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Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes
  • Sorry for my misunderstanding. The second part as you point out is the main reason I think they won't though. I don't like the Girl Scout's stance but I can empathise with it, as I believe it comes from the effort they had to go to to get girls access to a scouts organisation in the first place. To allow boys in now feels like a loss to them after so many years of being denied access to Boy Scouts. Mixed into that is all the politics around single-sex spaces etc etc

  • Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America after years of woes
  • They're separate organisations. From what I remember, Boy Scouts/Scouting America has been under fire for some time for their lack of inclusion, which they've been changing. Meanwhile Girl Scouts is and has always been vocally against anyone but girls joining the org. Could be different now though.

  • Top 20 games played on Steam Deck in the April 2024, sorted by playtime
  • I've also played a fair bit of it on my Deck. I'd say it plays pretty nicely, though using the console based controls just felt so unintuituve to me so I'm just using the regular PC controls + some custom bindings.

  • PSA: Nova Launcher is owned by an analytics company
  • Me neither really. I don't love this, but I think a lot of people misunderstand what the analytics tools are mainly used for. It's not often that much to do with advertising, and it certainly isn't about farming your unique information in a clandestine way. It's about what's happening with the app, what features are being used as an aggregate, and most importantly for tracking the crash rate of the app, and why it's crashing.

  • What apps would you love to have open-source alternatives for?
  • Ultimate Guitar Tabs. After spending years getting a community to contribute to one of the best music resources on the web, they turn around and lock all but the most basic features behind a pay wall.

  • Playboy image from 1972 gets ban from IEEE computer journals
  • Well said. I feel like so many people here are missing one of the biggest issues with the photo as far as I understand it, which is encouraging women into STEM. For many women I think this photo felt a bit like walking into a professor's office to see they have bikini photos on their walls. It just cements the feeling that these sciences are boys' clubs.

  • Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy
  • I don't want to dismiss the issue of people being fired for doing completely legal things, but I can't help but agree, this always seems to be the case. I saw an article recently about a woman struggling with other parents and teachers at school because of the size of her breasts. Seemed sad enough and didn't really understand why it was newsworthy, until I saw the mention of her OnlyFans and it all clicked haha.

  • me⛏irl
  • I do remember legitimately playing like this. Sounds dumb to some I'm sure but it was somewhat thrilling to try and stay off the radar. I remember with a friend joining a hugely turfed up server and building a secret underground base there. We went to great lengths to get grass there and a few sheep, and built a life hidden away from hundreds of players haha.

  • Have you ever been in an argument where you absolutely objectively proved you were correct?
  • Old one for me, but as a kid walking home with friends from school, I realised there might be a better route that would significantly shorten my walk and make little difference to them. I mentioned it and was fobbed off. So later I pulled up the route online and actually measured it. Not only was my suggestion a better route for me, but it was actually shorter for everyone else too! I triumphantly took my findings to my friends who to my surprise and disappointment really could not care less, and a little part of me died because they were not my friends.

  • College swimmers, volleyball players sue NCAA over transgender policies
  • In my hypothetical setup, I guess so? Are you concerned that no one would engage with anything less than the 'top class' of ability which would mean in many sports women would mostly be marginalised? Because it's a fair concern

  • College swimmers, volleyball players sue NCAA over transgender policies
  • This is why I've felt that if we are going to stop trans women from competing with women, it's time to do away with the gender aspect of sport where possible. The Paralymics maintain ratings for the severity of disability that an athlete is overcoming. Why couldn't we do similar for natural ability in other sport, not unlike weight classes?

    It's all very hypothetical, but with a perfect system we'd be seeing ability bands of athletes with a high confidence that the only difference between competitors is the effort and strategy that they put into their sport, rather than any kind of natural advantage. Men and women would occasionally compete together and it'd be great.

  • Why a Harvard professor thinks he may have found fragments of an alien spacecraft Harvard professor ‘found fragments of alien spacecraft’ at the bottom of the Pacific

    A daring deep sea search has found tiny pieces of a mysterious meteor that crashed to Earth in 2014. The ‘alien hunter of Harvard’ tells Bevan Hurley the discovery may be evidence of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization visiting Earth

    Obviously a bit nonsense, but I am curious if anyone can share how they know where the asteroid hit, and how uncommon the steel-titanium alloy is to find.

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