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hyde ~/hyde

:debian: user since '96

I used to have this πŸ’Ύ and that πŸ“Ό

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And, #nobridge πŸ–•

Posts 5
Comments 27
Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus ?
  • @fin It says on their web page "Privacy focused" but I don't get the same privacy features than #librewolf

  • Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus ?

    Hello @zenbrowser why I cant have the same protection using zen versus @librewolf ?

    I tested it with

    and still it says that zen is partially blocking some trackers.

    I checked the settings, many things looks the same but apparently not enough...

    If you have any information on this it will be great.

    X Users Can Now Restrict Replies to Verifed Account Only
  • @breadsmasher @SSUPII it's more about FOMO I guess than having anything useful. Happy to not follow any of them ...

  • As usual, It's ( time !

    YouTube Premium alternatives for mobile
  • @Plagiatus @vox have you tried librewolf ?

  • A new pen: The ( AL Sport.

    Piracy is Good: The Moral Imperative of Sharing Knowledge
  • @platypus_plumba And get more stressed, etc.. Everything is not about growth.

  • Piracy is Good: The Moral Imperative of Sharing Knowledge
  • @platypus_plumba They did of course ... before IBM bought it.

    And, now they stabbing in the back "freeloaders" ...

  • Piracy is Good: The Moral Imperative of Sharing Knowledge
  • @platypus_plumba Why would everything need to expand and have exponential growth? We already fucked so many things ...

  • Piracy is Good: The Moral Imperative of Sharing Knowledge
  • @ayaya @platypus_plumba that what pissed me off with light room and an old Mac I had. Upgraded the mac, and then light room can't be run anymore. You need to get a subscription ... I sold the Mac and went full Linux with #darktable instead.

    All is about fucking subscriptions to everything ... Disney cut some shows because they dont make a massive hit the first couple of weeks, you can't find good old movies, because you need to follow the trends ... All that is bullshit

  • Piracy is Good: The Moral Imperative of Sharing Knowledge
  • @platypus_plumba @ayaya FOSS is free ... But people create services around it to get revenue. But, the software is free.

    Tthose big companies are making money using free software without giving anything back ... And that's disgusting. Check the latest Redhat move ...

  • Piracy is Good: The Moral Imperative of Sharing Knowledge
  • @platypus_plumba @ayaya that actually exist
    Just some examples ... There are some offering breakfast and you pay what you want. does the same

  • Streaming was supposed to stop piracy. Now it is easier than ever
  • @IsThisLemmyOpen @cccc plus the fact you need 5+ accounts on different platforms if you want to find everything you want. Even then, you won't find old movies I guess

  • main piratebay is currently down; UPDATE: back up?
  • @ILeftReddit True... But I hope Linux users will learn a bit more about their OS πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  • main piratebay is currently down; UPDATE: back up?
  • @ILeftReddit sure but it's still more secure than windows :)