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ghose ghose

ghose, o de, pero no foro.

Posts 22
Comments 51
Any suggestions on men's formal/dress shoes?
  • I've been using Groundies for some years yet They look like nicer than many others, IMO, with good fabrics and durability. Not affiliated here in any sense, just my exprience.

  • ‘Why wouldn’t you, if you can run faster?’: the unstoppable rise of the carbon-fibre super shoe

    Hi-tech shoes have sent world records tumbling. Do they herald the end of the level playing field, or are they the saviour of long-distance racing?

    ‘Why wouldn’t you, if you can run faster?’: the unstoppable rise of the carbon-fibre super shoe

    I WON'T

    Dolphin KDE6 and Nextcloud integration LOST?
  • yes, Debian has a similar package, but my Debian pc is still on kde5. We have to wait untill devs implement this feature. Thank you!

  • Dolphin KDE6 and Nextcloud integration LOST?
  • thank you. Let's wait then.

  • Dolphin KDE6 and Nextcloud integration LOST?

    I've notice that I've lost Nextcloud integration in Dolphin since kde6 update, both Contextual menu element and nice sync badges in folders/files.

    Syncronization works fine, but I miss that badges XD

    Do you know if any needed package was not already ported to kd6?

    I have dolphin-plugins installed, but there's nothing in Settings -> Config Dolphin -> Contextual Menu


    ArchLinux and KDE6 here

    5 ghose

    Alt Text, ente descoñecido no Fediverso Galego é unha instancia en galego de Mastodon para a comunidade galega.


    a porcentaxe de imaxes publicadas no que teñen un texto que as describe é mínima. Non todas as persoas actúan do mesmo xeito, pero tendo habilidade e tempo para escribir media dúcia de cancelos que acompañan á publicación, tampouco é un traballo enorme engadir unha breve descrición á imaxe e axudar así a persoas con dificultades visuais, a aportar contexto ao que se ve, a que os lectores de pantalla poidan facer a súa labor e a ter empatía con quen nos le.

    Incluso hai servizos (iniciativas) como #AltText4Me para intentar axudar a quen o precise.

    Todos os clientes coñecidos teñen no seu editor un apartado para engadir esta descrición.

    A veces vexo un certo patrón, como se fose cool ou algo así tirar aí unha imaxe e que se apañen, unha artistada snob.

    Xa pode ser ben fermosa que non lle poño nin estreliña ⭐

    De etiquetar as nosas publicacións idioma #galego xa falamos outro día.

    Tempo – An open source music client for Subsonic built natively for Android, now with Android Auto support
  • Hi! I've found you! 😄

    I've found found Tempo in weblate but it seems Tempo's translation is not active.

    Maybe that repo in weblate is not ready yet but I will try to contribute translating it to my language.

    Thank you!

  • Tecnoloxía e Informática ghose

    One of these 6 beauties will become the wallpaper for Plasma 6. Which one do you prefer?

    republicada desde:

    > One of these 6 beauties will become the wallpaper for Plasma 6. Which one do you prefer? > > \#Plasma6 #wallpaper #desktop > > @[email protected] > > \--- > > Want to contribute to KDE? Become a Supporting Member: > > > > Or donate to our community: > >

    3 ghose

    Comunidade que comparte cursos e conferencias Open Course Lectures - SLRPNK

    This is a place to post freely available full-length lectures and courses of the sort available through MIT OCW. These are primarily intended for self-study and professional development. ## Rules: * Discussion on self-teaching and independent study are welcome * Please tag requests with [Request] in...

    Open Course Lectures - SLRPNK

    Abrín unha Comunidade en Lemmy para compartir cursos e conferencias completas. Pódela seguir desde Mastodon en


    Just started a new Lemmy community for sharing freely available full-length college courses and lectures. You can follow from Mastodon at @opencourselectures

    #lemmy #fediverse #academia #selfstudy #learning

    Festas e verbenas ghose Pagar a SGAE por mis propios conciertos

    ¿Tengo que pagar a la SGAE por tocar mis canciones en un concierto? ¿Cuánto se paga a la SGAE por tocar? ¿Cuáles son las tarifas de SGAE?

    Pagar a SGAE por mis propios conciertos


    Weekly Running Thread - 4 Nov
  • weather sucks 😆 In a couple of hours I 'm going to a local small race (44th edition tho!!) and it's raining a lot.

    This week the most noticiable feat is that I managed to be consistent with my plank challenge, so I comfortably established over 2'. A couple of long (2h.) walks and two easy run sessions. Now race day!

