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huckleberry huckleberry

Electrician apprentice, cast iron collector, hobby mechanic, Reddit refugee. Generally a lurker, but looking to be more active in a few communities.

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Comments 2
What piece of kit or setup represents the pinnacle of your hobby/profession?
  • As my GF likes to say, buying yarn and knitting are 2 different hobbies.

  • 30 Essential Ideas you should know about ADHD, 5A ADHD is Time Blindness
  • There is a playlist on youtube in 10ish minute chunks if you need to break it down! this one was my favorite out of the playlist.

  • ADHD huckleberry

    30 Essential Ideas you should know about ADHD, 5A ADHD is Time Blindness

    This whole lecture is close to 3 hours long, but incredibly informative! The best educational primer on ADHD I have come across. I learned a lot about myself, and what I wish my parents had known when I was growing up.
