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freemo 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

Jeffrey Phillips Freeman

Innovator & Entrepreneur in Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing & Big Data. Avid SCUBA diver, Open-source developer, HAM radio operator, astrophotographer, and anything nerdy.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, USA, currently living in Utrecht, Netherlands, USA, and Thailand. Was also living in Israel, but left.

Pronouns: Sir / Mister

(Above pronouns are not intended to mock, i will respect any persons pronouns and only wish pronouns to show respect be used with me as well. These are called neopronouns, see an example of the word "frog" used as a neopronoun here: )

A proud member of the Penobscot Native American tribe, as well as a Mayflower passenger descendant. I sometimes post about my genealogical history.

My stance on various issues:

Education: Free to PhD, tax paid Abortion: Protected, tax paid, limited time-frame Welfare: Yes, no one should starve UBI: No, use welfare Racism: is real Guns: Shall not be infringed LGBT+/minorities: Support Pronouns: Will respect Trump: Moron, evil Biden: Senile, racist Police: ACAB Drugs: Fully legal, no prescriptions needed

GPG/PGP Fingerprint: 8B23 64CD 2403 6DCB 7531 01D0 052D DA8E 0506 CBCE

Posts 0
Comments 14
There's is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.
  • @godofbiscuits @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews > First off, 80 years is more like FOUR generations.

    True usually when people talk about generations they talk about the time to average child bearing age, not the length of time of a lifetime. What I meant here was a single persons lifespan.

    Second, the last non Democratic, non Republican President was Millard Fillmore

    To be clear here I didnt actually answer your question, because I misread it as being applicable to my claim.

    I claimed the majority party changed 8 times and the last time was 80 years. That is not the same as saying a non-majority party won all those 8 times. Some of those 8 cases represent presidential wins, some of them simply represented a new majority party pushing out an old, but not corresponding with a presidential win during that year (and by some future point when the new party does win has now been established as a majority party so wouldnt count by your criteria).

    Specifically in the case of 80 years ago, we are talking about a third-party becoming one of the two majority parties, but not becoming the winning party,. 80 years ago was also the one time out of 8 that I had mentioned that the thuird party did not retain majority status after wards. In all other cases, 7 of them, the new majority party remained a majority party and I beleive in all cases eventually had a presidential candidate in office.

    @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

  • There's is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.
  • @godofbiscuits

    > so each was on its way already to becoming a majority party and entrenching itself. Gotcha. And WHEN was the last one?

    No actually not at all. In every case where a new party came in and took over a majority party it had <1% support int he previous election. These new parties that come in and replace existing majority parties in 7 out of 8 of the cases all happened over the course of a single election. In the one outlier it was over the court of 2 elections.

    > And WHEN was the last one?

    Quite some while back, Its about a generation back, something like 80 years ago. Which again is to my point, the fact that it has happened 8 times already and has not happened **recently** means the underlying cause is something recent and not FPTP which we had through that entire time.

    > My only point was that THIS election, a 3rd party vote is nothing but a not-D and not-R vote, because there is no 3rd party groundswell.

    As stated in virtually all cases of a switch of parties there was no building "ground swell" in all cases the switch of party was abrupt and over the course of just a single election.

    Moreover as stated earlier, its a pointless argument because there is no rational argument that a vote for a candidate that wins, particularly when your vote does not swing the outcome, has any more value than a vote for a canddidate that looses, again, when your vote wouldnt have caused the swing. Since votes never really come down to a single vote, your vote will never swing the outcome, so there is little incentive for you to pick a canddidate you dont like as much simply because you think they would win.

    @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

  • There's is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.
  • @godofbiscuits

    The 8 times I was talking about was specifically the presidential election. Moreover not only did a third party win, but in every case except for one the third party became the new majority party and the majority party that lost went out of existance. So 8 times.

    The fact that it hasnt happened recently should tell you that it has nothing to do with FPTP (since we had that for our whole history and had 8 transitions) but rather something more recent to blame.

    @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

  • There's is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.
  • @godofbiscuits

    There are 40 countries that ellect with FPTP and I dont know of one of them that claims a two-party system. So that is a bit of a myth that is easily enough debunked.

    The 2 majority parties have also been replaced by a new major party 8 times in the history of the USA. We even within the USA we know we arent locked in to two parties.

    @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

  • There's is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.
  • @Burnt_Veggies

    Thats why I said Chase Oliver is my first choice.. Stein would be a compromise at best... basically anything is better then Harris vs Trump.

    @CoachMark @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

  • There's is so much that Sen Mark Kelly would bring if he got the nod for VP on the #Harris ticket.
  • @CoachMark

    I cant in good conscious support a party that is pro-genocide. Never mind Harris's horrible history of women's and trans rights.

    I plan to vote for the good guy (shocker I know)... chase oliver is my top pick for the moment. Green party's Stein might get my vote if i change my mind.

    I just cant imagine anyone supporting the level of evil the democrats and republicans have demonstrated, not to mention incompetence.

    @WrenArcher @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

  • TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    So our group server has two components, the group server itself, which is not usually where you will be viewing things or logged in. So no special sorting directly on the group server.

    However on our normal server where the users live there is a "group directory" which is how they peruse the groups (as is the case for most fediverse activity). For the group support ont he client side there kinda of storting and filtering yes, but the sorting could be extended a bit to make it more powerful for sure.


  • TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    QWhen you say matodon groups do you mean the group server I wrote several years ago that integrates well with the standard, or did Eugene after years finally implement that feature lately?


  • TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    I havent played enough with lemmy to have an opinion. Very disapointed in their leadership though for reasons related to peripheral projects I wont get into.


  • TIL you can post on lemmy while on mastodon.
  • @dichotomiker

    Correct me if im wrong but this isnt a top level post but rather a comment on an existing post?


  • I have made a brick in blender.
  • @ludrol

    Weird, I'd expect that to ruin a blender.


  • Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.
  • @raymccarthy

    Point is what happened the monkeys is perfectly normal and expected... so nothing "not straight" about that (other than the sadness of animal testing)...

    That said I dont like them as a companya nd wouldnt buy an implant off of them if I needed one, sure... but you'd need a pretty solid objective reason to actually block them.

    @ajsadauskas @technology

  • Elon lied about the monkeys — and he shouldn't be trusted to put his Neuralink chips in human brains.
  • @raymccarthy

    Why? We already have brain interface links that do similar damage to neuralink, this isnt unusual or unexpected. In its current form it is rightfully used on terminal patients with locked-in syndom. In other words, people before it damaged their brain in a meaningful way and whom cant be further paralyzed.

    It would give these people a chance at someinteraction with the real world... What happened with the monkeys was about in line with other neural interfaces, its a consequence of the limits of the tech not negligence.

    @ajsadauskas @technology

  • Actual alternatives to Trump?
  • @wintermute_oregon @breadsmasher

    I agree with this. The problem is, so are the republicans.