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fifischwarz Fifi Schwarz 🍉

ProEarth AntiRacist Mostly harmless She/her

Topics -\> pinned toot Photos by me, unless I did not take them - then I try to credit the source Toots mainly in Dutch, some English

Profile pic: me in front of a batik by Indonesian artist Astuti Header: kitten between books

• Leest veel, schrijft een beetje • Werkt in het onderwijs • Beheert #Parkbieb • Pleit voor de vrijheid van meningsuitstel • Probeert het goede te zien en te doen • Koestert Bobo en Maddy 😽😽 • Maakt lijsten

Posts 3
Comments 3
kamalaharrisforpresidentnews Fifi Schwarz 🍉

If you have 7 minutes, check this very strong DNC speech by AOC.

If you have 7 minutes, check this very strong DNC speech by AOC. She emphasizes not just who Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are fighting against (a rich guy who is only greasing the pockets of his Wall Street friends) but mostly who they are fighting for: all the people of America. Also note her mentioning Kamala Harris is working tirelessly for a ceasefire in Gaza.

\#Hope #FocusOpHetGoede #AOc

[Edited to include correct URL 😊]


kamalaharrisforpresidentnews Fifi Schwarz 🍉

'Some might characterize Harris’s laughter as an expression of Black joy — part of a long legacy of being able to find hope and happiness when others have made it their mission to try to deny you

'Some might characterize Harris’s laughter as an expression of Black joy — part of a long legacy of being able to find hope and happiness when others have made it their mission to try to deny you both. On the political stage, it’s an expression of power in the face of misogyny, racism and scorn.'

Great piece by Robin Ghivan

\#KamalaHarris #LaughterIsPower @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews

'Everybody needed a cup of tea sometimes.'
  • @wall0159
    Yes, the first one was excellent! So were the second, third and fourth 😀 Mind you, they're not sequels so much as branches of the same tree.
    Enjoy! In a way, I'm jealous of you - getting to read it for the first time 😊
    @boeken @bookstodon

  • 'Everybody needed a cup of tea sometimes.'
  • @johngrey
    Am looking forward to reading the sequel! I thorougly enjoyed the Wayfarer series as well. Have you read those yet?
    @boeken @bookstodon

  • 'Everybody needed a cup of tea sometimes.'
  • @wall0159
    A Prayer for the Crown-Shy is patiently waiting for me, am very much looking forward to it.

    Have you read the Wayfarer series as well? I can highly recommend it - absolutely LOVED every single installment.
    @boeken @bookstodon

  • 'Everybody needed a cup of tea sometimes.'

    'Everybody needed a cup of tea sometimes.' \#DeZinVanHetBoek #TheEssenceOfTheBook

    \#BoekPerWeek 8/52 ★★★★☆

    Delightful, wholesome, heart-warming.

    @boeken #Boeken @bookstodon #Bookstodon #Lezen #Read #SciFi #Solar#Cozy #HopePunk \#CozyPunk
