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ilovecheese ilovecheese
Posts 24
Comments 105
Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • To be fair, that is true!

    We are each in our own simulated 'reality' of whats going on out there.

    Perhaps it wold be nice if people could 're-calibrate' their 'realities' sometimes?

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • It's strange isn't it? It 'seems obvious' but there's such resistance, and not just from those who benefit from the status quo.

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

  • Do you feel that you are operating in a different reality than most of humanity?
  • Honestly, sometimes yes.

    I genuinely can't understand 'peoples' need to hate on each other. All the time.

    But I feel like the tin foil hat wearing loony when I share this sentiment with most people.

  • Custom error pages
  • 400 - “We apologize again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.”

    403 - "We are the Knights Who Say... Ni!"

    404 - "This parrot is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker. This is a late parrot. It's stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir, invisible. This is an ex-parrot."

  • Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress
  • I'm only a few hundred hours in to Rimworld, but have 5 or 6 times that in DF.

    I very much enjoy the micro management of RW and it's polish, but DF feels so much richer and deeper to me at least. I do prefer the longer term, macro management of DF.

    Perhaps it's nothing more than which I played first?

    I can see the Sims/Sim City analogy! Hated the Sims, loved Sim City!

  • Space Station 14 is a modern reimagining of a cultish and richly complex online RPG
  • Looks interesting!

    Signed up and will be trying this!

  • Happy birthday,!
  • Congratulations!

    Thank you to all those who make it worth being here!

  • Crosspost: tankie censorship problem
  • Would be a shame to defederate and lose the good communities.

    The couple of niche game communities I use on .ml have very little participation as it is, and would likely not survive even a few users moving to c/'s on other instances.

    Not that I have any better suggestions, other than just blocking the troublesome political c/'s on .ml.

  • 25 years ago, Napster changed how we listen to music forever
  • A quarter century of shameless piracy! Now that's something to celebrate!

  • So Double Raids Are a Thing Then?
  • He's up next! Can't wait!

  • So Double Raids Are a Thing Then?
  • Haven't managed that yet, but they did clear the manhunting tortoises that had been making a nuisance of themselves!

  • So Double Raids Are a Thing Then?
  • The spacing is very predictable so far, which is useful! Although it doesn't feel like there's any gaps due to the other 'fun' stuff!

  • So Double Raids Are a Thing Then?

    2nd playthrough, Cassandra Classic, strive to survive, Tribal start.

    This game can be brutal, huh? I love it!

    ‘No one going to jail’ for avoiding UK national service, says Cleverly
  • Mandatory volunteer work? Isn't that an oxymoron?

  • Is there a temperature so hot that relativistic effects are noticeable?
  • The way I understand it, (which is virtually not at all really!) there is no overall universal time or background clock like a force field of time or "stable rhythm" that everything experiences. But every observer experiences its own time, relative to whatever point of reference is used.

    This is where my meager brain fully melts down.....

    If everything is moving through spacetime, the faster through space, relative to C, the slower you travel through time, the slower through space, the faster through time.

    So if every particle is moving away from each other equally at C, from each ones perspective it's own time is slowed to 0, so now everything is eternally rushing away from everything else with no time passing.

    Now my reasoning and vocabulary fail completely tbh,

  • Is there a temperature so hot that relativistic effects are noticeable?
  • Surely time had also only just sprung into being so shortly after the big bang? If "everything" was moving near C, there was no "other" time to be relative to?

  • who is on Lemmy (the sociology of Lemmy)
  • Still mainly use them!

  • [KSP1] Cruising around Rouqea
  • Cool looking mod! I don't feel so bad about my poor specs after seeing it's windows only.

  • Friday !!FUN!!


    Thought I'd lay a trap....


    Caught quite a few!


    TIL Locked Doors Can Be Destroyed. This is About to Become Somewhat of a Problem.

    So I've been under the impression that locked doors could not be destroyed.

    My mistake became apparent as the doors leading in from the caverns started to started to fail!

    The next locked doors lead to the clown cages......


    Mining a Candy Spire and Got This Message for the First Time

    Today I learned about the Ages:


    What FPS Are You Getting?

    And any tips for potentially improving it?

    I'm currently getting about 45 FPS with ~115 dwarfs. (limited to 150 max)

    My world world was generated with 250 years history and has 1 fort that I retired after 6 years or so. 4x4 embark.

    45 FPS is fine to play but it drops quickly after too many more dwarfs rock up.


    [KSP1] A Satisfying First Orbit with Unkerballed Start + Kerbalism

    Kerbalsm and Unkerballed Start are a couple of mods that make for an interesting playthrough!


    [KSP1] I Used AI to Design a Mission and Create a Custom Flag for the Mission!

    I saw Matt Lowne use chat GPT to create a KSP mission and I thought it was a good idea. So I tried it myself!

    I also wanted a custom flag, but I'm more engineer than artist, so I had AI create that for me too!

    I asked for a multi part mission, that used multiple craft and multiple launches and was medium to hard in complexity.

    • Launch a mission to the Mun.

    • Scan for resources from orbit.

    • Land a scanning rover to determine a good site for a mining operation.

    • Put down crew for the new mining operation.

    • Mine ore and convert to fuel.

    Here's the main launch with the scanning probe, rover, lander and ISRU craft.


    Deploying the M700 probe with enough Δv to reach a polar orbit.


    The scanning and science rover posing with it's sky crane.


    The mining module in operation


    Sending up the crew to rendezvous with the landing craft.


    The landing crew with their custom flag planted! (shame they didn't land closer to the colony, but the rover can taxi them over!)



    [KSP1] This Game Can Still Look Amazing!

    Thanks to the brilliant people making the mods for it!


    [KSP1] Maiden Voyage of 'The Bagel' Preparing to Launch a Lander to Gilly.

    This design has 2 extendable docking ports:

    One to allow easy docking for the landing craft and for refueling.


    And another for SSTO docking for crew access.


    I might have gone a bit overboard with this one!


    [KSP1] Everyone Likes Ike, Right?

    After a successful Duna expedition I realized that without the lander the command ship had enough Δv for a brief visit to Ike to gather more of that sweet, sweet orbital science!

    Thanks to a helpful gravity assist from the Mun, the crew made it back to Kerbn with a whopping 9 Δv left. If they didn't get enough aerobraking on the first pass it would have been next stop; deep space...


    [KSP1] Command Module of the Duna 1 Science Vessel

    On it's way to a 100km parking orbit to await the lander craft to join it later.

    It'll be carrying 3 Kerbals, a science lab and an array of science experiments to conduct along the way.

    Next stop: Duna!


    Anyone Been Bitten by (or even heard of) the Blandford Fly?

    They're named after a town in Dorset, so must be pretty common, but I'd never heard of them before.
