can give him a scare. Maybe Jorgenson? He's still on the ascendency. Outside of freak circumstances I don't believe anyone else has the chops to challenge.

    I still think most likely pog wins and UAE get another podium too, but hopefully we see a bit of life in the GC battle before then. Best case Jonas clings on as he races back to form and we get the showdown we dreamed of week three.

  • Bradley Wiggins’s tragic fall from Olympic hero to broke couch-surfer
  • Saw him sitting with a beer in the fan zone watching his son at the WC last year. I can believe his finances have gone to shit, and that he's not in a good place in any number of other ways (seems like ex pro athletes are at quite high risk for this type of outcome). But thankfully he has not lost "everything". For what it's worth, I'm sure the whole cycling community still admires him and is rooting for his success and happiness, in however he chooses to define that.

  • That's all it is.
  • When I dig my garden I am doing work. That obviously entails no wage labour let alone labour exploitation. Why is it hard to belive people might be against wage labour in its present form but not against fulfilling, self directed labour?

  • That's all it is.
  • Black lives matter is the least hyperbolic statement of that movement imaginable. That there was pushback even on that framing speaks more to the vile ess of its opponents than to a failure of marketing.

    You might want to put it on your list but it's the opposite problem to your other examples if anything.

  • Streeting explains why Labour disagrees with Braverman on ending child benefit cap
  • He's using those words to defend not giving benefits to the parents of a third child though. It's just double speak: "it's not about handouts is about a social safety net". By playing into the framing of social safety nets as handouts he just defends the status quo. Definitely no evidence he really gets it.

  • Keir Starmer puts six key pledges ‘up in lights’ to win over swing voters
  • Why reference a fable at all if you're going to totally ignore it's message?

    The tories have been the same arrogant, entitled breed the whole time. Labour have still lost to them repeatedly so it seems weird to chalk it up to luck this time.

  • The sprinters are going to want that one back [Giro Stage 5]
  • Interesting point from lanterne rouge about how lidl trek might like this result actually: they were left to it and couldn't pull back the break so they'll be more legitimately able to ask for help on future sprint stages. Actually probably a better outcome for them than losing a sprint, though obviously not as good as winning. Is Milan really better than Merlier though? I'm not sure.

  • Any thoughts on packers draft class?

    I don't watch college so I don't have much context. I terms of positions taken it seemed kinda obvious with the departures on the line and the move to 4-3. Hopefully we got some impact guys, but anyone willing to bet on them before we see them in action?


    Giro podium predictions

    Picking a winner is boring so let's talk about the real stuff.

    Would be good to see G up there but unclear what form he's in. Bardet looks strong, maybe TT kilometers will be a problem for him? JuanPe maybe a spicy call after tour of the alps result?


    Going to postseason?

    Winnable rest of schedule so decent shot at a wildcard from what I can tell. Cowboys are nailed on. Vikings see the lions twice so hopefully out regardless of result against us. So probably two slots between us, saints, bucs and hawks for remaining 2 wildcards.

    Not counting on beating the real contenders but some post season experience for Love would be great. We shot ourselves in the foot on draft capital though.



    Last few games love looking like the real deal no? Wicks and reed coming through as viable targets really helping him out.


    GCN Plus going away GCN+ and GCN App to close

    Both services to shut on December 19

    GCN+ and GCN App to close

    Streaming sport just gets worse and worse. This was the only streaming service I would actually recommend to other people, and of course big corporates pull the rug to force us onto their shitty expensive platforms.


    Velo d'or Tour de France champion Vingegaard named 2023 Velo d'Or, skips ceremony

    Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard was awarded the Velo d'Or trophy for the season's best cyclist, but the Danish rider skipped the ceremony in Paris on Tuesday.

    Tour de France champion Vingegaard named 2023 Velo d'Or, skips ceremony

    Not a fan of that outcome. Can you be the "best" cyclist if you don't enter, let alone win any one day races?


    Il Lombardia

    Today had to be the worst case of group 2 syndrome ever. I refuse to believe that those guys couldn't take back time on Pog cramping and alone on the flat. Carapaz catching back up shows you how little effort they were putting in. Fair play to Pog for taking the opportunity but it's maddening to see it essentially gifted to him by a bunch of guys content to podium/top 10.


    That the Packers are allowed to be community owned is such a win The Green Bay Packers: where fans rather than a billionaire are the owners

    US sports teams often leverage the threat of relocation to access taxpayers’ money. But the Packers have thrived under a community driven model

    The Green Bay Packers: where fans rather than a billionaire are the owners

    Probably no one here will learn anything from this, but it's a well written article with a couple of curveballs for me, like over half of NFL teams have threatened to leave for LA!


    Holy hell

    What a roller coaster. I don't remember emotions like that since rodgers coming back on against the bears after injury.


    Am I crazy to rate the defence?

    I know everyone's down on the scheme but I really think if the pass rush comes through it could plug the deficiency against the deep ball and give us an above average unit this year.

    What's our weakness? MLB as usual? Strong safety/ slot corner?


    We gonna watch hard knocks or nah?

    I'm curious how I'll feel seeing Aaron in that context. I'm rooting for the jets because they've been so laughably bad the deserve a run. But. I feel like I've overdosed on Rodgers BS so unless he's super straight laced (unlikely) or doesn't feature much I think it'll wind me up.


    Pile of shame test

    Today I received in the post a kit I had bought already. I think this is the acid test for unpainted models. If you can remember everything you have yet to paint you're good. Above that is verboten for me now.

    Anyone else have a rule of thumb to keep themselves in check?


    Really pleased to be eating humble pie on this one Who is taking GC pidcock seriously? -

    I’m seeing his TDF odds shorter than people like carapaz or oconnor. I definitely think he could transition to that type of ride but I don’t see any indication of it this season.

    Pidcock going better than guys I would have rated above him. Fair play. Here's hoping he can go for 3 weeks.


    2nd place champions

    Can WvA catch up to Sagan in the count of 2nd places? I was surprised he only has 7 so far. Feels like more.

    Edinburgh julietOscarEcho

    Boardwalk beach club in silverknowles

    I made an inpromptu stop in silverknowles today and it was fucking delightful. Amazing live music and a shady spot to enjoy refreshments. Can't recommend enough.


    Tory private ownership arguments are intellectually bankrupt. Can we seriously still apply hanlon's razor?

    Michael Howard today (on BBC radio 4):

    > The point about public ownership is this: if you have the industry in public ownership, it has to compete for resources with health, with education, with the police, with all the other legitimate demands on the public purse, and water when it was in public ownership was way down the queue.

    People pay water rates Michael. This is an income bearing asset that could have supported other public programs. Instead it's been used to enrich the already wealthy at the expense of underinvestment in infrastructure, callous polluting, and the risk of damaging bancruptcy.

    > When you release it into the private sector, you have recourse to private capital. You can make the investment that’s needed.

    Errr. Except a PLC's cost of capital is higher than the cost of govornment debt, so any investment is going to be harder to make and ultimately will cost the public more. As evidenced by the fact that they have done exactly the opposite of "make the investment that’s needed" over the past 30 years.

    Dear god, he can't possibly be actually that dense. I have to assume he, and by extension his party that continues to support this stupid idea, is acting in bad faith.