    Even on weeks like this I'm greatful I can run, enjoy running with others.

    long dark weeks to come 😝

  • Off-season fun - guess the riders, year and race!
  • 😅 yes, too easy to identify them. I would need to search the year though.

    thank you

  • Weekly Running Thread - 16 Oct
  • it's recovery week for me. Yesterday run a Trail race (26km >1500m-vertical) so the following days some mobility and keep walking. From thursday I will try to resume running.

  • Singapore GP Race Discussion Thread
  • XD ... usually underrated, but...

  • Singapore GP Race Discussion Thread
  • yeah, he deserved checkered flag too for fighting all race

  • What Garmin really means by "unproductive" - from #running on Mastodon
  • XD you better serve yourself by 🍿📺 😅

    My guess is not long/hard enough to impact aerobic or anaerobic systems (relative to your current fitness level)

    Never useless though 😉

  • Confused about Low Heart Rate Training Zone
  • In my opinion, something is wrong with your Garmin Zones.

    How is your garmin calculating Zones?

    Garmin fitness devices assign heart rate zones based on your maximum and resting heart rates set in your user profile

    so check that Max. and Rest HR are correctly set and change them if needed

    My best guess is your Maximum HR is set wrong (too low). Look in your training logs what's your max HR in some intense activities, and considering some unaccurancies you can make a good stimation of your Max HR. This applies IF you do some intense runs/exercise. You need to go hard for some minutes. At your age, unless some unlikely conditions, you should reach about 180 bpm.

  • Confused about Low Heart Rate Training Zone
  • MAF (maximum aerobic fuction) HR (heart rate) is NOT in your Z3. You should NOT be over that number (if you want to maximize aerobic function), it's not an average value for your run, it's the top limit, so your average HR for the run should be clearly below that number (obvious). You may walk in part of the route if it is too steep or you go longer than usual.

    MAF is NOT Z3. I've not seen anywhere that.

    "I considered..."

    well, you (or I) could consider whatever zones :D

    usually "zones" are 1 to 5, being 2 considered easy, conversational, nose breathing, ... pretty similar to MAF but not the same, being MAF more restrictive on the top limit. Do not cheat when calculating MAF, usually just 180-yourAge.

  • Confused about Low Heart Rate Training Zone
  • yes, you can set garmin to use HR zones as target

    you can manually edit garmin HR zones to whatever you want (correct or not)

    According to the MAF formula my low heart rate zone ends at 142bpm

    180 minus Your Age is 142. I find MAF heart rate very accurate (considering breath pattern, perceived effort, etc.). This "142" value is "the maximum HR you should run at", not "your average HR for the total run". You have to keep it below that number for the entire run.

    Z2 is also a calculated value given your Máximum HR (ex. all in effort in the hills), age and fitness level. If garmin says a Base run at 138 then it's pretty similar to MAF, so just focus on run relaxed, easy nose breathing, and keep an eye to avoid being over 142 on the steeper zones.

    Zone2 is where one should focus to increase areobic function and where you should spend most of your time (for endurance and general health targets). Eat clean. Try to balance exercise with the rest of your life. Go hard once every other week.

  • winner arrived on the Tourmalet
  • 😅👍👍

  • What training plan do you use?
  • None.

    I have followed some in the past, and I've had enough 🤚 They all almost understimate how much time we need to recover (life happens y'know). Too much high intensity training even to longer distances.

    I have never hired a trainer, maybe I should consider in the future if a need to set a goal time or whatever. If I could afford it.

  • 2023 Hungarian Grand Prix | Practice Sessions
  • thanks!

    all eyes in RIC, I presume

  • 2023 Tour de France - Stage 14
  • what about Rodriguez!? He's 22 yo

    Yes, won because Jonas & Tadej were playing at each other in the last 2km, ANYWAY!

  • 2023 Tour de France - Stage 14
  • a french FTW today :D

    Pinot will be all in in the first climbs to be in the breaway. Anyway, it all depends on TJV.

  • What's ParkRun? Are you in? :D cpamoa :mastodon: 🇫🇷🇩🇪 (@[email protected])

    Demain c'est parkrun-day ! Si vous ne savez pas ce qu'est un #parkrun El Risitas vous explique tout :D Explaining parkrun to your friends! #running #humor #elricitas #meme


    Saturday means Parkrun day in many places

    (sanitized video from @[email protected] 's post )

    I have no parkruns here :( but they are very much what I did like from races: being social, having fun, enjoy being healthy and sharing good moments with people.

    Do you go to ParkRun events?

    what's your opinion about this? thank you

    (btw this is the official website:

    #parkrun #running #healthyrun #community

    13 Should I worry about running damaging my knees?

    Is it true that pounding the pavement causes arthritis? Does it matter what kind of shoes you wear or what surface you run on?

