Hello there,. My name is Nick and I'm a senior in #College studying #BusinessManagement. I also happen to be #Blind. I'm into #Sports with my favorite professional teams being the #Rams, #Lakers, and #Dodgers. I also like #Tennis, #Golf, and sometimes, #NassCar. I sometimes talk #Politics but not very much.. When it comes to adult conversations, I enjoy the more #lude ones because its fun so expect that. I'm in the #Kink community and I'm proud about it. I like making new friends.
@fastfinge that's true for gaming in general and I'm hopeful that companies continue accessibility. Gaming is expensive because everything nowadays is expensive. Inflation is a big factor.
@fastfinge @ruffsl this is really what I hope for in the next 20 years, Forza quality accessibility in at least 75% of VideoGames. Companies really have no excuse now.
@fastfinge So, I do have an account on that platform but because there's no client that'll make it easier for me to use, that creates problems for me.
@fastfinge @geekgarious There are audio-based dating apps? I wish I knew of any because all the dating apps I'm using are duds. Tinder sucks, bumble sucks, hinge sucks. It seems all they care about is visuals. I've tried everything from spending hours getting the right pictures with my friends help to adding compliments to people's profiles but none of it works and its disheartening because I want to date and its really no secret for those who know me well enough. Being blind while trying to date is a fight and right now, I'm losing badly.