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hack13 Hack13
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DE For Multi-Monitor Setup
  • That will be awesome

  • DE For Multi-Monitor Setup

    So I have a two monitor setup, and I really dislike how gnome only lets you have the bar on the primary screen unless you install a plugin that is very outdated and I cannot get working on the latest version of gnome or use dash to dock, and I am not a fan of the dock style...

    Then with KDE is kinda nice, but then I have to keep the panel at the bottom of both monitors in sync manually for pinned items... I am just curious if this bothers others and if there is a DE that doesn't really have this issue or any workarounds people know of.

    Lapce IDE (written in rust)
  • Might be kinda hard to support that, as many of the plugins are just leveraging JS engine that VSCode runs on... but I don't see why it couldn't be possible considering things like Tauri exists.

  • Furry Programmers Hack13

    Lapce IDE (written in rust)

    Not sure if anyone has played with this IDE yet, it is written in rust and in its early days. But I have toyed with it a little bit, and I have been pretty impressed with how fast and light weight it feels compared to like VSCode... that said, the lack of some of the plugins I use in VSCode keeps me from making a full switch. But I thought I would share it.

    WordPress now offers official support for ActivityPub - The Verge
  • This almost tempts me to move back to it, but I still been enjoying the ability to live in the world of Static Site Generation.

  • Join or ignore the anti-meta fedi pact
  • I stand on the same kind of stance... I agree. I am not a fan of the company, and I am not a fan of the way they do business. I am unsure if I will like what they try to do in this space, but I think blocking them outright would be a considerable disservice before giving it a chance. I think having a big player in the ring, people will give it more of a chance than they have in the past with the complaints of "It just seemed too complicated" or "I don't understand the concept of servers" It will be a good gateway for people to try the platform with "An Evil You Know" mindset.

    Do I think it could eventually turn into Embrace Extend Extinguish... maybe, but I think it is still worth it to get more people into giving it a shot. Just look at the at protocol that people are playing with; tons of users are so excited about how they can use their own domain and such... when they see you from a different instance and actually see it working. It might drive a percentage to move off the Meta-operated instance and onto instances operated by individuals or even try to host their own instance.

  • Furry Technologists Hack13

    Trying To Fix or Find the Right Browser/Extensions Combo

    So I have been trying to find a browser that really fits my wants and needs... I love a lot of feature sets of Firefox even went as far as installing a custom CSS theme to make it not look like the default and loved the look. I just have issues with it chugging a bit on certain sites, that have a lot of client side javascript to run.

    So I been looking at Vivaldi, and I have gone back to it but Vivaldi has these small things I find as tiny pain points like their forced tabs and doesn't like doing PWAs which is something I enjoy being able to make (which is another downside of Firefox as well not supporting this)...

    Finally I LOVE and NEED something like the Firefox Container Tabs which make it so easy for me to be signed into multiple accounts at the same time without haveing to have multiple windows open. Like I have AWS console signed into my personal and my business accounts and switching between them and such, also my CDN provider etc... so I saw there are some "paid" solutions for this on chrome... I tried a couple of the "Free" ones that I could find on the Chrome App Store and just they don't all behave or break the site...

    Feedback greatly appreciated
