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itsyourmom itsyourmom
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Is there an alternative to "motherfucker" that people would actually use?
  • So I go with the “MOFO” is shorter to type and hits the same.

  • when home security is an afterthought
  • My OCD is pissed they folded the door off center…. 😑

  • Refrigerator nook of shame.
  • Totally see myself bumping into that dumbass cube wall looking for a midnight snack or a glass of water in the dark.

  • And the children's bedroom comes with its own WWII bomb shelter!
  • Lmao… all I can think of is YABA daba DOOOOO! The whole time I was looking at the other pictures I’m reminded of the Flintstones… I was also humming the intro song in my head… lots of bedrock! Haha

  • Mods, rules and community guidelines. PLEASE READ.
  • You’re very welcome! 😁 I’m sorry this week has sucked! Here’s hoping next week looks up for you! And thanks you for everything that you do here!

  • Yes, that's a door back there
  • Kinda looks like a chest deep freezer? I mean… my question is where’s the shower? Maybe behind the photographer? Also… I’d hate to be blocked by a whateverthefuckit is if they have a fire and need to escape!

  • hmmm (xpost)
  • Only those people who don’t have a shy bladder and colon should apply… lmaoooo

  • Elvis lives.
  • The level of commitment is… idk… creepy? If Elvis were alive today, I’d encourage him to seek out a protection from stalking order maybe?

    What I’m wondering is.. is that like a blow up doll of Elvis (filled with air) Or like a statue? Or is it made of cardboard? I can see they have a cardboard cutout in the corner.. my guess from this pic is it’s got a different look, 3D?

    Maybe it’s a Elvis Museum? Mausoleum?

  • This car was stolen from a driveway in Canada. We found it in West Africa
  • That is wild! I watched the videos in the linked article, and I’m shocked how easy it is to steal vehicles!

    I guess what I see in the movies/shows if hot wiring and the time that takes isn’t the norm nowadays.

    IMO I feel like the Shipping Ports need to step up their game as far as inspections and stop the cars BEFORE they’ve been shipped to other countries. I would hope that the car insurance companies would be willing to help the cost of this increased inspections, considering they have to pay the value of the stolen vehicles to the owners…

  • Who is the worst person you could cheat on you partner with?
  • The answer is…. D) all of the above/ and below!

  • This gives me a headache.
  • I think I get it… they really like the chutes and ladders game and wanted a irl version!

  • Mods, rules and community guidelines. PLEASE READ.
  • I realize that this comment is on a post almost a month old… but just wanted to say THIS is my favorite community I subscribe to!

    No joke, I log in and seek out this community before I even look at any others!

    Just want to stop in and give you my appreciation for making Bad real estate the BOMB! You’re appreciated!

  • 'WE ARE EVERYWHERE' Videos Show Angry Neo-Nazis Cursing and Screaming Slurs During March in Florida
  • Wtaf? I can’t believe this is allowed to happen. The videos that were in the article showed just how tough and brave these cowards are. The leaders are the only ones actually showing their faces. The rest? Hiding behind ski masks. Fuck them. Ignorant racist pigs… start a fire then do me a favor and fall in

  • The last playlist you'll ever need
  • I dance like nobody is watching! All the time! My kids laugh and think I’m so weird. Who cares when I’m having fun! Admittedly at the expense of embarrassing them… lol… 😉

  • I realized what true friendship looks like.
  • I love this idea! Let’s goooo! 😁

  • Welcome to this floral nightmare. Complete with plastic floor covering and statuettes?!
  • Yikes! It’s too much I tell you… too freaking much. If the smallest room in a house is this jamb packed with flowers and useless shit… I don’t even want to see the rest of the house. You’d need to really LOVE flowers

  • Death trap toilet.
  • This whole thing screams too much work for me… I mean… wtf even is that a metal ladder to Fucking summit before you even make it to the toilet area?

    next is the drawbridge.. crank that fucker down.. then tiptoe across praying to the deity of poop that you don’t exceed the weight limits… then while you’re folded in half doing the do.. you gotta wish upon a star no one will thunder down the stairs and knock you off the throne? Finish up with the minimal wiping area available to then jump across the wooden moat to start the expedition to the freaking hand-washing sink?

    No Fucking thank you very much!

  • Well at least it looks solid 🤷
  • You can see it’s his step stool Ofc! Hahaha

  • Well at least it looks solid 🤷
  • Yessssss! Now I know where I can hide when I’m playing hide and go seek! No one will look for me there!

  • Tennessee cops, responding to complaints of kids ringing doorbells in the middle of the night, ring doorbells at 4AM to shoot dog four times
  • Ffs! Seriously? That cop was trigger happy, not only that… but to think if he’s missed the poor innocent puppy and a stray bullet hit one of her kids or family that was standing right there?

    100% that cop shouldn’t ever have a gun ever AGAIN. He’s not capable of making intelligent quick life or death decisions. Stupid impulsive asshole