Futurama, It's Always Sunny, Letterkenny. Basically all my go to shows.
Guess that's another reason to hand wash your knives
You must have missed the person that said blended up and enema'd
Yea my mental health is too important to worry about stuff like that
Wine is 80-90% water, but all that alcohol and other flavor compounds directly in your bloodstream would not be good.
That patch goes hard af. I love it
Watch them pass another bill that would allow companies to raise rates in response.
Yes, they do lock you in Watson for the early game. Going to try to say this without spoiling things, don't feel like you have to do the main missions right away. You can take all the time you want putting those off.
If someone wants a vegan pet, a cat should be at the bottom of their list. They're cute af but they are literally murder machines. If a cat goes outside, it will kill no matter how well it is fed.
So, you can make vegan cat food, but it would be heavily processed, which to me seems antithetical to the vegan movement.
Need very low flying planes to fight fires. They had a collision recently with an unregistered drone over the LA fires.
I highly recommend continuing getting sidetracked. I really enjoyed just roaming around the city, exploring, shooting people, just getting lost in the world.
I forgot all about Engvall, but I agree. Larry and Foxworthy got old for me. White's bit on homophobia is one of my favorites.
If Elizabeth Warren didn't actually spill Hegseth's guts onto the floor with a massive sword I'm going to be extremely disappointed
The study they referenced had 127 cats, less than 10% studied were on a vegan diet. That's not a very good sample size. Considering cats are obligate carnivores, going to take this with many grains of salt.
Don't really care about Larry, Ron White was the only funny one
At a ~95% drop in nicotine, they'd need 20 at the same time to get their fix