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Does anyone use emacs as their main terminal emulator?
  • @kelvie many people use vterm which is in many aspects better than ansi-term.

  • Does anyone use emacs as their main terminal emulator?
  • @kelvie hm... I rarely use terminal emulators anymore, I mostly use Eshell nowadays.

  • Writing Lisp Code with ChatGPT
  • @DrOps
    I clicked the link in the post.

  • Writing Lisp Code with ChatGPT
  • @DrOps This gives a simple "Server Error" message.

  • To all evil-mode users, how do you work with vterm?
  • @AusatKeyboardPremi
    It's a mental burden to keep track of modes. That's why people invented modifier keys in the first place. But I admit after a while there can be too much shortcuts and then something needs to be done about it. I recently transferred my less-often used shortcuts into hydras so I don't need to remember them (and hydras resemble modal operations)

    In Emacs, there are no modes the user needs to be aware of when typing where the cursor is.


  • Is GNU Emacs still worth it?
  • @nyl yeah I'm not against meaningful comparisons but this started turning into a flamewar which I had more than enough in the past years. ;)


  • Is GNU Emacs still worth it?
  • @nyl
    Just use whatever works for you man, no need to advocate your preferences

    I'm happy that you found your new home, let's close this!