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guskikalola guskikalola :linux:

I use arch btw. Spanish software engineer, I love self-hosting and sometimes I do mods for games.

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Comments 27
I know that it's rolling release, but 4 times this year seems a bit much
  • @Titou proprietary drivers, dkms version.
    Official repos.

    Both my friend and I experienced this, a few minutes later pahole was reverted to previous version on the repos and the update was delayed until fixes were made.

    I migrated from nvidia to amd last summer and no issues since then ( a few crashes in Minecraft, its the only game capable of crashing the GPU, dont know why or how ).

  • I know that it's rolling release, but 4 times this year seems a bit much
  • @Titou @Nisaea Well, in my case it once broke due to a conflict between pahole and nvidia that caused errors. Games would crash every now and then. I was going crazy until I found that the update broke nvidia :}

  • Great news from 2023
  • @thecookingsenpai @Titou Yet has to be said, I've been using linux for gaming for almost 2 years now, the amount of games you can play now compared to PlayOnLinux era is impressive.
    I only run into issues when the game uses windows only anti-cheats, but I don't have many of those games ( I said goodbye to League now that they are adding Vanguard ), therefor I can play fully on Linux.

  • They caught us
  • @dustyData The RPi4 4GB model already struggles being me the only user, I have a bunch of services but RAM is not the problem nor is the cpu, the main problem in my case is the i/o limitation. I boot from the USB, while most operations don't suppose much load for the system, as soon as I start writing to the disk series or even update dockers the system starts to slow down.

  • ***buntu
  • @TimeSquirrel @RmDebArc_5 @nottheengineer @SomeBoyo @dustyData Imo gaming is the only reason to use bleeding edge distros. Otherwise is risky, your system could break with every update.
    Even though I said that I also use Arch for uni stuff, but I have everything backed on my own server and in the case of system failure I can simply reinstall arch and mount my network drive again

  • ***buntu
  • @TimeSquirrel @RmDebArc_5 @nottheengineer @SomeBoyo @dustyData For gaming one year is old, you want the latest drivers in order to achieve maximum performance ( * or at least increase your chances to ).
    For office or media consumption maybe one year isn't old at all.

    Thats what I believe

  • They caught us
  • @olafurp I have 1TB SSD storage on my rpi and I delete series once I have watched them, otherwise I eventually run out of storage if I don't. Well, good luck, but maybe before upgrading your storage you should upgrade your home server, a rpi is powerfull but you will eventually face problems related to I/O and CPU limitations

  • So sad when it happens
  • @nolight @CheeseNoodle I believe one use-case for those licensed paid programs are the business who truly need some trustworthy software and dedicated support. The FOSS might be great for personal use, but maybe LibreOffice doesn't fit every company's needs

  • They caught us
  • @olafurp @AlecSadler What kind of data hoader are you?!
    I mean, if you can afford that sure, but I find it unnecesary.
    Also, how do you plan to backup that much storage? just curious about the last one, I always find it hard to backup more than 100 GB of media

  • Oh no ...
  • @Moshpirit @ElCanut why cats, dogs are funnier :(

  • Crash reporting
  • @Phanlix YAY!! So happy you finally managed to get it working

  • Crash reporting
  • @Phanlix Well thats sad. Probably if you could show the error someone more experienced than me in gnome or fedora could help.

    Can I recommend you to switch to another distro ( for what I just read from other user, PopOS seems to be good for newbies ) or DE? KDE is a DE which look very similar to Windows and I had 0 problem mounting my samba and nfs drives.

  • Crash reporting
  • @dukk My first Linux experience was with Ubuntu, as my old laptop couldn't handle Windows anymore. Then I also got a RPI but by that time I already bought a better PC and left Linux. After some years tinkering with the rpi I finally became confident enough to dual boot Kubuntu. Now I only have Linux on my computers ( arch in both pc and laptop )

  • Crash reporting
  • @Phanlix Hope it does ^^
    And don't get frustrated, take this as a way to learn new things. You always have Windows or MacOS, but at least give Linux a try, there are some incredible people who make guides from which you can learn lots of things in the Linux community.
    The Arch Wiki is a very good source, even if its for Arch you can apply some of its knowledge to other distros

  • Crash reporting
  • @dukk @zbecker I use arch btw. I would recommend Ubuntu for new users, as it was my first distro. But I don't know whats Ubuntu's current state.

  • Crash reporting
  • @Phanlix I guess you want to mount it so it can be accessed. In that case you need to know what type of protocol its using. Im going to make a guess and say samba.
    In that case you need to search for samba documentation for your distro, funny right? Many steps.. but not complex.

    I believe you said you were using Fedora, then once again Im guessing, you are using Gnome.
    Gnome means Nautilus is your file explorer's name.

    The following link is about how to add it on Nautilus, for the smbclient package you should search whats the Fedora equivalent.

    Edit: Fedora packages added, can't confirm sorry

    dnf install samba samba-common samba-client


  • Crash reporting
  • @Phanlix @Holzkohlen Sorry but I can't agree with you on the user friendly side. KDE and Gnome ( to name a few ) have made incredible advancements on that side. While its true some commands are still required, once you get used GNU/Linux imo is better than Windows ( I love being able to install lots of software from one single place, the package manager ).

    You should take small steps, dont try to rush your learning experience, enjoy it. If you want to become proficient with a completly different ideology of an OS as Linux is compared to Windows.. dont even try Linux, you are going to suffer

  • Oh no ...
  • @Gabagoolzoo @ElCanut @ZMonster You could even use Portainer and forget about commands ( I rather use the cli as compose files are better imo )