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haurog haurog
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Daily General Discussion - June 24, 2023
  • As part of the EVMavericks buildathlon I built a website to calculate and skim rETH rewards. The rETH skimmer allows users to skim profits from the rising value of rETH compared to ETH. Users have two options to calculate the profits: selecting a specific time period or using the 'by remaining ETH' method to determine the skimming amount while specifying the desired remaining ETH. The profit can directly be exchanged back into ETH in the rETH skimmer app. rETH skimmer enables passive income from rETH.

    Try it out here:

    The site is still under development, but perfectly usable already. The worst thing that can happen is that it fails to calculate your rewards and you cannot initiate a transaction.

    I rely on rocketscan for the historic rETH exchange rates. Getting these data is a bit slow during the initial loading of the website. It might take up to 15 seconds and every other week, the API proxy service I am using is down for a few hours. Definitely a place which needs to be improved from my side.

    If you find a bug or see possible improvements, please tell me.