    >Just in case this is as far as you read, the answer is no, probably not.

    well written in simple terms, addressing many topics related to running


    Le Tour 2023 is here! 1-23/7 Official website of Tour de France 2023

    Tour de France 2023 - Official site of the famed race from the Tour de France. Includes route, riders, teams, and coverage of past Tours

    Le Tour website with roadbook, videos, stages, stats, etc.

    Tecnoloxía e Informática ghose

    KDE Social Lemmy instance is live

    republicada desde:

    > Hello world!

    0 ghose

    Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android GitHub - hjiangsu/thunder: Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter

    Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter - GitHub - hjiangsu/thunder: Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android bui...

    GitHub - hjiangsu/thunder: Thunder - An open-source cross-platform Lemmy client for iOS and Android built with Flutter

    republicada desde:

    > Looks nice so far. I got it from IzzyOnDroid's repo by searching "lemmy" in Droid-ify > > Edit: oh yeah, i am really liking what i see. Refreshing gives haptic feedback and so do the toggle switches in settings.

    0 ghose

    Looking for cool communities?

    republicada desde:

    > Some people have been asking which communities they should join first, so I posted some remote communities you can subscribe to on the sidebar on the homepage :) > > Tech → [email protected] > News → [email protected] > Gaming → [email protected] > Memes → [email protected] > Privacy → [email protected] > FOSS → [email protected] > Monero → [email protected] > Music → [email protected] > Books → [email protected] > LGBT → [email protected] > Nature → [email protected] > Sports → [email protected] > Programming → [email protected] > > Find another cool community? Leave a comment :) > > There's also this universal community search tool you can try using. If you find a community, just copy its URL and paste it in /search to subscribe to it here. This just goes to show that while there might not be many local communities here on yet, the beauty of the fediverse means that doesn't matter!

    Política ghose Los obedientes

    El periodismo en general está saturado de mediocres, son los que prosperan en las organizaciones asalariadas de los poderes económicos.

    Los obedientes

    Isto tamén é política

    > El periodismo en general está saturado de mediocres, son los que prosperan en las organizaciones asalariadas de los poderes económicos. No cuestionan nada, llegan por la mañana, preguntan de lo que tienen que hablar, o quizá ya ni pregunten y directamente recojan el guión de la mesa. Otro ejemplo: se han comprado votos en unos cuantos pueblos, de diferentes visiones políticas, solo se hablaba de Ceuta y Mojacar. En el mismo día de reflexión, las noticias abrían con estos dos casos, que luego se ha visto que también salpicaban al partido popular. Otro, la ocupación de viviendas, un problema puntual y menor, la mayoría de los ocupas viven en las propias casas donde residían y que no han podido pagar por que se han quedado en paro, o le han subido las cuotas desaforadamente. La mayoría de estas casas en posesión de los bancos o fondos buitre.

    0 ghose

    Lemmy has quickly surpassed 100k users.

    republicada desde:

    > When I checked yesterday it was 91,000 users, it’s now 109,000 and counting up fast! > > 100,000 🎉 > > ! > > Stats can be found here: - this site has been hugged to death for the moment. > > Stats can also be found here:

    0 IT’S RACE WEEK: 5 storylines we’re excited about ahead of the 2023 Canadian Grand Prix | Formula 1®

    The European season might have kicked off over the past few weeks but there’s a brief interlude for one of the highlights of the year as the paddock heads across the Atlantic to Canada. As Max Verstappen's domination continues the field is jostling for position behind him, and here are some of the m...

    IT’S RACE WEEK: 5 storylines we’re excited about ahead of the 2023 Canadian Grand Prix | Formula 1®

    Canada 2023 build up, how Canada GP will unfold?

    Main talking points in the article are about Sauber reshuffle, Aston Martin upgrades, Mercedes/Hamilton negotiations and some PR about "how great is Canada and Montreal"

    Fotografía ghose

    Semana 12 2023 - Primavera

    Xa está aquí!!!

    derrétese o xeo, a primavera é renovación e cambio, un novo comezo, paxariños e todo iso XD

    Comparte unha foto da túa primavera usando o cancelo #FotoSemanal #RetoSemanal (podes darlle ao "+" para seguilo en Mastodon)

    Regras de participación abertas a debate.

    !foto dunha pola dunha árbore con follas amarelas onde o xeo se derrete

    foto con licenza CC0 en pixabay


    Para participar só tes que RESPONDER a esta mensaxe publicando a túa imaxe:

    • aberto a todo o Fediverso, non só galego
    • durante os próximos 7 días
    • máximo dúas publicacións
    • imaxes tomadas por quen publica a foto DURANTE estos sete días (non ten sentido tirar de arquivo)
    • engadir descrición á imaxe (Alt Text)
    • engade información sobre a licenza (optativo)

    Deste xeito tódalas imaxes serán compartidas e estarán agrupadas para poder comentar, valorar e preguntar ás autoras.

