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jonbutter2 jonbutter2

Musician and person. US person mostly

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Assisting a Pro Tools mix job for neo-classical cello music at Berlin's Calyx Mastering.
  • @avlap2 @jrp BTW, I am not trying to make you or anyone feel bad. I just want to push back on info that really might be misleading to people, including you. Maybe you do have bionic ears! But differences in sound originating from the major, 64 bit DAWs themselves would be incredibly subtle.

  • Assisting a Pro Tools mix job for neo-classical cello music at Berlin's Calyx Mastering.
  • @avlap2 @jrp _jayrope is right. The burden would be on you to prove, in a blind test, w/same room, monitors, converters, mix position, and amplitude, that there were differences between e.g. Logic/Pro Tools vs Reaper. There’s some chatter about DAW’s internal (software) summing mixers but if you can hear the difference between the major 64 bit DAWs, you might have bionic ears. The clock, audio drivers, monitors, room, all matter much more nowadays.