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hedge hedge

Shut-in, keeper of weird hours

Posts 145
Comments 46

The Buddha’s Teachings: An Introduction Cover | The Buddha’s Teachings

The Buddha’s Teachings : An Introduction

Cover | The Buddha’s Teachings

Harpoons by SISU

0 A Grid Collapse Would Make a Heat Wave Far Deadlier

Climate change is making summers hotter, blackouts more common, and heat-related illness more dangerous. The power system may be resilient—but it still has vulnerabilities.


Io Echo: When the Lilies Die


Seefeel: Rip-Run


The Danse Society - Dolphins

0 BookWyrm is the Federated GoodReads Replacement I Didn’t Know I Needed

Like GoodReads, but tired of Amazon? BookWyrm might be what you're looking for.

cross-posted from:

> Old, but just in case folks don't know about this...


Everyone Likes Reading. Why Are We So Afraid of It?

"Reading is a chronicle of progress, the almost mythic tale of a latent superpower unlocked for the benefit of mankind."

0 The Diary of Virginia Woolf review – a book for the ages

Woolf’s epic and unmatchable record of her life, times and writing process

0 Loss of fossil fuel assets would not impoverish general public, study finds

Research allays fears that rapid scaling back of production would hit people’s savings and pensions hard

Loss of fossil fuel assets would not impoverish general public, study finds

Teresa Taylor, Butthole Surfers Drummer and Face of Generation X, Dies at 60

0 Heatwaves are stressing out power grids all over the world

That can turn an already dangerous situation deadly.

Heatwaves are stressing out power grids all over the world
0 The Book No One Read

Why Stanislaw Lem’s futurism deserves attention.

0 Extreme Heat Is Deadlier Than Hurricanes, Floods and Tornadoes Combined

When dangerous heat waves hit cities, better risk communication could save lives

Extreme Heat Is Deadlier Than Hurricanes, Floods and Tornadoes Combined

Very worried about this


“I Write Things I Cannot Play”: The Secret of Liz Phair

Thirty years after the release of her classic album Exile in Guyville, the singer-songwriter is taking the record back on the road.


Blue Krishna: Mayflower Spring

0 India heatwave: nearly 100 dead amid warnings to stay indoors

Temperatures of nearly 45C recorded, with people over 60 particularly at risk, as deaths strike Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states

0 CatalogChoice Mail Preference Service - Put an end to junk mail, catalogs, and phone books.

CatalogChoice Mail Preference Service is a service to stop junk mail and save natural resources.

Feel like I'm shilling a bit here, but I've been able to significantly reduce the amount of clutter that comes into my home every day with CC, which not only helps my mental state, but of course the environment as well. I don't have ADHD, but I can imagine that using a service like this might be able to significantly reduce distractions and help a person stay focused on what's important. Just wanted to share this with fellow Beehawers in case it helps. CC is a non-profit that relies on donations.

EDIT: And I'm in no way affiliated with them!


A new David Lynch doc pieces through his "Oz" inspirations All roads lead back to flying monkeys: "Lynch/Oz" takes a peek behind the curtain

A new David Lynch doc pieces through his "Oz" inspirations, but could have gone in harder on the monkey parts


Hey Beehaw, have some Honey Power!

Courtesy of My Bloody Valentine

Should we terraform Mars?
  • For anyone who would like to read a sci-fi series about what terraforming Mars might look like, there's The Martian Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson

  • Should we terraform Mars?
  • You mean, like this?

  • Parts of Reddit are staying dark. Our search results may suffer for it.
  • Can't the powers that be at reddit just flip a switch somewhere and remove the mods' ability to make subreddits private? Presumably if they could they would have done so by now (but if not, 🤫!!!)

  • Should we terraform Mars?
  • Right, I didn't necessarily see it as an either/or type thing--I think we can and should do both!--however, if it does come down to one or the other, it's got to be earth first.

  • Should we terraform Mars?
  • Does Zubrin have any ideas about mitigating the effects of low gravity on humans? The only thing I can think of are these little personal sleep centrifuges I read about somewhere that would approximate earth gravity for at least part of the time.

  • Should we terraform Mars?
  • The magnetic field issue is a biggie, and would have to be addressed before any large-scale colonization efforts could begin, but is hypothetically solvable.

  • What do you use to track your reading?
  • I must confess to being somewhat disappointed by BookWyrm; however I think it's still very early days over there. I wish them all the luck in the world, and hope they can dethrone Goodreads which is owned by amazon and is therefore evil. I'll be checking on them periodically to see how they progress.

  • I crave mental lint. What are some interesting facts that the hivemind (you) have stored away?
  • Hypothetically, yes. Keep in mind that even if we could travel at the speed of light it would take something like IIRC 3-4 years to reach Proxima Centauri, and even then I'm not sure there's anywhere suitable to land. 🚀 Which leads me to:

  • What do you use to track your reading?
  • At this point, honestly just a spreadsheet that gets synced from laptop to phone with syncthing. Boring but effective.📚

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout ‘will pass’ “I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public,” CEO Steve Huffman says in an internal memo. “Some folks are really upset, and we don’t want you to be the object of their frustrations.”

  • why I ended up leaving Reddit today
  • Ok, Mrs. Hedge had to explain to me what sticky caps were, and their significance; earlier I was just scratching my head 🙂

  • Is the whole AI apocalypse thing overblown or not?
  • Hi @[email protected], finally got around to watching the video, thanks for letting me know about it.👍 One thing that really befuddles me about AI is the fact that we don't know how it gets from point A to point Z as Mr. Dudeguy mentioned in the video. Why on earth would you design something that way? And why can't you just ask it, "ChatGPT, how did you reach that conclusion about X?" (Possibly a very dumb question, but anyway there it is 🤷).

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • Think just a couple days. They're probably being bombarded with requests, so yours might take longer, but can't say for sure.