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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Why don't banks like root on Android?
  • I think I just figured it out, hang on with me.

    It'd be the tech literate person in the family. The nephew that's working as a programmer or something like that. Now, if that nephew has some interest in stealing their uncles money, they now have access to their bank account through a freely rooted phone.

    This gives them a lot of options, which I don't have to explain.

    Given that a lot of scams actually happen between presumed family and friends...

    Yeah I kinda get why banks are doing this

  • Games rule
  • Killing Void Creatures by invoking the power of thunderstorms.

    Thinking about it, probably either an illegal rave party or an illegal epilepsy test

    (storm totem shaman in Last Epoch)

  • ich🎵iel
  • elektronische Tanzmusik. Es kommt von "Hardcore", der schnelleren Variante des noch etwas bekannteren "Hardstyle".

    Bei Metal isses spezifisch "Harcore Punk", wovon die ganzen "-core" genres hergeleitet wersen (bei welchen ich auf Teufel komm raus spontan auch nur metalcore und deathcore kenne, könnten die einzigen gängigeren Hardcore Punk Genres sein)

  • Capitalism really just reinvented sleeping outside SMH
  • little late but I kinda feel like responding:

    The beds are outside in the countryside, usually on fields that are owned by the farmers who offer the "rooms", so they're a bit secluded.

    You're brought there by said farmer, he shows you around a bit, shows the fridge, etc. Then he leaves again.

    If you need any room service, you just call up the farmer and he comes back to bring it.

    No idea about toilets, but I think you'd also have to walk back to the farm. Same if it rains. Pretty much all of those openair hotels are ran by those kinds of farmers anyway, who were used to hotel guests as they've been offering "sleeping in the hey" kinda things since years, so for them, it's pretty much the same, except being a little (sometimes a lot) further away and being logistically a bit more challenging.

  • Math
  • The person who noticed that the Proud Boys were coming to town and rallied people to a counter-protest? Definitely a leader

    Nahh you got that wrong. What usually happens is that a lot of people who are into politics (which left-extreme people often are) hear about this at the same time (through some press release, some proud boys twitter account who's rallyin their followers, etc.).

    From that point the information spreads over friendsgroups, small discords, tweets, whatsapps, in person, slowly but steadily.

    Any left-extreme person who hears this immediately thinks "I'm mad, I wanna show those guys that they're not welcome". Granted, some of us think about much more extreme things, but back to the point. The first reaction from that thought is often "is there a counter protest?". People are then doing the same thing but the other way around, as now everyone is trying to find some tweet, event, whatsapp message screenshot, whatever, of someone saying where the meeting point for an event would be. If none are found, someones gonna create something, which is usuqlly someone who's got a lot of connections with other left-extremists. Often there's multiple people creating the same counterprotest, which gets super messy at times, but somehow everyone manages to meet up in some general spot.

    Worst case you just have a bunch of friends groups going to the meeting spot of wherever the initial event is happening.

    That's "the antifa". A massive network of friends and friends of friends of friends who are all pretty aligned in their political views (which is "fuck Nazis") but who often don't know more then 5 other antifacists.

  • This is why Valve supports and actively pushes Linux Gaming.
  • Or hope that GoG finally created their Linux client, although it has only be requested by a quiet minority of literally every single suggestion on their community wishlist.

    For the love of the gods CDPR, please, finally realize that Linux users are you main customer base.

  • I have received a copyright infringement alert, what should I answer?
  • Given that it's Hetzner, there's not much you can do besides telling them "oops sorry didn't know this was illegal" and proceed using a VPN on your seedbox, go private tracker or just use a different hoster. Hetzner isn't a big fan of torrenting since they have the (german) feds in their neck.

  • I had a dream about windows and have decided to setup Linux on my laptop. What distro should I use?
  • If you're a power user, I'd actually recommend installing Arch Linux. It will take a while, and definitely much longer then just pressing "install" on a fancy UI, but the advantages it brings are priceless.

    Generally, you'll have to build the OS yourself, but you get a manual doing most of the job if you simply follow it, kinda like Lego. Given that you ultimately build it all yourself, you know how things work if anything might break. You also know how to adjust things if you wish to change something. And for everything you want to do, there's an up-to-date manual in the arch wiki.

    On top of that, the distro is running the newest software, which means that almost everything is compatible and runs in the best possible way. It will be tested 2-3 weeks in advance in order to ensure it won't break your system immediately. But even if it does, guess what, there's a manual on how to fix your system.

    In case you're overwhelmed at any point, there's a great community. Not sure if they managed to move to lemmy, but they're definitely over on reddit.

    Good luck :)

  • Kräftiger Einbruch bei Bahnpünktlichkeit
  • Als Schweizerin fahre ich immer wieder mal durch ganz Deutschland zu meiner Verlobten raus. Bis jetzt bin ich noch nie pünktlich angekommen. Teilweise kommt man auch gar nicht an, weil der Zug aufgrund zu hoher Verspätungen einfach irgendwo die Fahrt beendet.

    Ich frage mich bis heute warum die ICEs in jeder Stadt genau 2 Minuten fürs Aus- und Einsteigen einplanen. Die könnten halt auch einfach hingehn und 5 Minuten draus machen, sodass da bisschen Puffer da ist, oder irgendwo mal ne 15min Pause um da wieder was aufholen zu können.

    Was ich auch mega schräg finde ist wie die Netze befahren werden. Beispielsweise gibt es 5 verschiedene Verbindungen von Hamburg nach Basel die unterschiedliche Strecken befahren, aber dann häufig wieder auf einer einzelnen Schiene zusammenkommen (beispielsweise die, die durch den Ruhrpott fahren und an random Bahnhöfen halten, aber dann alle in Münster und Düsseldorf halten). Warum kann man da jetzt nicht eine Fernverkehrs-Verbindung machen mit kleineren Verbindungen dazwischen? Sodass man da einfach hingeht und 1x pro Stunde nen Direktzug von Münster nach Düsseldorf durch zieht und dann eine kürzere Verbindung die einfach zwischen Münster und Düsseldorf pendelt und da die ganzen grösseren Ruhrpottstädte zu verbinden?

    Aber ja, obviously, sieht halt aufm Papier nich so schön aus. Da steht dann plötzlich dass man von der einen Kleinstadt in die andere 30min länger braucht und 2x Umsteigen muss.

    In der Schweiz funktionierts, in Deutschland hat man da wohl zuviel Angst

  • As a transbian, Cis women and Lesbian Spaces scare me

    I feel like I need to get this off my chest...

    I started transitioning 5 years ago and at this point, I 100% pass, except for voice and a very slight beard shadow (that for some reason no one but me notices).

    I feel completely scared about Lesbian spaces, and Cis women in particular. The few times I went out there (which was in the first 2 years of my transition), I've had horrible experiences.

    It ranges from a few agonizing glances you get occasionally, up to outright comments about "this is a women only space btw".

    I've also often noticed how cis lesbians seem to treat me differently when it comes to romantical and sexual interest. The moment it's revealed that I'm trans, things seem to shift. "Oh, I've never tried this", "oh, that's interesting, kinda", quite often there's the question about bottom surgery ("this might be a bit intimate to ask, but..."), and sometimes even outright ghosting or immediate disinterest.

    I feel like this is the last, and yet hardest mountain to climb, to the point where I just feel too frustrated to even try, accepting the fact that, well... I will probably always remain a trans woman, and won't fit in to those societies that I so heavily relate to when I can keep my pseudonimity.

    And yeah, T4T is a thing, it's pretty much the only thing I got going at this point...

    Can anyone relate? Has anyone managed to overcome this hurdle?
