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jago jago
Posts 2
Comments 35
No sex education in schools 'until children are nine' guidance to say
  • The contents of the article must be consumed in order to discuss them intelligently, to create an informed opinion, and to pose questions that have positive worth within the conversation that ensues from its having been read and ruminated upon?

    Preposterous notion.

  • Oh my eyes!
  • The lions are nude, if that helps...

  • The headquarters of the sudanese navy building is shaped like a ship. The air force headquarters is shaped like a plane
  • Are you replying to/commenting on the OP's title? Did you not read past its first sentence, into its second, mentioning the plane?

  • [1986] Casio Databank Watch
  • Fair rebuttal; we're meant to infer the left-side hand pointing at the watch belongs to the same model of the right-side arm that's wearing the watch. Admittedly, this is an assumption based on insufficient data. It's not impossible that the finger-pointing left hand and the watch-wearing right wrist are owned by two different models.

    That doesn't change the fact that the watch is worn on a right-arm wrist in an orientation that would show it as upside down to a right-arm wrist owner.

  • A cool guide of what 1500 calories look like at the most famous fast food restaurants
  • The 3 McDonald's menu items' calorie values displayed add up to the sum displayed; where is there a discrepancy of 100?

  • A cool guide of what 1500 calories look like at the most famous fast food restaurants
  • How is McDonald's wrong? A few of the others are, but where is the error on that one?

  • ‘RANDOM FLUFF #57’ [OC]
  • Struggling to spell, read, or write can all be signs of dyslexia...

    This answered nothing… Could you explicitly state what a mouth has to do with dyslexia?

    The irony. :-|

  • 1 May 2024
  • Placement of the shark's eyes makes me question Larson's qualifications as a marine biologist.

  • Yet another shot from the woods [OC]
  • I was thinking the same thing. This is a fine example of the exception to the rule that you should not place the horizon in the middle of the frame.

  • Words of Wonder: Emily Dickinson Edition
  • ...our word “diamond” comes from adamant…

    As does our word, "adamant". 🙂

  • Why would anyone want to be a moderator?
  • I hope you have named these forks after Muppets.

    From left to right, they are clear to me as: Robin the Frog, Kermit, Bunsen Honeydew, and Beaker.

  • What's your favorite source of caffeine?
  • There's nothing bad to see at that link, which is kind of the point. It's a BBC article that contains two photos of the suspect food in question, which is 10 years old (at the time of writing in 2019) and looking a bit, well, deflated instead of being completely decomposed.

  • Is there a way to browse other instances the same way as if I visited them via the browser?
  • If you're registered at those other instances, you can create another profile(s) in Jerboa that connects to them, and then using that profile, browse by Local, I suppose.

    I'm registered at both and, and have profiles for both registrations in Jerboa.

    Otherwise, if you're registered only with Beehaw, I believe the answer is, "no, not in Jerboa, just with your device's normal web browser."

  • 12 Things to Remember Before Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
  • Garbage ad-laden filler puff-piece.

  • Updating to 0.18.0-rc.6
  • Thank you for confirming. Just before seeing your reply Notification I saw the "BE: 0.18.0" at the bottom of the webpage, and took that as a sign that you must've resolved whatever issues you'd had.
    Jerboa is now accepting my login attempts, inasmuch as it isn't giving me the server incompatibility message anymore.

    Thumbs-up, there. :)

    Now Jerboa just thinks my username/email and password are invalid for login.
    I'm just going to let the dust settle for a bit, keep trying in a few hours or tomorrow.

    Thank you, again!

  • Updating to 0.18.0-rc.6
  • Does that mean the update is/did not complete yet?

    Reason I ask is Jerboa got updated to 0.0.35 on my phone sometime mid-day today, and, when I launched it, was presented with the warning:

    Server version (0.17.4) is under the minimum supported version (0.18).
    Please inform your administrator and login to another instance, or sign out and use the default instance.

    I logged out of my Jerboa profile on, which (unbeknownst to me) deleted the profile outright, which I presume & hope is a Jerboa bug.

    I can re-add the profile again, no big deal, but it can't login to, for the same server version incompatibility error:

    Server version (0.17.4) too low.

  • Nighttime wedding photo
  • Gorgeous backlighting composition. It's quite striking, congrats!

    Do you plan to clip the blacks for more contrast?

  • Updating to 0.18.0-rc.6
  • Thanks for the update of this update. :)

  • How to set "all" and "sort by hot" as default instead of "local" and "sort by active"
  • Additionally, after saving your preferred settings, I found it necessary to close and relaunch Jerboa to see the change. Simply refreshing the home page doesn't apply it.

  • [REPOST] Get rid of my vacation? Have fun replacing me.
  • A reminder to all that the M stands for Master.

    (Yes, I know it's used in the "mastery" sense, but just roll with the analogy!)

  • Enhancment request: Long-press hyperlink text to reveal destination URI

    On mobile I use(d) Relay for Reddit browsing. The app has a feature that I miss in Jerboa.

    In posts/comments, [hyperlinked text can be long-pressed to reveal the destination](hi there i am a URI to any other website) in a pop-up overlayed on the link (sorry, I don’t know the proper term for this UI tool) without actually opening to the link. Upon tapping off the pop-up, it closes and I tap on the URI to follow through to it, or not, as I wish. In Jerboa, pressing a hyperlink only opens it, site unseen (pun intended).

    This change would be useful because sometimes I don't want to open the linked page, given the target (e.g. youtube, instagram).

    In Jerboa I see no way of discovering the URI of a hyperlink without following to it, which would be convenient to avoid.


    Jerboa icon gained a white background?

    This morning when I picked up my phone, the Jerboa icon on my phone's homepage had a transparent background, as it had when first installed a week-or-so ago.

    Sometime, mid-day today, I saw the icon had a solid white background.

    Did this change as a result of an update, or maybe my (admittedly old) phone just catching up to 2023?

    I must admit, I kinda liked the transparent-background version.
