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Big question: What does the right think of your people?
  • They are not fond of my physical attributes and make many assumptions about what that means for my mental abilities, and have not been shy throughout my existence of letting me know that. Even the more “liberal” ones.

  • I got a manicure/pedicure with my SO.
  • You can definitely get no polish or clear. The foot/calf massage most places give is worth the pedicure for sure. If you end up feeling like a dash of color the nice part about doing toes is they are very easy to have covered in social settings.

  • I ordered a mint tea at a bar and even the waiter laughed at me lol
  • Sure, sorry if the tone wasn’t clear on my original post, it was made mocking people who think like that, people like the ones laughing at the tea in the first place. I personally have no interest in prescriptive gender or personhood definitions

  • I ordered a mint tea at a bar and even the waiter laughed at me lol
  • Stuff like what you’ve posted about others expectations and their arbitrary boxes really exemplifies how people use gender roles to seek some sort of self validation. It’s funny how if you ask someone who cares deeply about their male identity what being a “man” is, it always conveniently aligns exactly with themselves, no need for self adjustment

  • I ordered a mint tea at a bar and even the waiter laughed at me lol
  • Real men forge their own path, never caring what those around them think.

    “Ok, one mint tea please”

    No not like that

  • Ok this one wins the month
  • This is somewhat internally consistent to the liberal who is fine with westoid governments doing all sorts of heinous shit to their citizens, as well as “non-white” immigrants, as long as it doesn’t affect other white westoid countries.

  • Why being a vampire would suck
  • I wonder if vampires are like mosquitoes where they poop out excess water from the blood they drink to make room for more blood

  • Trans people and bathrooms: This debate is stupid.
  • We don’t need people going to the bathroom, we need them 👏 going 👏 to 👏 the 👏 polls 👏

  • "As a cis het male, I feel offended by this 'boy's club' toxic generalisation" "Boy is a cis het male human who is growing up to be a man" (from a mod at [email protected])
  • He has a follow up in there

    Boy’s club” is just as bad as “girl’s club”, since those are both mindsets and spaces born out of binary gender system values. Neither is to be aspired for, but one of them gets more flak for arbitrary reasons.

    Didn’t realize the existence of patriarchy was arbitrary. Nice to know we can just opt out at any time.

  • Can we please defederate from Hexbear?
  • Those hexbears really take it too far, wasn't it Marx who said

    We have no issue with imperialism and we ask no issue with imperialism from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make late rent payments.

  • What do you listen to while working out
  • Not sure if it’s funnier picturing someone being terrified of animatronics while lifting, or imagining themselves as a killer animatronic while lifting.

  • [rant] Too many liberals these days.
  • Good rant. I hope that sense of good faith community is able to come back and that the hexbear federation bolsters the amount of good faith commenting.

    But also, you can’t recite Das Kapital backwards in Hausi? smh my head.

  • 💵🔫😉
  • The proletariat can always use force to reappropriate the wealth that is stolen from us.

  • Republicans vs Democrats
  • got it, severe case of liberalism. hope it isn't terminal. not sure how/why you signed up for lemmygrad but stick around maybe you'll learn some things.

  • Republicans vs Democrats
  • Not sure what you're on about. The comment is clearly at liberals in this thread trying to appeal to "benefits" for the "working class" without acknowledging many of these "benefits" come at the cost of the exploited global south. Thinking that the working class struggle starts and ends at one nation's borders and is not part of an international struggle is braindead at best, fascist at worst. Not sure why I'm explaining this to someone named @MarxMadness.

  • Republicans vs Democrats
  • fuck all these liberals appealing to “dems make things better for the working class”. the working class does not start and end at the amerikkkan border motherfucker.

  • He should've known
  • a hit dog will holler

  • He should've known
  • the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"

  • When even the BBC can't deny it anymore
  • Honestly surprised that headline didn't end with "but at what cost?"

  • Observing the rule
