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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 3
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  • Not sure how much that would be in other currencies, but if you’re happy with the price drop, I’d say: go for it! I’ve just played through the main story line and am currently working my way through Nuka world after the whole Fallout bundle was on sale last month. Enjoy!

  • How can I prove that a downloadable executable is built from the published source?
  • As far as I’m aware, there is no way to fully know there wasn’t any tampering or swapping of executables that were produced by a workflow. As most things on the internet, I believe there needs to be a degree of trust towards the original author and original owner of the repository that what they published is indeed a built executable from the original source. If there is any doubt about this, the only verifiable way to know for sure, if for a potential user to build from source themselves.

    I can think of ways where there is a trusted third party that provides a public key with which to sign the built executable, after which it can be checked by the third party (with its private key) whether it is still the same executable. Specially if a different key pair is used for every signing operation. But there are still flaws there, and would, ultimately, still rely on a degree of trust in the third party.

  • Saw this one at Whitechapel station today

    Have you ever used git bisect?
  • Just yesterday 😅 there’s a bug in the main branch of Lemmy itself that I was trying to pinpoint (introduced after 0.18.0 was tagged). Instead of walking through all recent commits manually, I used bisect. Bisect is not a magic bullet, and you could do the same manually, but it’s a good tool in the toolbox to know sometimes.

  • I attempted to promote this community on Reddit. Here is how it went
  • There are 4 responses, hardly enough to gauge the general response yet I’d say. If we want people to migrate, or make it easier, we should include explanations of how Lemmy/federation works, or at least include links to explanations. Maybe a couple of notes published with Obsidian Publish on the topic would be fitting? 😄 (doesn’t have to be Obsidian Publish of course, any open garden would do)

  • Gestemd bij provinciale statenverkiezingen?

    Afgelopen provinciale statenverkiezingen in maart was de eerste waarbij ook niet ingezetenen mochten stemmen. Heb je daar gebruik van gemaakt en wat vindt je van de opvolging? Is het duidelijk voor je welke partij de grootste was, wat voor coalitie er nu is (als die er al is), en met welke issues deze zich bezighoudt?

    New Mlem release in TestFlight - 0.0.7 (23)!
  • It’s an Apollo-only feature, Reddit doesn’t natively do this. I’ve been thinking about this feature for a bit, and it seems a straightforward implementation would be to store “seen” post identifiers with a TTL. Since the data is just bits of text, it should not take a lot of storage on device, and the TTL takes care of cleaning up. Since most posts on Reddit would be bumped away from any type of feed within at least a couple of days, a TTL of a week or shorter would probably work for Apollo. Not sure about Lemmy right now though. I’m not a mobile dev, so would not know exactly how to implement a system like this for Mlem, but if it was a webapp I would use Redis (if server-side) or something like local storage or cookies with TTLs (if bowser-based offline).

  • Waar ben je heen vertrokken en waarom?
  • Heel herkenbaar 😅 alhoewel ik het stadse leven vanuit Amsterdam wel gewend was, is Londen toch wel een ander verhaal. Ik ben heel blij dat ik een plek gevonden heb in Wapping, waar het heel rustig is ondanks de centrale ligging. Hoe makkelijk/moeilijk vond jij het om nieuwe mensen te ontmoeten? Ik merk dat in een grote stad als deze de mensen vooral met zichzelf bezig zijn, of met de mensen die ze al kennen.

  • Waar ben je heen vertrokken en waarom?

    Ik ben zelf vorig jaar naar Londen vertrokken omdat ik er een leuke baan aangeboden kreeg en dacht “waarom eigenlijk niet?”. Een tijdje in het buitenland wonen leek me een hele interessante ervaring die ik nog niet had (ook niet tijdens studie).

    Waar ben je zelf heen vertrokken en waarom, of waarom daarheen?
