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jahasjahas jahasjahas

A person from Finland.

Languages: Finnish, English, some Swedish, etc.

Posts 3
Comments 0

The subreddit has now been closed

The r/LearnFinnish subreddit is currently closed (only approved users - which we don't have- can post) as a protest because of Reddit's recent actions. I added links to the Discord server and this Lemmy community.


Join the Learn Finnish Discord server Join the r/LearnFinnish Discord Server!

For people who are learning or want to learn the Finnish language. | 4,130 members

Join the r/LearnFinnish Discord Server!

You are welcome to join the Discord server of the /r/LearnFinnish subreddit at

Test community. jahasjahas


Testipostauksen teksti. Onkohan näiden näkyvyyttä feedissä rajoitettu jotenkin vai nousevatko sinne kaikkien ihmeteltäviksi? !