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gogozero gogozero
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Comments 21
Japan wrestles with its views on ‘outside people’ amid population crisis
  • chinese, japanese, koreans, and orher asians have different facial features and are typically easily distinguishable

  • Man dies of heatstroke in east Japan while working at store without running A/C
  • one evening last week i was at a restaurant i often go (west japan) and they didnt have their AC on. its cooler at night of course, but it was 36C that day, and was still hot and uncomfortable inside the restaurant. buddy and i sweated it out until happy hour ended, but were happy to get out of there.

    japanese culture has a fetish for suffering, but they dont usually inflict it on customers

  • why am I the way I am
  • if germane i like to ask how their name is spelled in case i need to email them later. then i dont need to admit i forgot or until then never cared to know

  • A Black Man Was Elected Mayor in Rural Alabama, but the White Town Leaders Won’t Let Him Serve
  • i understand, and that is the point. using a term for how some people simply "are" as an insult is demeaning to them regardless of who the insult is aimed at.

    i only ask that you try to see it from a so-called "retard's" point if view, the message being that trump is as stupid as they are. its not very considerate to be compared to trump, or to be considered the lowest bar for intelligence.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • a sad day when Bluey and Bingo are in worse shape than MLP porn

  • A Black Man Was Elected Mayor in Rural Alabama, but the White Town Leaders Won’t Let Him Serve
  • these people's misplaced loyalty and abhorrent actions speak for themselves. there is no need to resort to slurs that demean others

  • Linux for Microsoft Surface devices. It is reality!
  • i would think that 23 years of primarily running one distro would be more notable, haha

  • Linux for Microsoft Surface devices. It is reality!
  • a little funny since the freeze lifted due to the sheer number of new versions all appearing at once, but nothing is breaking. typical post-freeze hiccups - they subside quickly, nothing has gotten in the way of being productive, and im used to it after 23 years of running Sid.

  • Linux for Microsoft Surface devices. It is reality!
  • i run debian sid on a surface go and i love it. my daily driver, and one of my favorite PCs in a very long time.

  • West Bank ‘not occupied’ territory, says Ron DeSantis
  • they are a means to an end, necessary for the genocidal apocalypse that christians slaver over

  • America far-right wants to cut funding for Clean Water Programs by 64%
  • that would be both stupid and evil, so to answer your question: probably yes

  • The North Atlantic just completely destroyed its June average temperature record
  • death by degrees, most people wont give a shit until it is too late

  • Tax preparers that shared private data with Meta, Google could be fined billions
  • i got free identity monitoring services from experian! for one year. for exposing my PII forever. guess we're all even now, back to monitoring my finances and determining my credit future.

  • "Kids Can't Use Computers" is now ten years old, and it's only gotten worse
  • was teaching my 3yo mouse and keyboard this week, and he had some difficulty because he is already accustomed to touchscreen. to be fair, toddlers touch everything, its intuitive. regardless, he was pointing and clicking like a pro after afer minutes.
    now, when to introduce the cli...?

  • It's older than a lot of new developers at this point.
  • sounds like it may be a wonky dns server. if youre interested, try re-enabling ipv6 but use something like cloudflare's dns in lieu of your ISP's

  • I Hope Rexxitors Tone Down the Low-Hanging Comment Chains on Lemmy.
  • [email protected]ce

    narrator: Helo There, these references are entirely-expected

  • [LIVE THREAD] Donald Trump's arraignment in Miami; his supporters expected to protest outside of courthouse
  • someone with presidential-level knowledge and no protection would be a prime target for abduction. trump would dump everything he knew at the first mention of torture, or maybe if he was just slipped a $20.

  • Trump Suggests He's Open to Taking Plea Deal With a Specific Condition
  • sure, i'll take a lighter sentence -but it'll cost you

  • Starfield Official Gameplay Trailer
  • my big hope is that it'll run with proton on linux...

  • /r/Conservative is going to save Reddit
  • acting in contrary just for the sake of it -yeah sounds like modern american conservatives alright