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hondacivic hondacivic
Posts 1
Comments 45
A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • iphone mfs when they have to read the word android

    insert weird rambling about superiority while feeling superior themselves

  • Stupid question but is it possible to get a virus from an MKV file.
  • You're on linux? The odds of you getting a virus on linux are not 0 but very slim, since the userbase is very small.

    Plus, viruses prey on people's ignorance. The usual "movie file viruses" are .exe files and can only be run on windows. Most people don't enable the option to show file extensions on windows, so a filed named "movie.mkv.exe" would show up as "movie.mkv" instead.

    IMO, the odds of you accidentally running a virus by playing a .mkv file on linux are as high as the odds of you winning the lottery 3 times in a row.

  • Why do some peers have unusual client names
  • finally someone who understands the pain

    lemmy doesn't resolve html entities if put in a code block but sync does

  • Apple to Debut Passwords App in Challenge to 1Password, LastPass
  • Passwords+ allows you to save passwords longer than 12 characters, import passwords from csv files and encrypt the database.

    For only 499$

  • Gay Republican candidate melts down when he figured out that his party is homophobic
  • the real issue is having only two parties. it makes the tribalism even stronger.

  • A Cool guide to Cistercian Numerals
  • so 6 is one and two symbols then.

    but when you search a tiny bit online you end up reading this

    The percent sign % is the symbol used to indicate a percentage, a number or ratio as a fraction of 100.

    confusing, there's no right or wrong.

  • if not for doublethink they wouldn't think at all
  • definitely is. on my instance it shows as deleted but not when i check on yours

  • if not for doublethink they wouldn't think at all
  • i'd take a life of "how am i gonna spend this money wisely" over a life of "how am i gonna make it this month"

  • Why do some peers have unusual client names
  • yup. sync seems to parse it and take any & code and renders it as the actual character. lets lest it.

     " µ ´ ₫ & > <


    i'm even more confused now

  • rule
  • Sometimes they are. It reminds me of the Association of German National Jews.

  • Lets test the theory
  • The problem with having this much money is the power that it brings. A life of modesty brings you way closer to god than anything else. Billionaires are sometimes praised but poor who dare use tricks to gain wealth are called sinners and immoral people. We're stuck playing a game with rules that are different for everyone.

    Because that too could happen to me.

    Temporarily embarrassed millionaire :/

  • Lets test the theory
  • There's thousands of people who need to have their salaries increased. Aren't they the needy?

    Pay the workers, ffs. Else, you're greedy, yes.

    This is not the argument you think it is.

    Those who run charities are not the holiest humans either. A fraction of what is sent to charities goes to those they claim to help.

  • Why do some peers have unusual client names
  • doesn't for me. definitely a client issue. these little quirks are what keeps programmers up at night.

  • Lets test the theory
  • If you think having more money than 99% of the people that have ever existed on earth is not greed... not even god could save you.

    You could give out 99% of that money and live a lavish life.

    If greed is subjective then sins are subjective. Therefore not paying back your debts is subjective. There's no objective meaning to anything, it seems.

  • if not for doublethink they wouldn't think at all
  • Following this logic you don't work very hard.

    The one who works hard is the worker you depend on. That worker can go work elsewhere, but you need him. Pay him his worth, because he's literally the support pillar. I'm sure you know what happens when there's no support pillar.

    It's not because you tell people what to do that you work harder. Those people could have done it themselves, but they didn't have the money to start something as big as amazon. It's all about how much money you have to invest, not hard work.

    Some billionares do work hard because they happened across a smart idea and they were able to make it flourish.

    Smart ideas with money to invest = hard worker

    Smart ideas but poor = ???

  • if not for doublethink they wouldn't think at all
  • Kills the discourse = disagrees with my opinion

  • if not for doublethink they wouldn't think at all
  • Also it's crazy to think that someone who has that much money works harder (proportionally to the amount they make) than someone who can't even take a piss break without fear of being fired.

    (sorry for the 2 deleted comments, my client bugged out big time)

  • if not for doublethink they wouldn't think at all
  • Also it's crazy to think that someone who has that much money works harder (proportionaly) than someone who can't even take a piss break without fear of being fired.

  • Shit Americans Say hondacivic

    "I don't appreciate you Brits using/changing our language without consent"