    Agradécese o RT a esta mensaxe.

    Fotografía ghose

    Semana 11 2023 - Auga

    Este inverno veu mollado, e temos auga por todas partes

    Novo reto semanal, onde podemos mirar á auga, ao que significa para a vida, como modifica os nosos hábitos diarios, a súa falta, a súa forma ("be a teapot!!"), flúe como o tempo...

    Regras de participación abertas a debate.


    foto: unsplash


    Para participar só tes que RESPONDER a esta mensaxe publicando a túa imaxe:

    • aberto a todo o Fediverso, non só galego
    • durante os próximos 7 días
    • máximo dúas publicacións
    • imaxes tomadas por quen publica a foto DURANTE estos sete días (non ten sentido tirar de arquivo)
    • engadir descrición á imaxe (Alt Text)
    • engade información sobre a licenza (optativo)

    Deste xeito tódalas imaxes serán compartidas e estarán agrupadas para poder comentar, valorar e preguntar ás autoras.

    Agradécese o RT a esta mensaxe.

    Fotografía ghose

    Semana 10 2023 - Muller

    O oito de marzo celebramos o día dedicado á muller. Con este motivo dedicamos este reto semanal.

    Regras de participación abertas a debate.


    foto: Martín Rei Leis


    Para participar só tes que RESPONDER a esta mensaxe publicando a túa imaxe:

    • aberto a todo o Fediverso, non só galego
    • durante os próximos 7 días
    • máximo dúas publicacións
    • imaxes tomadas por quen publica a foto DURANTE estos sete días (non ten sentido tirar de arquivo)
    • engadir descrición á imaxe (Alt Text)
    • engade información sobre a licenza (optativo)

    Deste xeito tódalas imaxes serán compartidas e estarán agrupadas para poder comentar, valorar e preguntar ás autoras.

    Agradécese o RT a esta mensaxe.

    Fotografía ghose

    Semana 9 2023 - Amencer

    Reto fotográfico da semana 9 de 2023 - Amencer

    Subscríbete a @[email protected] coa túa conta Mastodon, Pleroma, Lemmy, PixelFed, … NON precisas unha conta no foro.

    O amencer, literal ou figuradamente.

    !foto de meteogalicia

    fonte meteogalicia

    Para participar só tes que RESPONDER a esta mensaxe publicando a túa imaxe:

    • durante os próximos 7 días
    • máximo dúas publicacións
    • imaxes tomadas por quen publica a foto DURANTE estos sete días (non ten sentido tirar de arquivo)
    • engadir descrición á imaxe (Alt Text)
    • engade información sobre a licenza (optativo)

    Deste xeito tódalas imaxes serán compartidas e estarán agrupadas para poder comentar, valorar e preguntar ás autoras.

    Presentación e Normas aberttas a debate

    para facer aportacións ás mesmas, á dinámica da participación, propoñer temas, etc.

    Finalmente DALLE A COMPARTIR a esta mensaxe e anima a participar ás túas amizades e contactos independentemente do servidor/servizo no que teñan a súa conta. Anímate a compartir e comentar o traballo das outras persoas participantes.


    Fotografía ghose

    Semana 8 2023 - Entroido

    Reto fotográfico Semana 8 - Entroido

    !festa do cocido en Lalín, 2020

    Crédito @[email protected]/EFE , Lalín 2020

    Subscríbete a @[email protected] coa túa conta Mastodon, Pleroma, Lemmy, PixelFed, ... NON precisas unha conta no foro.

    Cadra este primeiro reto cunha das semanas máis intensas de celebracións en toda Galicia.

    O tema proposto, O Entroido, da pé a múltiples puntos de vista e a estimular a imaxinación.

    Para participar só tes que RESPONDER a esta mensaxe publicando a túa imaxe:

    • durante os próximos 7 días
    • máximo dúas publicacións
    • imaxes tomadas por quen publica a foto DURANTE estos sete días (non ten sentido tirar de arquivo)
    • engadir descrición á imaxe (Alt Text)
    • engade información sobre a licenza (optativo)

    Deste xeito tódalas imaxes serán compartidas e estarán agrupadas para poder comentar, valorar e preguntar ás autoras.

    Esta é a primeira edición do reto semanal, polo que convídote a ler

    Presentación e Normas

    para facer aportacións ás mesmas, á dinámica da participación, propoñer temas, etc.

    Finalmente DALLE A COMPARTIR a esta mensaxe e anima a participar ás túas amizades e contactos independentemente do servidor/servizo no que teñan a súa conta. Anímate a compartir e comentar o traballo das outras persoas participantes.

