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Wind and Solar Produced More Energy Than Coal in the U.S. From January Through July This Year, a First - EcoWatch
  • Dont forget to truecost the coal and other petroproducts needed to power the factories that make these high tech lifestyle savers. The alloys and composite materials needed REALLY SUX IT you know @SteveKLord ?

    Ps. We're never shown all the DIESEL TRUCK TRAFFIC and other vehicles all over new roadways in RURAL environments required to maintain this high tech trash... Almost none of it recyclable.

  • Israel kills over 200 Palestinians to rescue 4 captives; U.S. allegedly involved in operation
  • You have to break eggs to make an omelette and Civilians die in wars and Hamas is a liberation army seeking to put an end to the people doing the killing. They ARE NOT CLASSIFIED as a terror org by ANY global body including the UN and they ARE the ABSOLUTE equivalent of the Vietnamese NLF @DropBear. You DID support the NLF, didn't you? Oh, and I'm blocking his one 👉@SuckMyWang with malice, just b/c 'handle'. @palestine @israel

  • A man set himself on fire at the Israeli embassy in DC. Earlier reports did not include this:
  • @8petros Is there a problem with me repping for that pov, whoeverthefuckyouare? I was clear about that, and given your 'fuck..." thingie I figure you for a troll. So get back to me promptly as to whether I'm wrong in regard to the cohort I speak of. Kapische?

    Ps. 10 or so self-immolations since the 50s, afaict by a quicksearch on 'poland self immolation', is NOT Socially normal. @Sherifazuhur @palestine @rad

  • A man set himself on fire at the Israeli embassy in DC. Earlier reports did not include this:
  • @rad I stand by what I said for the reason stated. This is considered aberrant behavior in US society and AUTOMATICALLY is classified as mental illness. @Sherifazuhur @palestine

  • A man set himself on fire at the Israeli embassy in DC. Earlier reports did not include this:
  • @Sherifazuhur @palestine The media will use him to 'prove' palestine activists are 'dangerous and mentally ill'. His actions were stupid and not helpful to palestinian causes. I suspect he'd already been under psych observation and this could be a 'psych med ramp-up' incident.

  • where are your Palestinian flags beside your nickname, good guys?
  • @WuTang Know the nice thing about flags, troll? They're all the same color when they BURN. Unfortunately so are CHARRED #PALESTINIANS BODIES. Human Rights Watch: Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza, Lebanon Now crawl back into your Lemming hole.