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gh0stcassette gh0stcassette

20, they/she, math+CS student

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Comments 109
Will Linux’s New run0 Command Run sudo Out of Town?
  • No, it's licensed under the LGPL, which means source code can be freely distributed and distros would continue to package it for free no matter how hard Redhat tried to paywall it.

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • I expect Microsoft's handheld to fall under the Xbox brand, so it'll probably be incredibly locked down and not something you could use like a PC

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • They're all still amd64 tho, so it's fairly trivial to install linux on them. For the full Steam Deck experience you could get one of those SteamOS isos or just configure it to launch the steam console UI inside gamescope at boot

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in that has mainline Linux kernel support 👀, it might be possible to run full desktop Linux on it

  • Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not -GamingonLinux
  • I think sometime in the next few years an ARM based portable gaming PC could challenge the Steam Deck. ARM is a more efficient architecture, so it could have significantly more battery life, the only hurdle is getting x86 emulation performant enough.

  • Google’s carbon emissions soar by 48% due to AI
  • The technology is promising, it's just not remotely ready for what they're trying to use it for, and may never be in its current iteration (transformer-based LLMs). Like, yes, an AI will probably eventually be able to read many articles from search and integrate that information together in a useful way, but right now it's almost as likely to just start making shit up halfway through and tell you to eat glue lmao.

    The problem is that AI is the new corporate buzzword like web was back during the dot com bubble. The web did end up being massively successful, but it just wasn't ready for like 90% of what investors wanted from it back then.

  • why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Damn, trumpoids made it to lemmy? How? Shouldn't you be spending time with your grandchildren or getting your brain melted by AI slop on facebook or something 💀

  • It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • You might be able to run WSL and just run a tiling wm/compositor inside that, depending on what it is you do and whether the company would allow WSL

  • It's painful to not be able to see everything at once.
  • I use a tiling wm (Hyprland) across 3 monitors, it's just way more convenient to have 3 workspaces at once in front of me than to be constantly swiping back and forth between them all.

  • PayPal will use your purchase information and shopping patterns to sell targeted ads
  • Fair, I know about Monero, I just forgot it existed for a sec lol

  • PayPal will use your purchase information and shopping patterns to sell targeted ads
  • I mean, the blockchain is public, so all that data is definitely being mined. It's really just a matter of whether your transaction history can be correlated to you (e.g. bought the crypto through an exchange via credit/debit, or if you're making crypto purchases in a way that correlates strongly enough with your internet traffic).

  • NSFW
    Western Zionists vs. Israeli Zionists
  • Didn't Vaush literally get banned off Twitch for saying we should glass Israel?

  • I bet they're all ghosts. Getting yourself frozen just screams "unfinished business"
  • With liquid nitrogen, which needs to stay refrigerated to remain liquid.

  • I bet they're all ghosts. Getting yourself frozen just screams "unfinished business"
  • Sometimes the liquid nitrogen lines to the pods fail, sometimes you get a prolonged power outage, sometimes there's a leak in the pods themselves that allows coolant to evaporate, etc.

  • Rabbit Gaslit Me, So I Dug Deeper
  • That's fair, dedicated ASICs for AI acceleration are totally a valid consumer product, but I meant more along the lines of independent devices (like Rabbit R1 and the AI Pin), not components you can add to an existing device. I should have been more clear.

  • Another US state repeals law that protected ISPs from municipal competition
  • I mean yeah, but I they were talking about net neutrality, preventing ISPs from unilaterally making those decisions, not that there would be Literally No restrictions.

  • Rabbit Gaslit Me, So I Dug Deeper
  • I mean, LLaMA is open-source and it's made by Facebook for profit, there's grey areas. Imo tho, any service that claims to be anything more than a fancy wrapper for OpenAI, Anthropic, etc. API calls is possibly a scam. Especially if they're trying to sell you hardware, or the service costs more than like $10/month, LLM API calls are obscenely cheap. I use a local frontend as an AI assistant that works by making API calls through a service called openrouter (basically a unified service that makes API calls to all the major cloud LLM providers for you). I put like $5 in it 3 or 4 months ago and it still hasn't run out.

  • Rabbit Gaslit Me, So I Dug Deeper
  • This is because dedicated consumer AI hardware is a dumb idea. If it's powerful enough to run a model locally, you should be able to use it for other things (like, say, as a phone or PC) and if it's sending all its API requests to the cloud, then it has no business being anything but a smartphone app or website.

  • Meta will train AI with data from European users
  • If the social biases of the model put a hard limit on your ability to write a good woman character, I question how much it's really you that's "writing" the story. I'm not against using LLMs in writing, but it's a tool, not a creative partner. They can be useful for brainstorming and as a sounding-board for ideas (potentially even editing), but imo you need to write the actual prose yourself to claim you're writing something.