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Did you eat your butterdogs this morning
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  • Did you eat your butterdogs this morning
  • @JSkier @lemmyshitpost @twizzay i will say if you suffer from a sore throat do this:

    saltine cracker
    raw garlic clove slices
    little bit of honey on top

    chew chew chew chew chew swallow

    wait a minute. like magic your sore throat goes away, and the garlic will start killing the throat infection too

  • Did you eat your butterdogs this morning
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  • How/when did your experience with BSD systems begin?
  • @pete_wright @stefano second real tech job I had was ~2008, a local ISP. I was familiar with Gentoo and knew portage was inspired by FreeBSD ports tree. I also used FreeBSD + ZFS for a development server at old job because we didn't have any extra Sun boxes available.

    This ISP used FreeBSD heavily, I became the resident expert. Never looked back.

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  • Saw a thread the other day of people posting their gas prices. Had no idea some places are still ~$5/gal


    I stopped paying for gas before it broke $3

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  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • > and the company will cut costs to save money on safety items, every time.

    but why does it have such great crash test ratings then? :thinkface: